I think Ive gone to far

Posts: 585
I own a pair of ls 90s and im running it with a yamaha rx-v2300.
I also got a klipsch rsw12 and a deftech psw15, should i leave them off when im listining to 2 channel music. Thanx:D
I also got a klipsch rsw12 and a deftech psw15, should i leave them off when im listining to 2 channel music. Thanx:D
Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
Post edited by warviper on
no, you should crank them up.. till your brain turns to yellow mush.
just flipping you shitskiPolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: