**** Riot

BlueFox Posts: 15,251
edited August 2012 in Music & Movies
What a great name for a band. To bad they are going to jail for two years for singing a song. Maybe there needs to be Putin Riot band.
Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
Three 20 amp circuits.
Post edited by BlueFox on


  • agfrost
    agfrost Posts: 2,431
    edited August 2012
    "Prison Riot" for a couple of years now...:razz:
    SDA 2BTL * Musical Fidelity A5cr amp * Oppo BDP-93 * Modded Adcom GDA-600 DAC * Rythmik F8 (x2)
    Micro Seiki DQ-50 * Hagerman Cornet 2 Phono * A hodgepodge of cabling * Belkin PF60
    Preamp rotation: Krell KSL (SCompRacer recapped) * Manley Shrimp * PS Audio 5.0
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    edited August 2012
    Here's the thing, though. I feel about as sorry for these people as I did for the hikers who got taken captive by the Iranians. They knew full well that what they were doing had dire consequences, and they did it anyway. I hate to say they were asking for it, but I think they were. So while I don't agree that the ramifications they received were correct or just, there's only so bad that I can feel for people who really were asking for trouble. If you go hiking on the Iran/Iraq border, you are just asking for trouble. Go hiking on the California/Oregon border and you don't end up in an Iranian prison. Sing a song like that in a Russian church, you're asking for trouble, and you found it. Doesn't make the trouble right, or just. Doesn't mean I agree with it, I don't. But not like any of this was a surprise. If you stick your head in a snake pit, you're going to get bit....
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • soundfreak1
    soundfreak1 Posts: 3,414
    edited August 2012
    Well i will never. Believe those "hikers" werent workung for the "company" or the single stupidest people on earth. After all who ( in thier right mind) chooses that area as americans oooooh let go hiking in or real close to toe iran border
    REALLY! come on! How did tjey get visa's . Transportation to that area, not exactly on the tour gide list.look at a map surrounding that area not a friendly contry bourdering that reagon. Hell at best tjey could be shot for being that stupid if not "connected". Ya they were just kids out for an interesting summer vacation. If anyone believes that--- i have a bridge for sale
    Main Rig:
    Krell KAV 250a biamped to mid/highs
    Parasound HCA1500A biamped to lows
    Nakamichi EC100 Active xover
    MIT exp 1 ic's
    Perreaux SA33 class A preamp
    AQ kingcobra ic's
    OPPO 83 CDP
    Lehmann audio black cube SE phono pre, Audioquest phono wire (ITA1/1)
    Denon DP-1200 TT. AToc9ML MC cart.
    Monster HTS 3600 power conditioner
    ADS L1590/2 Biamped
    MIT exps2 speaker cable
  • stretchl
    stretchl Posts: 1,334
    edited August 2012
    Guys, with due respect -

    1) They're not a "band," they're a performance art group that's part of the dissident political movement of which former chess world champion Garry Kasparov. According the the New York Times - "But while the women became minor celebrities, **** Riot is far more political than musical: Its members have never commercially released a song or an album, and they do not seem to have any serious aspirations to do so." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/18/world/europe/suspense-ahead-of-verdict-for-jailed-russian-punk-band.html?pagewanted=all

    2) There is no parallel whatsoever to PR and the "hikers" along the Iran border. The members of PR are Russian and were arrested by their own government, not the same as the Iranians arresting individuals who were apparently in their country illegally.

    Finally, I swear I'm not going get sucked into a political discussion on this board, but I would like to point out that the same type of rabble rousers for whom some feel no sympathy today (ie. **** Riot, flag burners, other types of political protesters) are of a kind with the mob that threw all that tea into Boston Harbor in the mid-1770's (probably spelled Harbour then).

    Political protest that involves risking one's life, fortune and sacred honor is just about the only kind of speech I do give a monkey's about. IMHO, what was good for the American Colonists then is still good for America now.

    And, since I've said "finally" already, I'll make this a ps -

    If you like **** Riot, you'll love this, available here or at your local record dealer.
    “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
    - Isaac Asimov

    Apple Lossless --> Squeezebox Touch --> Joule Electra LA-100 Mark iii --> Odyssey Khartargo Mono Plus --> LSiM-705's
    Cabling by Groneberg
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    edited August 2012
    My comparison with PR and the Iran hikers is fairly simple. They each knowingly did something that they knew was highly dangerous, for their own pleasure. And they paid the price. If you go hiking on the Iran/Iraq border, there's a very good chance that your hike will end up in an Iranian jail. If you go singing Putin protest songs in a Moscow church, there's a very good chance that you will end up in a Russian jail. They both did so anyway, and they both paid the price. I am certainly a supporter of free speech, and agree that this is a right that we hold dear as Americans. Do I think these people deserve to go to jail? No. But these events did not transpire in America, they transpired in places where such rights don't exist. That's why I live here, not Iran or Russia. If you think PR sang that song in the church thinking they'd get a big round of applause and then do an encore, you're crazy. They knew they'd end up in jail, they did it anyway, and they're heading to jail. I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying they knew what they were getting themselves into, they did it anyway, and this is what happens.
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
    edited August 2012
    nspindel wrote: »
    My comparison with PR and the Iran hikers is fairly simple. They each knowingly did something that they knew was highly dangerous, for their own pleasure. And they paid the price. If you go hiking on the Iran/Iraq border, there's a very good chance that your hike will end up in an Iranian jail. If you go singing Putin protest songs in a Moscow church, there's a very good chance that you will end up in a Russian jail. They both did so anyway, and they both paid the price. I am certainly a supporter of free speech, and agree that this is a right that we hold dear as Americans. Do I think these people deserve to go to jail? No. But these events did not transpire in America, they transpired in places where such rights don't exist. That's why I live here, not Iran or Russia. If you think PR sang that song in the church thinking they'd get a big round of applause and then do an encore, you're crazy. They knew they'd end up in jail, they did it anyway, and they're heading to jail. I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying they knew what they were getting themselves into, they did it anyway, and this is what happens.

