onkyo vs denon

Posts: 142
i am currently comparing a onkyo 676 with a denon 1802. i have heard a lot of onkyo bashing and praise for denon. i went into this thinking the denon would sound better, so far i can't tell any difference in sound quality. i would like get some input from anyone who has done this comparison, what to listen for in comparing eachs strength and weekness, or just some opinions on how they sound different. i just don't hear a difference, maybe i'm missing something. i even called a few high end dealers and they both said denon was superior to onkyo, but neither could give any real reasons why, just that denons better. thanks for any opinions
Post edited by steelervic on
Onkyo usually over rate their output power. Personally I don't feel Onkyo is par with Denon when comparing the same price range. Not to say they are bad, it's the opposite. They are just not really up to Denon. However Onkyo's "Elite" line, Integra is more than capable against Denon price/performance.
I always liked Onkyo, until someone told me that there was higher line Onkyo. So I currently have the Integra DTR 9.1 Which is comparable with Denon 5803. About the same price range and performance.Family room:
2xLSi25, 1xLSiC, 4xLSiFX, SVS 20-39PC+, PT-52DL52, TS160, DTR 9.1, DVR985, DVL-700, CDP-C910, Panamax 5500 connected by Canare (4S11 w/Vampire and L-5CFB)
Masterbed room:
2xAR312-HO, 1xAR4C, 2xAR15, NHT Subone, WT-46805, SR-HD500, M-VR900, Denon 1600, Monster HTS-3500 connected by Monster Cables
Denon 5900, Denon 2200, and a 7 Channel 4ohm stable amp! -
I have been satified with my Onkyo, it does Home Theater quite well. I have been running this receiver for about two years now without any problems at all. I suggest you think about where you want to take your system long range. Denon and Onkyo are competitors with receivers costing around the same amount. Look at the features of each one, decide which one you like better. I have demo each one and think they sound about the same.
I can say that when I have called Onk with a question I am quickly connected to a live person. -
I to have a Integra, dtr 7.1 and like it alot.. although and im assuming its the receiver, tends to make my rti70's bright at higher volumes... Both are good choices,, i have always been a Onkyo and Integra fan, However Denon has alot to offer as wellMY HT RIG:
Sherwood p-965
Sherwood sd871 dvd
Rotel 1075 amp x5
LSI15 mains
LsiC center
LSIfx surround backs
Lsi7 side surrounds
SVS pb12/plus2
2 Channel Rig:
nad 1020 Pre-amp
Rotel 1080 stereo amp
Polk sda 2B
kenwood grunt Tuner
realistic lab 450 TT
Signal cable IC -
i have both receivers in my home hooked up to the exact same eqiupment. the power seems reel close(denon 80wpc, onk 85wpc), i have pushed both to extreme levels as well as soft, a veriety of music from classical to metal, and so far i can't tell them apart, high and low freqs seem the same, neither seems warmer than the other or more harsh at loud levels. i am beginning to think onkyo gets a bad wrap, and people just say denon sounds better because thats what they were told by someone. i will keep testing, one of them has to go. thanks for the continued input. i would like to hear from you mantis, you seem to be familiar with both brands.
thanks, vic -
Originally posted by steelervic
i have both receivers in my home hooked up to the exact same eqiupment. the power seems reel close(denon 80wpc, onk 85wpc), i have pushed both to extreme levels as well as soft, a veriety of music from classical to metal, and so far i can't tell them apart, high and low freqs seem the same, neither seems warmer than the other or more harsh at loud levels. i am beginning to think onkyo gets a bad wrap, and people just say denon sounds better because thats what they were told by someone. i will keep testing, one of them has to go. thanks for the continued input. i would like to hear from you mantis, you seem to be familiar with both brands.
thanks, vic
Both are clean and have great build structures. Denon really has been pulling ahead lately in popularity. Personally I think the Integra line would kick a little booty on the Denon Line. IMHO!!!
PS - When a bought my DVD2800 (about 2 years ago) which was in the TOP 10 progressive scans at the time, got very little interest on this forum (people braging about thier $50 Apex's). Now the new Denon DVD players are selling like hotcakes. Go figure!!!
Point *Denon recent popularity
*Some are moving up from those Apex's
Sweet!!!!!! -
I am in the process of choosing a new receiver. I am looking at the Denon AVR 3803, Onkyo TX-SR800, and the Integra DTR-6.4.
I was sold on Onkyo but now I am leaning to the Denon. I have read that the Onkyo and the Integra tend to sound bright and I perfer a warmer sound. Any feed back???
Yanaha RX-V995
rti70 frt's
cti40 center
fxi30 rear's
RS sub, soon to be SVS -
I think the Denon 3803 is a great value, and sounds warm to me personally. This is a tough category of gear. Many great pieces are available.
The Onkyo guys have spoken well of their stuff, get out their and listen to some of it, thats the best way to decide. Onkyo is definetly a contender in this bracket.
Good luck in your choice!CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint. -
My 3803 is now playing Turn The Page(the original version). I agree with dorokusai. It does sound warmer than my Onk800. I tried changeing the treb and the bass. Some songs were almost painful (Last Dance W/ Marry Jane,T.P.) It also shut down a few times. I believe it was because of the 4ohm load. I only tested it on 2 ch w/ LSi9's. Could any of this be blamed on my 9's "not being burned in yet"? So far Denon #3803 has my vote. I found it to be better priced at a auth. dealer."It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ****."
Before I got my 1803 I listened to Onkyo, too. The 500 or 600, I can't remember. Which ever one was priced the same as the 1803 ($500). I auditioned them side by side in the same listening room, same speakers, etc. Maybe my ears aren't as discerning as some but they both sounded great to me. I really couldn't tell them apart.
I ended up getting the Denon soley for it's phono out, which was very important feature for me. I wasn't in the position to add the extra cost of a decent phono pre-amp to my receiver budget. I think you had to go all the way up to the 900 before Onkyo offered a phono jack.Denon AVR-1803
Polk RM6700 w/ Infinity Entra Sub