is Peerless tweeter in Monitor 5B same as the Peerless tweeter in Monitor 10A?

pglbook Posts: 2,232
edited December 2012 in Speakers
I need to replace a bad tweeter in one of my Monitor 10A speakers and a friend offered to sell me the peerless tweeters he pulled from his Monitor 5Bs. Are the peerless tweeters in the Monitor 5Bs the same as the Peerless tweeters used in the Monitor 10As? He said they were the peerless tweeters made in Denmark, the ones with the dimple with the hole in the middle.

Please let me know if the tweeters from his Monitor 5Bs are good for my Monitor 10A?

He says the tweeters are in great condition and the price seems fair but I have no idea how much a pair sell for (he will only sell the pair although I only need 1).
What is the average going price for a nice used pair of peerless tweeters?

thank you.
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  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    edited December 2012
    Yes, it's the same tweeter.

    If they're in great shape and at an acceptable price, grab them. I've seen them go for anywhere from $20 to about $40 apiece (+ S/H). Also, they're kind of a hassle to ship and can get damaged easily, so if you can get them hand-delivered to you, all the better.
  • pglbook
    pglbook Posts: 2,232
    edited December 2012
    Thank you. I was quoted a price of $60/pair, including shipping. Is that a fair price? Unfortunately they would need to be shipped. I can imagine they would be easily damaged in shipping. Any ideas on how to ask Seller to pack them (lots of bubble wrap I guess)?
  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, if they're minty, I'd say that's a fair price. And coming from a friend, you can be pretty sure that they're working properly and that he'll be sure to get them to you in the same condition. You can either keep the extra as a spare or sell it yourself.

    When I've shipped tweeters, I used a rectangular pieces of cardboard, shaped similarly to the plastic piece (flange?) of the tweeter support and larger than the tweeters by enough so you can cut flaps on each side (4x) that will fold over the top (dome side) of the tweeter. Then, I placed the tweeter in the center of the cardboard sheet on its back (magnet side) and folded each flap over the top (after having pre-cut a hole larger than the tweeter dome) and taped it down. You can either not cut a hole in the last of the four flaps or just tape an additional piece of cardboard over the last flap that has a hole in it to give additional protection to the dome. Lastly, I'd pack them in a box with lots of padding for safe travels.