What TV Series to Watch Next

bencorn Posts: 49
edited July 2012 in Music & Movies
I'm going through my backlog of TV shows I missed in the past. I'm just now wrapping up the last few episodes of the Shield and I'm trying to figure out what to start next. Breaking Bad and the Sopranos are my top choices currently. Does anyone have any other recommendations? I'm not much into comedies, more of the drama/action series.
Post edited by bencorn on


  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited July 2012
    No contest. Breaking Bad from episode 1. Best show ever put on television.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited July 2012
    The Wire
    Rescue Me
    Boardwalk Empire
  • muncybob
    muncybob Posts: 3,088
    edited July 2012
    +1 on Boardwalk Empire and Justified....would add Game of Thrones.

    I have Sopranos on dvr but it's the edited version....just not the same.
    Yep, my name really is Bob.
    Parasound HCA1500A(indoor sound) and HCA1000(outdoor sound), Dynaco PAS4, Denon DP1200 w/Shure V15 Type V and Jico SAS stylus, Marantz UD7007, Polk L600, Rythmik L12 sub.
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited July 2012
    Breaking Bad,Lilyhammer,Justified are all great.
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • Syndil
    Syndil Posts: 1,582
    edited July 2012
    No contest. Breaking Bad from episode 1. Best show ever put on television.

    I'm not one for hyperbole, but I agree with this. Best TV I've ever watched, and I've seen The Wire, Game of Thrones, etc. Those are also good if you need more TV to watch. Hell On Wheels is getting pretty good too, and then of course there's The Walking Dead. AMC really is putting some of the best shows on TV now.

    Oh and if you want some classic TV, try the first 3 seasons of the X-Files. Good stuff.

    RT-12, CS350-LS, PSW-300, Infinity Overture 1, Monoprice RC-65i
    Adcom GFA-545II, GFA-6000, Outlaw Audio 990, Netgear NeoTV
    Denon DCM-460, DMD-1000, Sony BDP-360, Bravia KDL-40Z4100/S
    Monster AVL-300, HTS-2500 MKII
  • bencorn
    bencorn Posts: 49
    edited July 2012
    Apparently Breaking Bad is going to be my next one. I'll also have to look up Lilyhammer, never heard of that one before. Justified and Game of Thrones are both good too. I'm a season behind on both so I should catch up now they're both done for the year. I like to let myself fall behind on some shows that way I can watch a full season over a week or so without having to worry about cliff hangers.
  • B Run
    B Run Posts: 1,888
    edited July 2012
    The wife and I started Breaking Bad yesterday, only through the first two episodes but we're hooked. Game of Thrones and Walking dead are my two favorite shows on tv right now.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    edited July 2012
    If you are into Sci-Fi, the newer Battlestar Galactica was top notch. Also the Firefly series (Joss Whedon) was excellent.
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited July 2012
    bencorn wrote: »
    Apparently Breaking Bad is going to be my next one. I'll also have to look up Lilyhammer, never heard of that one before. Justified and Game of Thrones are both good too. I'm a season behind on both so I should catch up now they're both done for the year. I like to let myself fall behind on some shows that way I can watch a full season over a week or so without having to worry about cliff hangers.

    Lilyhammer is a Netflix exclusive about a hitman that rolls states evidence then moves to Lilyhammer cuz he liked how it looked during the Olympics.
    Played by Miami Steve Van Zandt of E St Band and Sopranos fame.He's great in it.
    "Little Steven" as known to younger folks i guess
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • dkr919
    dkr919 Posts: 379
    edited July 2012
  • bencorn
    bencorn Posts: 49
    edited July 2012
    brgman wrote: »
    Lilyhammer is a Netflix exclusive about a hitman that rolls states evidence (snip)

    I'll have to check that out, it sounds interesting.
    dkr919 wrote: »

    I'll have to try a few episodes of this as well, my wife has been telling me to get it for a couple weeks now because she heard it was good too.

    Thanks everyone else for the suggestions. I'll have to grab the first disk of each and see what grabs me. I've seen a couple episodes of breaking bad so that will be the one I try next but the others will be in the line up once it's done.
  • pietro944
    pietro944 Posts: 720
    edited July 2012
    I just finished LIFE,season 1&2 on dvd with Damien Lewis,who is superb....can't wait for Homeland to return:wink:
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    edited July 2012
    Love Breaking Bad and it's a close second to The Wire for me. Newsroom which just started recently on HBO is very smart and seems promising. Additional suggestions are some of the same as above, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead, Justified, 24, Mad Men, and Suits. And I was surprised by how much I liked Sons of Anarchy. Very well written, as are the others I mentioned.
  • PrazVT
    PrazVT Posts: 1,606
    edited July 2012
    Dexter is another good one.
    ALL BOXED UP for a while until I save up for a new place :(

