Amp Matching???

Posts: 167
I am currently running my system on an Onkyo TX-NR900 (7 x 110) but am thinking of adding a seperate amp to run my new RTi12's. I was thinking along the lines of an Adcom GFA5500 but am still thinking about it.
Anyway, I know that there are certain issues with regard to the output signal, etc and am looking for some advice on what amp would match well with the Onkyo. Also, would it be worthwhile to bi-amp the mains so that the Onkyo sends 110 to the mids/tweets and the seperate amp powering the woofers or would you just have the amp run the whole speaker.
Thanks for any input.
Anyway, I know that there are certain issues with regard to the output signal, etc and am looking for some advice on what amp would match well with the Onkyo. Also, would it be worthwhile to bi-amp the mains so that the Onkyo sends 110 to the mids/tweets and the seperate amp powering the woofers or would you just have the amp run the whole speaker.
Thanks for any input.
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Post edited by RVJII on
The Adcom should work fine with your Onkyo. Most people here mix and match their amps and pre amps.
I wouldn't recommend bi-amping with the amp and receiver. The gain on the two amps will be different. If your receiver can adjust the level of the pre outs, use an SPL meter to match the gain.
Maurice -
I think your caution on the Adcom is what RVJ was seeking.
I think it would be worth your while to seek out an outboard amp that will work in a bi-amp set up with your Onk. If for no other reason than that 2 ch's of your AVR's don't go to waste.
Gain is one of the factors in matching amps and there are others, e.g., slew rate, sensitivity.
While there may well be other manufactuers whose amps will match your Onk's, the most obvious place for you to start is to give Onkyo a call. Ask whoever you speak with what specs are most important to replicate. If they don't know, ask to speak with someone else.More later,
Vox Copuli
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