Any "real" Theaters??

The Darkhorse
Posts: 101
I use the term "real" a bit lightly as I dont wish to tick anyone off. I term my current HT as NOT "real" as its just speakers...a tv....a reciver..DVD etc....and a couch.
I may be gettin a house soon and would like to dream that a "real" theater may be in a couple rows o seating.....big ol screen....etc. I was just wonderin if anyone has any pics of actual theater rooms and what they cost to do minus the Speakers/Projector/Reciver. Not lookin for anything Gates like as I am not filthy rich.....but I may have 10k or so to spend on modifications on said room....hell, mabye even 10k is way to little....I dunno. So....anyone...anyone???
I may be gettin a house soon and would like to dream that a "real" theater may be in a couple rows o seating.....big ol screen....etc. I was just wonderin if anyone has any pics of actual theater rooms and what they cost to do minus the Speakers/Projector/Reciver. Not lookin for anything Gates like as I am not filthy rich.....but I may have 10k or so to spend on modifications on said room....hell, mabye even 10k is way to little....I dunno. So....anyone...anyone???
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on
wow 10 ks thats a lot i think mine sound great at about 5k yours should rock at that price:DWish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
Indeed......but I've already got speakers......not sayin I wont get others but I'm just looking at the cost of modifying a room into a bit of a theater.......seats.....soundproofing.....lights....etc.
Mabye something like this: -
Click on the "System showcase link in the upper right corner of this page. There are some really nice systems listed.
Do'h! I guess you've already seen the Showcase, based on the fact you posted a link. I need more coffee. -
"What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (
Director - Technology and Customer Service
Frank-Z.......why didnt you just send me the link to your setup.....not to shabby!
As for the audiovideointeriors place.....very nice setups but last time I checked I said I'd have 10k, not 10 meeeellion -
so is the 10 k just for constructon or do that include any equipment? i have around 14k invested in my ht
3k tgIII
1500 adcom 7 channel amp
couch love seat 2500
speakers 2500
tv 3k soon to be front pojector when my b-day comes along.
sub 1k
if you buld the theater your self you ill save alot of money. drywall and joint compound are prety cheap the speaker cabble cost alot and the lighting and the carpet /tile.
the olny problem i ran into in my ht was the beam i had to box in and the heating ducts in the rear i boxed too.and the pole with i left there. -
10k to include.........the room (seatin....lights...etc.). and mabye a projector and screen.
Originally posted by The Darkhorse
Frank-Z.......why didnt you just send me the link to your setup.....not to shabby!
That's it! The perfect name!
The Not Too Shabby Gigaplex!!
Just kidding.
Thanks Darkhorse.
Construction cost us around $2k, we did everything ourselves except texture the walls and carpet. We wanted to but just ran out of time. We started with an infinished family room that the builder wanted an arm and leg (around $8k) to finish the room without any wiring for speakers, equipment, etc. No special soundproofing construction, we didn't need it.
DIY can save you a huge chunk of change.
Good luck with your HT. Take lots of pics and keep us posted. -
I did a "real" HT in my garage awhile back with a 8.5 foot screen.
Since them I moved it to a larger room in the house giving me an 11.5 foot screen. Here is a newer pic. My 3 year old digital camera takes really bad pics most of the time. I have never updated my showcase though. -
Not bad yo!!!
if you do the work your self you can come in under that price depending your choice of seating and projector.if you get old theater seats and recover tham if you want more seating and get around 3k projector and buld your own screne. or it will be any where from 800-2k for a screne if you buy one 200-300 if you buld you own. the hardest thing to do is the spackleing. electrical/lighting is prety easy you switch the black use wire nuts and electrical tape 3 way switches will be a little harder for a bengener but of you want to do it it is not that much you just need time. also help if you are drywalling the celeing.
- has great prices for theater seats.
You can see them in my theater room in the System Showcase. I have had no problems with them.
PolkThug -
HELL YES!!! Thank you Thank You.......had no clue where to get theater seats till you sent me that link!!!
If you can blow $3000 per row of seating - I would say you have a nice budget to work with.....
Let us know how it works out. And what equipment your looking at...... -
Some of the guys on this board have breath-taking setups. I wanna job where they work!Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
So, how much did those badboys cost to ship? -
Nothing! I am lucky enough to have Benchmark in the KC area, so they delivered them free.
You can buy all the pieces individually, if you don't want to spend that much at once.
PolkThug -
Since I havent posted in a year or so I will give a little background on my theater.
When I designed and built my theater it cost me about 5K including all materials, carpet and furniture. I already had the equipment. The room is 15x28. The first level is a 2x6 with 3/4 plywood for the floor and the next level is a 2x12 with the same floor.Receiver Yamaha 3070 *Emotiva xpa5 * Behringer iNuke 6000dsp *Monster Cable HTS 3500 -- line conditioner * Panamax 5300 * Apple 4K * Panasonic UB820 * JVC NX5 * Silver Ticket thin bezel 120”
LSIM - Fronts 707 * Center 706c * Sides 702 * Rear 703 *FP RC85i * RP RC65i * Sub (2) SI HT18 -
I'd like to have about 5k credit at Benchmark. That place looks sweet! The local furniture store has some theater seating along those lines. The only problem I can see is how do you get a "little" during the movie when you're separated by the damn drink holders? They are comfortable though.SDS-400, SDA-1B, SVS 20-39pc+, B&K Ref 50, Denon 2900
Yeah if you want a decent 'home theater' 10K is not much.
Dan -
But as I have said.....I have that 10k for just the room. I have just about everything else I will need, Speakers, Components, Wire, etc)
Originally posted by kelley
The only problem I can see is how do you get a "little" during the movie when you're separated by the damn drink holders? They are comfortable though.
lol. You don't have to put a drink holder between each one.