Dirac the Best $2.99 you will spend to improve the sound on your iOS-6 device

Posts: 428
Dirac HD Player is a DSP player that specially designed to be used with the Apple Earbuds, and Earpods. I am listening with a ratty old set of cheap JVC earbuds and I am astonished by the sound I have $100 dollar plus earphones that don't sound this good. see the info below. The App is $2.99 cents and it is a bargain. Making a 15 dollar set of JVC earbuds sound this good. wow!!!! 
http://www.dirac.se/en/consumer-products/dirac-hd-player.aspxDirac HD Player

http://www.dirac.se/en/consumer-products/dirac-hd-player.aspxDirac HD Player
Radio Station W7ITC
Post edited by transmaster on
Even though it lists this App for iPod Touch and the iPhone 4, and 4S, it will work just fine on the Touch 5, iPhone 5, iPad, and iPad mini.Radio Station W7ITC