    Home Theater:
    KEF Q900s / MIT Shotgun S3 / MIT CVT2 ICs | KEF Q600C | Polk FXi5 | BJC Wire | Signal / AQ ICs | Shunyata / Pangea PCs | Pioneer Elite SC 57 | Parasound NC2100 Pre | NAD M25 | Marantz SA8001 | Schiit Gungnir DAC | SB Touch

    2 Channel:
    Polk LSi9 (xo mods), Polk DSW MicroPro 2000 sub | NAD c375BEE | W4S DAC1 | SB Touch | Marantz SA-8001 | MIT AVt 2 | Kimber Hero / AQ / Signal ICs | Shunyata / Signal PCs
  • bklynNupe
    bklynNupe Posts: 728
    edited July 2012

    emotiva xpa-2
    emotiva xpa-3
    Denon 3312ci
    Rtia9 /csia6 / FXi A6
    Samsung LN46A650
    SVS PB-12-NSD sub

    Audio Research SP-9 MKIII (GNSC mods)
    W4S ST250
    Lsi 9 (mods)
    W4S DAC-2
    Mac Mini
    Audio Aero Prima CD player
    Pro-Ject debut
  • vcwatkins
    vcwatkins Posts: 1,993
    edited July 2012
    Sherlock. Just fantastic. Only 2 seasons x 3 episodes so far but they're about 90 minutes each I think. Season 1 is on Nflx and 2 should be soon if not already. You're welcome.
    b]Beach Audio[/b]: Rega RP6 (mods) - AT33PTG/II - Parks Budgie SUT - PSAudio NPC * Eversolo DMP-A6 * Topping D90iii * Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII * Pass Aleph 30 * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 2.3tl (mods) * PSAudio PPP3
    Beach Study: Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra & Pre Box S2 * Pass ACA * DH Labs SS Q10 * Brines Folded ML-TQWT RS 40-1354 * PSA Dectet
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    Beach Den: Bluesound Powernode 2i * DH Labs SS Q10 * Zu Omen DWII * Richard Gray RGPC
    Town Study: WiiM Pro * Chord Qute (Pardo) * Elekit TU-8600 * MIT S3 * Revel M22 * Beyer DT-990 * Shunyata Hydra 2
    Town Den: Music Hall mm5.1se - Denon DL-103r - Jolida JD9ii (mods) * WiiM Pro * Cary xCiter * Rogue 99 Magnum * Schiit Aegir * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 1.2tl (mods) * Dectet * Bottlehead Crack - Senn 600
    Town Porch: WiiM Pro Plus * Sunfire Sig II * Canare 4S11 * Magnepan 1.6 * Dectet
  • Polkie2009
    Polkie2009 Posts: 3,834
    edited July 2012
    How does Breaking Bad season one compare to NYPD Blue season one? I always thought season one of NYPD Blue was quite well down, but I keep hearing how spectacular the Breaking Bad series is and blows everything else away.
  • gdb
    gdb Posts: 6,012
    edited July 2012
    Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Sopranos & Boardwalk Empire all beat Breaking Bad, badly! (IMO) :lol: Rome's good too ! Spartacus also!
  • Syndil
    Syndil Posts: 1,582
    edited July 2012
    Was never a fan of NYPD Blue so can't really answer that question. Breaking Bad to me is like one long, continuous movie, and a really good one at that. There is just so much they got right with Breaking Bad.

    RT-12, CS350-LS, PSW-300, Infinity Overture 1, Monoprice RC-65i
    Adcom GFA-545II, GFA-6000, Outlaw Audio 990, Netgear NeoTV
    Denon DCM-460, DMD-1000, Sony BDP-360, Bravia KDL-40Z4100/S
    Monster AVL-300, HTS-2500 MKII
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    edited July 2012
    Polkie2009 wrote: »
    How does Breaking Bad season one compare to NYPD Blue season one? I always thought season one of NYPD Blue was quite well down, but I keep hearing how spectacular the Breaking Bad series is and blows everything else away.
    I was a big NYPD Blue fan when it was out, and am an even bigger fan of BB now. I think BB is slightly better but NYPD Blue wasn't just well written, it was ground-breaking for it's day. Lots of characters and not a bunch of cliches. Andy Sipowitz was a completely flawed cop but with a heart of gold. I can't think of another character that came before him on TV. Vic Mackey, on The Shield, was in the same vein as him but came later.
  • Fongolio
    Fongolio Posts: 3,516
    edited July 2012
    If you don't need car chases, tons of action, or blood guts and gore, but rather crave really good writing and acting, give Mad Men a try. There's a very good reason for it to win tons of emmy's every year.
    SDA-1C (full mods)
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    NAD 1130 Pre-amp
    Rega Planar 3 TT/Shelter 501 MkII
    The Clamp
    Revox A77 Mk IV Dolby reel to reel
    Thorens TD160/Mission 774 arm/Stanton 881S Shibata
    Nakamichi CR7 Cassette Deck
    Rotel RCD-855 with modified tube output stage
    Cambridge Audio DACmagic Plus
    ADC Soundshaper 3 EQ
    Ben's IC's
    Nitty Gritty 1.5FI RCM