    Amen Brutha!

    I do think that PR knew what they were getting into and just came to a collective agreement to take the punishment for everyone. I suspect they knew the level of punishment they would get and did it to expose Putin and his goon squad.

    Now, the hikers...they're just idiots. There's 2,180 miles of gorgeous hiking trail called the Appalachian Trail right here in the good ole USA, but you have to go hiking on the Iraq/Iran border. How about the Rockies? How about a friendly nation in Europe?

    I went round and round with a friend recently about countries I would NOT step foot in. Mexico, China (and most of Asia), Africa and the Middle East. Go to Europe, go to Australia or even Japan if you feel the need to travel overseas.
    No excuses!
  • rtart
    rtart Posts: 835
    edited August 2012
    This serves as a great example and/or reminder of how unique America is. Many Americans take our freedoms for granted and do not understand how precious and unusual they are.

    I've lived around the world and visited many more countries, with no problems. A large part of the reason is that I never forget that my rights and freedoms as an American end at our borders. When I visit China, or Mexico, or the UAE, or Saudi Arabia, I act like a guest and keep my mouth shut. While I do not agree with much that these regime imposes on their people, it IS their country, and I am a guest. I 'vote' against their rule by living elsewhere.

    I also believe that people usually get the government they deserve. Freedom is NOT free, and many of our citizen-soldiers fought and died so we (and many others around the world) could be free. Our founding fathers dumped tea in the harbor and risked their lives to overthrow a tyrant. 1,000 fists will always triumph over a single rifle.

    Countries that truly want to be free must want it badly enough to fight for it. Only a very few have ever done so. That makes citizenship in the USA a remarkably valuable thing.
    My 7.4.4 DIY 4k Home Theater:
    Polk LSiM 707 L-C-R, LSiM702 side surrounds, LSiM 705 rears
    Polk LSiM 702s x 4 on the Ceiling Atmos speakers
    2 x SVS PB12/Plus 2's
    Denon X3700H
    Emotiva XPA11 Gen 3
    XBox One X 4k & BD and streaming
    Panasonic UB-420 4k player
    HD-A35 HD DVD
    Oppo BD-103D for hirez audio
    Technics SL-D2 TT, Grado Gold Cartridge
    JVC DLA-RS2000/NX7 projector
    Silver Ticket 120" acoustically transparent screen
    Berkline 090 electric recliners with Aura Bass Shakers
  • nooshinjohn
    nooshinjohn Posts: 25,534
    edited August 2012
    crap... I thought we finally had a porno chat room.
    The Gear... Carver "Statement" Mono-blocks, Mcintosh C2300 Arcam AVR20, Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in-wall" surrounds. Marantz MM7025 stereo amp. Simaudio Moon 680d DSD

    “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”— Thomas Jefferson
  • stretchl
    stretchl Posts: 1,334
    edited August 2012
    Strong Bad wrote: »
    I went round and round with a friend recently about countries I would NOT step foot in. Mexico, China (and most of Asia), Africa and the Middle East. Go to Europe, go to Australia or even Japan if you feel the need to travel overseas.

    Holy Travelphobia, man! Why on earth would you NOT go to those places? I've been to all except the mid-east and I can tell you from first hand experience you're missing out.

    Notice, for instance, Bali. Some of the best scuba diving, most friendly people and most sheer natural beauty in the world -


    These are NOT my photos, by the way. When I'm in Bali I do my best NOT to work. :)
    “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
    - Isaac Asimov

    Apple Lossless --> Squeezebox Touch --> Joule Electra LA-100 Mark iii --> Odyssey Khartargo Mono Plus --> LSiM-705's
    Cabling by Groneberg
  • stretchl
    stretchl Posts: 1,334
    edited August 2012
    rtart wrote: »
    1,000 fists will always triumph over a single rifle.

    Hear hear!

    I tried to tell this to a gentleman with whom I was in a discussion the other night, but he'd have none of it.

    He kept insisting that he needed the freedom to purchase a semi-automatic rifle and a huge magazine to protect himself and his family.

    Go figure.
    “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
    - Isaac Asimov

    Apple Lossless --> Squeezebox Touch --> Joule Electra LA-100 Mark iii --> Odyssey Khartargo Mono Plus --> LSiM-705's
    Cabling by Groneberg
  • Randnich
    Randnich Posts: 13
    edited August 2012
    crap... I thought we finally had a porno chat room.

    No, but watching news anchors talk about the story is mildly humorous..
  • newrival
    newrival Posts: 2,017
    edited August 2012
    Stetchl, excellent points all.

    It's interesting, and extremely unfortunate to witness the xenophobia that seems to be deeply pervasive in our country. There are so many naturally and culturally beautiful places on earth that people will avoid because they haven't been wiped with "western sanitizer," so to speak.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited August 2012
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche