
EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
edited June 2012 in The Clubhouse
Someday I will NOT be first loser in the search for an amp..... :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


that is all..... time to sleep the anger off

One of those times I lived farther in the country and I could just go yell it all out in the middle of nowhere for a bit......
"....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
Post edited by EndersShadow on


  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,349
    edited June 2012
    Good luck Enders! Your amp will find you!

  • Drenis
    Drenis Posts: 2,871
    edited June 2012
    Sooo.............. ?
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited June 2012
    Drenis wrote: »
    Sooo.............. ?

    Sent you a PM with the details.........
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,196
    edited June 2012
    for what kind of amp are you searching?
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited June 2012
    mhardy6647 wrote: »
    for what kind of amp are you searching?

    I had a line of a pair of Carver A-500x's for 500. I was second in line (yet again) Guy bought all three from the seller for around 650. Then he joins another forum just to say he got them and he didnt really need them. I told him I was interested in buying maybe two if he wanted to sell since he's got a TFM

    Mo'fo asked me to pay 475 for one or 925 for two.

    That kinda crap makes me mad. Buying em just to flip them and trying to double your money in a week.....

    To actually answer your question, I am looking at Carver gear exclusively since I need it to match my Carver AV-705x amp. I am hoping the A-400x deal I am working on comes through for me, otherwise I am back to square one.... AGAIN!!!
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • gwg_97
    gwg_97 Posts: 332
    edited June 2012
    I had the same thing happen to me last month with a NIB a-753x. The guy sold it to me over the phone for $400. When I called him the next day to set up a pick-up time he had sold it to a local flipper for something like $700! I know all is fair in love and Craigslist but it really pissed me off. The next day it was on the auction site for $1000. It would have been such a great match for my a-760x! Crap!
    How about I won't take our amp if you don't take mine :wink:.
    System 1:Nakamichi PA-7Kenwood Basic C2Polk SDA 1C moddedSystem 2:Dynaco ST-70Polk Monitor 5B modded
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited June 2012
    You must be Bean. It appears from what I read that he bought them as you say just to flip them and joined in the hopes of getting offers without going to Ebay and paying the fees.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited June 2012
    snow wrote: »
    You must be Bean.

    Yup, Bean is me. To give you a quick aside backstory on the name, Enders Shadow is one of the books in a science fiction book by Orson Scott Card. Bean is one of the main characters in the first book in that series titled Enders Game. Enders Shadow is a book that was written years later about all the events in the Enders Game book but from the perspective of Bean.

    I LOVE both those books and combined they are IMHO one of the best two science fiction books I have ever read. Highly recommend them for any science fiction fans here.
    snow wrote: »
    It appears from what I read that he bought them as you say just to flip them and joined in the hopes of getting offers without going to Ebay and paying the fees.

    Its irksome because I had ACTUAL USE for them. They are going on ebay with starting Bids of 399 for the A-500x and 199 for the TFM-25 according to the seller. He openly told me he bought them just to turn a profit on.

    Such is life.

    Oh well, time to keep on the hunt and hope it pays off.
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • jeffro67
    jeffro67 Posts: 18
    edited June 2012
    Craigslist has let me down more than once in the past, and its frustrating competing with these people that do exactly what happened to you...Not to mention all the misrepresented garbage listed!

    Just shrug it off and eventually something will turn up that makes you glad you didn't get the thing you thought was perfect at the moment...If it was meant to be, you'll get it!