Listen to my luck... good story!

C-Man Posts: 307
edited November 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics
My roommate was expecting a package UPS. A package was delivered on Friday to our office. Today he went down to get it, but it was for me. I looked on the packing slip and it was from Directed Electronics. The thing weighs 53 pounds! So I open it up and sure as **** it's an Orion H2 12. I have no idea why they sent it to me and no idea what I'm gonna do about it.
At first I thought it was a mistake and somehow they sent it to me instead of someone else, but looking at the packing slip the receipt number is the same as the number used on my 15 they sent me back in July. I was really excited about this... a $500 sub just falls into my lap. I'm a little torn as to what to do though, should I call tomorrow and say it was a mistake, take it back? Or should I put it away in my closet for a while and see if Directed contacts me and needs it back? Normally I'd call right away and let them know it was a mistake, especially if I knew it was supposed to go to someone else, but my thought is, if it goes to someone else, why would the money order receipt number be the same as my other one?

Let me know what you all would do. I figure, if they just forgot to mark that they sent me a sub, hell their mistake, I'm keepin' it, but I don't want someone else to get screwed in the process... or worse yet have them realize it a month later and try to sue me.
"The Big C"
Post edited by C-Man on


  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited November 2003
    Do the right thing, send it back. Make sure you call them and tell them that they made a mistake and you want to correct it. I'm sure that they will have UPS pick it up at no cost to you. They may even do right by you because of your honesty, but either way you'll be a better man for having done the right thing.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited November 2003
    hell, if it was the sending me a free amp i wouldnt think twice about keeping it
    no one else can get screwed by you getting that sub wouldntve gone to your address
    even if it couldve...the person would call them, they would see they didnt send it to the correct address, and send them their h2
    their mistake, id keep it
    just do all your shopping from them from now on
    maybe its God's way of saying, "you've been such a good person, heres a new sub"
    this reminds me of a post that was here a long time ago
    circuit city wouldnt take this guys sub back so he asked how he could blow it on the forum and he got totally dismantled for even asking it even though he had a legitimate reason
    christmas is coming up...itd be a really nice christmas present to someone like...oo...i
    that way you wouldnt really be taking it...
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    It's all yours Cody... oh but wait, you have two MOMO 12's, why would you need this... I guess I just have to keep it for myself... lol
    The only reason I don't wanna be a good boy on this one and send it back is cuz with my luck I'll call and they'll say no, they had it written down that they were supposed to send one to me but since I didn't order it they'll take it back and I'll end up **** myself over. But then again, maybe the honesty reward will come into play, but how often does that actually happen in real life?
    I remember that CC post, didn't he plug it into a 110 volt socket to finally kill it?
    "The Big C"
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited November 2003
    yeah i think he did
    if they were really concerned about losing one sub, theyd be more careful...i wonder what the mark-up is on one of those things
    but this is coming from a man who is very...very poor right now...
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited November 2003
    call em -tell em - and offer them dealer cost for teh sub if they give u full warranty with it.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • Keske944
    Keske944 Posts: 134
    edited November 2003
    I hate to say this but I would send it back. More than likely they will give you some kind of credit of something like that. If you don't get anything for you honesty then keep the next one that they accidently send you.

    btw the December 2003 issue of Car Audio and Electronics has a killer review on that sub.

    From above stated mag page 68

    AS I said, the 0.55ft3 box volume will have very high power handling and the computer simulation required 105V to increases the excursion to its maximun linear level (Xmax + 15%). This resulted in an impressive 122db. Note that because the new Orion Step motor is difficult to characterize in the classic sense, I used the factory Xmax of 29mm.


    They refer to this thing as the new SPL Champion.

    That said... call them. Try adn get the problem fixed or they may just say our mistake keep that damn thing (i doubt it). If ya don't i have a funny feeling that you will feel a little guilty each time you listen to that thing. But hey, at least you know what you will be missing.
    Patience... patience...

    Screw patience... Crank the volume and floor it you panzie.
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited November 2003 shouldnt have to "hate to say this"
    it is the right thing to do...
    i was going to tell you to send it back...then i thought asked myself...what would i REALLY do if i got a $500
    pbd has a good
    OR, call them dont tell them ur name, ask them what kind of credit youre going to get in exchange, if they say none, hang was like them **** you can feel a little better about keeping it...
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    Well I wouldn't feel guilty about listening to it, since I'd be selling it... lol
    Nah, I think I'll probably just call them. I really have no use for the thing and I wouldn't have to worry about it coming back on me later... on the other hand I guess it couldn't come back on me... if they wanted it back I'd just send it back... I really don't have time for these goddamn moral dilemmas right now. :)
    "The Big C"
    MTXMAN Posts: 682
    edited November 2003
    hey, i'm subless i'll take it off your hands if you think it's gonna be a moral delema for ya ;p...

    seriously though, call them and see what they want to do. if they say you need to ship it back and eat the shipping cost i'd say "screw you" hang up and keep the sub... however returning it is the right thing to do...
    Hemi: (HEM -e) adj. Mopar in type, V8, hot tempered, native to the United States, carnivorous, eats primarily Mustangs, Camaros, and Corvettes. Also enjoys smoking a good import now and then to relax.
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    Today I got an invoice from them that has my receipt number, my old return authorization number and a big heading that says "WARRANTY/RETURN/REPAIR." It's looking to me like I didn't get someone else's sub, it's looking more and more like they forgot to write down that they already sent me one. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if I can word it right to where they don't know it was a mistake by the way I tell them... If they don't think they made a mistake, even though I will discreetly bring it to their attention, I won't send it back. If they want it back they can send someone to get it. ;)
    "The Big C"
  • TrappedUnder Ice
    TrappedUnder Ice Posts: 975
    edited November 2003
    the Law is...If they send you sumptin by mail...and you did not buy it, ask for it whatever...then its yours. Hmmmm did that with a record club once:cool:
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    That's what I thought, I called them today anyway just to see what was up, and the lady told me it wasn't a mistake and since it said prepay on my invoice it has already been paid for by me since it referenced my money order.
    When I look at the packing slips I have the first one I got doesn't reference my money order at all, and the other one does. When you look at it it's like they lost my money order, but sent me the sub anyway, then later on they found my money order and thought "oh ****, this guy paid for a sub and never got it, we better send it to him."
    I'm gonna hold on to it for a month or so before I do anything with it in case they do an end of the month report on everything they shipped out. I don't want them finding duplicate numbers and realizing what happened and trying to bill me ya know.

