6.1 vs. THX

Valentine143 Posts: 6
edited December 2001 in Technical/Setup
I just purchased a Denon 2802 it has 6.1. I don't plan on using the 6th channel but I couldn't beat the price ($350 @ GG). I been considering turning it in for an AVR that has THX, a feature I would use in movies that are not in DTS. Or I've also thought of the posibility of upgrading to the 3802, more power and upgrade options and multi-sources w/same amp for a few bucks more..

Q. Is the option of using 6.1 or 7.1 in the future better than the all built up THX? Can I even get THX for $800-$900 range?

Any advice?? -Thank you.. -Dv:confused:

Denon 2802
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  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited December 2001
    THX isn't a surround format. It is a set of equipment specifications intended to standardize performance. There is a neat little blurb in the FAQ section on the home speaker page.

    For your system, I think that your receiver is fine, and personally I wouldn't worry too much about THX certification.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • ntculenuff
    ntculenuff Posts: 1,146
    edited December 2001
    i agree with troy, i wouldnt worry too much about thx cert either, i was using the thx mode on my receiver until i read into it further. and after really comparing thx with dd and dts i prefer not using the thx mode. i like the full range sound in dd and dts

    my 2cents
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