Questions on HT, and can i run a 2 channel system from that controller?

Posts: 689
Now since i'm dealing with a TV room, which the wife considers part of the "house" redo..I can throw some money at it. Now the problem is, i don't know squat about HT stuff. The room itself is 12x14. The TV will sit against the 14' wall. I have right now a set of SDA 1C's, RTi12's and a set of old large Advents.
Now my 1C's will stay down in my music room, with all the high dollar equipment. Now i can use the 12's or the Advents in the TV room, with just a center channel. Not interested in a sub, or other speakers..just not that much into HT. BUT the one wall abuts the living room, which has the door to the back yard. Screen door and windows also on the other side of the fireplace. The wife likes to hear music out there during the summer.
Now the 12's would seem to be over kill for that size tv room, plus really want lots of good high current power. The Advent's want decent power also, but can deal with something with a little less horsepower sort of speak.
Rather then put outside speakers, hanging from the eve's, for the back yard. I could put the 12's in the living room, firing towards the back yard. Now pretty much you would just have to open the door, which just leaves the screen door there, open the window. Now with the 12's there, firing across a 17' wide living room, and only a couch in the way. I would say, you have no problem hearing music in the back yard, as the 12's will get stupid loud with the right power, with plenty of bass to boot. It would also serve as just a music system for the living room, if much lower volumes of course..LOL
Now what i'm looking for is a used AVR only 5.1 as i will never put any more speakers in the TV room.
But CAN I control, the extra set of speakers(12's) from the AVR, as just a 2 channel system, being fed from a CD player??
The only way at least "I" can figure this working, is I need a power amp, to power the 12's and the Advents. Put an old Adcom speaker switch in the mix, so i can just select either the 12's or the Advents running off the same power amp. I"assume" there must be some type of selection on the AVR, just to run 2 channel music...???
Now what this does is save me cable runs. If i put the 12's on the other side of the wall. From where the amp setup would be, it's just drop it to the basement and bring it back up on the other side of the wall. So your dealing with, maybe 15 feet at most.
Does this make sence to anyone..or i'm i completely wrong with this?? If i'm NOT, what used AVR should i be looking for???? The price should be about $400 for used AVR
Now my 1C's will stay down in my music room, with all the high dollar equipment. Now i can use the 12's or the Advents in the TV room, with just a center channel. Not interested in a sub, or other speakers..just not that much into HT. BUT the one wall abuts the living room, which has the door to the back yard. Screen door and windows also on the other side of the fireplace. The wife likes to hear music out there during the summer.
Now the 12's would seem to be over kill for that size tv room, plus really want lots of good high current power. The Advent's want decent power also, but can deal with something with a little less horsepower sort of speak.
Rather then put outside speakers, hanging from the eve's, for the back yard. I could put the 12's in the living room, firing towards the back yard. Now pretty much you would just have to open the door, which just leaves the screen door there, open the window. Now with the 12's there, firing across a 17' wide living room, and only a couch in the way. I would say, you have no problem hearing music in the back yard, as the 12's will get stupid loud with the right power, with plenty of bass to boot. It would also serve as just a music system for the living room, if much lower volumes of course..LOL
Now what i'm looking for is a used AVR only 5.1 as i will never put any more speakers in the TV room.
But CAN I control, the extra set of speakers(12's) from the AVR, as just a 2 channel system, being fed from a CD player??
The only way at least "I" can figure this working, is I need a power amp, to power the 12's and the Advents. Put an old Adcom speaker switch in the mix, so i can just select either the 12's or the Advents running off the same power amp. I"assume" there must be some type of selection on the AVR, just to run 2 channel music...???
Now what this does is save me cable runs. If i put the 12's on the other side of the wall. From where the amp setup would be, it's just drop it to the basement and bring it back up on the other side of the wall. So your dealing with, maybe 15 feet at most.
Does this make sence to anyone..or i'm i completely wrong with this?? If i'm NOT, what used AVR should i be looking for???? The price should be about $400 for used AVR
Post edited by naturallight on
I would shoot for regular outside speakers, what happens when you have the A/C on in the summer and want to listen to tunes outside ? Gonna leave the door open ? Takes almost no effort to run some cables, drill a small hole in the wall and fill with rubber calk.
Seems to me you have too many speakers of which you have no use for, the 12's and the advents. Both need amps to make them sing, so why not sell them, get some speakers more suited for the room and outside, that can run on the receiver alone ? Atrium 55's for the outside, maybe some rtia5's or 7's for the inside with a pair of surround speakers of your choice. Switch from zone 1 to zone 2 to power outside speakers on the receiver. Less gear, better austhetics, happy wife, which means....happy life.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
Well Tony, yes you may be right, as i have too many speakers. But I'm a hoarder on that stuff and feel you can never have enough good speakers sitting around...LOL
What i could do is reverse the speakers. Put the 12's in the TV room. Move the Advents to the "other" side of the living room. Which would put them, one right at the window, the other right by the door. So for living room listening...there fireing right into the room. It really works fine for the Advents..they can fill that room with sound easy. BUT..when the wife wants tunes outside. All i have to do, is turn the Advents around, so the one is fireing right out the window (this is a real low window, southern house) turn the other, and it's fireing out the screen door. Now a good set of old Large Advents, with the right power...will get real loud , real quick. I had these redone, there as good as they were 20 years ago. If there fireing right out a screen window or door, right into the back yard...thats pretty much tanamout to haveing them outside. Will pretty much kick the crap out of some little dinky out side speaker. Plus yes will have the cops called on you real fast..but work real well.
I have a massive power amp sitting around doing nothing, but it's a QSC...THAT i could sell, pick up an Adcom 555, for about the same money, so i have power for the 12's or the Advents.
Yes i get your AC deal. but in my house..there are alot of tree's that shade the house, even in GA, the house dose not heat up that much, so to have 1 window and a door open at the back of the house, for the few hours she's out there...not really an issue. -
They way i figure this..i'm killing two birds with 1 stone. I'm using good speakers that i don't have to sell.
I don't have to run speakers wires all over the place, the wife gets Xmas music in the living room, or what ever music she wants in there..the Advents will fill the room for her needs. She gets outside music when she wants it, just by me turning the Advents around. You get the massive RTi12's in the TV room (probably over kill, but whatever)
What i can do to solve the speaker if i sell the QSC, buy an Adcom 555...use that in my 2 channel rig downstairs. bring up the Onkyo M504, which has a 2 speaker setup. You push the buttons for which speaker you want to power. So i can wire the 12's to channel A, the Advents to Channel B sort of speak.
BUT the AVR has to have pre outs, and has to be able to run just a 2 channel setup, and be fed from a cd player.
I think this should work, but what AVR (used) do i look for? that can do this. The only thing it will power is the center channel speaker..thats all.
This may sound crazy, but to me, seems to be an easy solution..... -
Any avr can run in just 2 channel, and any avr can run a cdp, so your only thing to look for is pre outs.
My thoughts were to simplify your life. Pick up a SB or Sonos, that way you could sit on the deck and thumb around all your cd's instead of comeing in to change one, find another, play 2 songs, then change cd's again.
As long as your happy with your plan, so am I. Find a receiver with preouts and away you go bro.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's