    I look at it this way, when my HCCA died, and I tried to get it replaced on warranty, they wouldn't do it because they upgraded to the H2. They made me pay $160 to get a new one, like I owed them money because they decided to upgrade. At this point it's karma for them for making me pay more money even though my sub should have been covered by the warranty I was supposed to get for a year. I didn't even have that sub 1 month when it died. I'm not gonna feel bad for their mistake anymore or worry about them at all. It's mine now baby.
    "The Big C"
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited November 2003
    thats a load of crap
    i wouldve screamed and kicked until i got a free sub or they repaired the one that broke
    if i knew that i wouldve told you to keep the one they sent you and not worry about it...they screwed you, you screw them, its a continuous
  • BeakerAZ
    BeakerAZ Posts: 7
    edited November 2003
    The ebay retailer I bought my db 6500's from inadvertantly sent me someone elses Cobra radar detector about a week later. It was odd, it looked like they had put an address label with his address on it but somehow another was stuck on top of it with my address.

    The packing slip inside showed who it was really supposed to go to.

    I emailed them and let them know they sent it to the wrong person. I did this for one main reason. Someone was waiting for their radar detector.

    If I had kept it, they may or may not have been able to track down where it went but if a person's honesty is dependant on whether or not he may be caught, is that an honest person?

    Now I want, and need, a radar detector (Z's are not only pretty they go zoooooom too!) but there was no other choice, It belonged to someone else.
  • goingganzo
    goingganzo Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2003
    i bet my sub will giv that sub a run for the money at 1/3 the cost. i have a high excurson 15 with 23 mm x max and 30 mm of x sus alumin cone and huge rubber suround.
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    OK Ganzo, how about you tell me what that sub is and then we all can do some critiquing.

    I can understand sending the sub back if it belonged to someone else, but it was addressed to me, the packing slip was made out to me, with my receipt number on it. And on top of it when I called they said it was mine and not a mistake, there's no way I'm gonna feel bad about it now.
    "The Big C"
    MTXMAN Posts: 682
    edited November 2003
    15's typically suck, i'll bet cash that the set of 10's and amp i'm getting as soon as i get the cash will out thump and be cleaner than your single 15 ;p
    Hemi: (HEM -e) adj. Mopar in type, V8, hot tempered, native to the United States, carnivorous, eats primarily Mustangs, Camaros, and Corvettes. Also enjoys smoking a good import now and then to relax.
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    What the f***? Is it gang up on me day now or something? I have no doubt it would be cleaner MTX, but if I ran the same size amp that you're gonna be running there is no way in hell it would out thump. Hell, I'd go so far as to say I don't think your 10's on the USAmps would out thump my H2 with the 900 watt Zapco amp I have now.

    I'm just curious, have you ever seen or heard the H2's?

    And I also wanna know where this thread changed from me getting a "free" sub to "my ****'s better than your ****."

    Let's all just settle down, have a beer and relax a little. Hell, when I sell my new free sub I'll even treat to a round or two.
    "The Big C"
    MTXMAN Posts: 682
    edited November 2003
    Dude, C-man that wasn't even to you bud, I know the H2's have some pretty good thump and i was comenting on 15's while you have a 12, much better than a 15 for sq. Btw if you havn't heard the Diamond audio TDX's trust me they hit harder than you'd expect...

    Again i wasn't disrespecting you i was talkin to ganzo and his < $200 15 which probably couldn't keep up with the 10" TDX's running off of the US2000x His 15" only has one aditional mm of xmax over one of my 10's and the TDX is friggin bullet proof and takes 800wrms. have you ever seen the magnet on these things... gonna have to go with a square box just to be able to fit these beasts in my car ;D

    Hemi: (HEM -e) adj. Mopar in type, V8, hot tempered, native to the United States, carnivorous, eats primarily Mustangs, Camaros, and Corvettes. Also enjoys smoking a good import now and then to relax.
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,804
    edited November 2003
    Is this post really necessary?
    Originally posted by goingganzo
    i bet my sub will giv that sub a run for the money at 1/3 the cost. i have a high excurson 15 with 23 mm x max and 30 mm of x sus alumin cone and huge rubber suround.

    I mean, what is your point here? What are you trying to prove? Looks like nothing more than a pissing contest to me.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited November 2003
    LOL, that thing's a monster. Kinda looks like the JBL GTi's I believe, also bad **** subs.
    Actually I am running the H2 15 in my car, that's why I thought it was directed at me and I did take some offense. All apologies my friend. Now......... how about that beer?
    "The Big C"
    MTXMAN Posts: 682
    edited November 2003
    I see my confusion, I thought you had a 12 since that was what they sent you by mistake, i see you said that the origional was a 15 from your first post... Beer's on me ;D
    Hemi: (HEM -e) adj. Mopar in type, V8, hot tempered, native to the United States, carnivorous, eats primarily Mustangs, Camaros, and Corvettes. Also enjoys smoking a good import now and then to relax.