What's my gear worth now?

Frank Z
Frank Z Posts: 5,860
edited February 2012 in The Clubhouse
Been a long time since I've posted here.

Tough times forces me to sell all of my HT gear and some SDA's as well.

Anyone have the time to give me an honest appraisal of it's current worth?

I can post pics here or email them to you if you'd prefer.
9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
Post edited by Frank Z on


  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012




    LSi15 (2)
    LSi7 (2)
    LSFX (2)
    LSi Center (1)
    Sony VPL-HS20 Projector

    Anthem AVM-20
    Outlaw 7700
    Pioneer DV47A
    Sony BDP-S300
    Music Hall MMF 2.1
    MMF Phono Pack

    I'll have some more in a little while (SDA's)
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012


    Antique Sound Labs

    Dared Preamp

    Need tweeters in both.


    I'm going to try and sell these locally first.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • domflane
    domflane Posts: 653
    edited February 2012
    Welcome back Frank, and sorry to hear about tough times, especially when you have to sell your gear. I'd estimate the value of your LSi's at about $1800-$2000 depending on the buyer, hopefully you can get more as I'm sure you have a whole lot more in them. There's some great deals out there on these speakers, it seems like a lot of people are being forced to sell lately. I'm not very familiar with your other gear, so I can't comment about that.

    On another note, if you're looking to sell the Polk Audio wall sign, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands and put a little coinage in your pocket :). PM me a price if you're interested. Cheers,

    - Dom
    Home Theater
    RTiA5 - CSiA6 - FXiA6 - PSW650 - Pioneer Elite SC-55 - Carver AV-505 - Sony 46" 120Hz - Monster HP 2400 - Xbox 360 - Playstation 3
    2 Channel
    Polk RTA 15TL - Harman Kardon HK3485 - HK DVD48 - Signal Cable IC's and speaker cables
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    The sign isn't for sale.
    Mathew Polk autographed that for me when I met him at a local audio shop a few years back, before he sold the company.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • dcmartinpc
    dcmartinpc Posts: 844
    edited February 2012
    I am tempted by the SL-2000a. I think you double posted the previous pic. Which version is it and do you have multiple sets of tubes?


    Living Room: Adcom GFP-750 (Upgraded), Squeezebox Touch, Oppo BDP-83, Pioneer DV-79AVi, Parasound HCA-3500 (Upgraded), SDA SRS 2 P/B (Gimpod, Sonicaps, & Mills)

    Theater: Denon 4311ci, Oppo BDP-93, Parasound HCA-2205+HCA-2200II, Polk LSi9, LSiC, LSiFX, LSi7, Custom 18" TC Sounds sub with 2 18" PR, Sharp XV-Z12000, Pioneer Kuro KRP-500M (isf Enabled)

    Bedroom: HK AVR354, Pioneer DV-47a, Parasound HCA-1500a, Polk LSi9
  • WilliamM2
    WilliamM2 Posts: 4,786
    edited February 2012
    Do you have the Outlaw 7700, or the 7100 shown in the picture?
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited February 2012
    I am going to be honest. You will have to list the LSi's on ebay or CL to get the best prices for them individually, or even as a set. There is another user selling a set of those exact speakers (in ebony) in box for 1k local pickup.

    The LSi's are at drop dead prices on Polks ebay's site so you need to get locals to buy em up. I would price the entire LSi setup at 1300 MAX here, but you might be able to get 1700 locally.....

    In regards to the rest of your setup, I dont know what to price them at.
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    DAMNIT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Fat fingers and watery eyes.....
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited February 2012
    Good to see you back Frank, wish it were under better circumstances.
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    Thanks...sucks to be me.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited February 2012

    Where in Colorado do you live? Sorry to hear about your situation, I'm guessing the economy is hitting another one? Hope things take a turn for the better soon..
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    I'm in Colorado Springs.

    Going to have to try to sell my house too.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • vcwatkins
    vcwatkins Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2012
    Not sure how reliable this is, but it might help.

    outlaw 7100
    avg 540
    hi 790
    lo 400

    Anthem AVM-20
    avg 650
    hi 2900
    lo 560

    Pioneer DV47A
    avg 210
    hi 780
    lo 100

    Music Hall MMF 2.1
    avg 260
    hi 360
    lo 180
    b]Beach Audio[/b]: Rega RP6 (mods) - AT33PTG/II - Parks Budgie SUT - PSAudio NPC * Eversolo DMP-A6 * Topping D90iii * Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII * Pass Aleph 30 * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 2.3tl (mods) * PSAudio PPP3
    Beach Study: Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra & Pre Box S2 * Pass ACA * DH Labs SS Q10 * Brines Folded ML-TQWT RS 40-1354 * PSA Dectet
    Beach Master: WiiM Pro * Dayens Menuetto * Zu Libtec * Dynaudio Audience 50
    Beach Den: Bluesound Powernode 2i * DH Labs SS Q10 * Zu Omen DWII * Richard Gray RGPC
    Town Study: WiiM Pro * Chord Qute (Pardo) * Elekit TU-8600 * MIT S3 * Revel M22 * Beyer DT-990 * Shunyata Hydra 2
    Town Den: Music Hall mm5.1se - Denon DL-103r - Jolida JD9ii (mods) * WiiM Pro * Cary xCiter * Rogue 99 Magnum * Schiit Aegir * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 1.2tl (mods) * Dectet * Bottlehead Crack - Senn 600
    Town Porch: WiiM Pro Plus * Sunfire Sig II * Canare 4S11 * Magnepan 1.6 * Dectet
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    That helps a lot!

    Thank you.

    I'm hoping to get top dollar....but I'm realistic.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,349
    edited February 2012
    Greetings Frank!

    You've been missed. Sorry to hear about your situation. Good luck with your sale.


  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited February 2012
    Hey Frank, welcome back. I always enjoyed your posts and point of view. Sorry things are in the crapper for you right now.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    Sucks to come back as a pathetic loser.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited February 2012
    Hardly! Stuff happens that we often have no control over. You're doing what needs to be done, pathetic losers don't and would rather just whine. You're a good man and I have no doubt, will rise from the ashes.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • Drenis
    Drenis Posts: 2,871
    edited February 2012
    F1nut wrote: »
    Hardly! Stuff happens that we often have no control over. You're doing what needs to be done, pathetic losers don't and would rather just whine. You're a good man and I have no doubt, will rise from the ashes.

    Good supportive post.

    Don't know you Frank but I'm sorry to have read and learn of your situation. Keep your chin up, you'll pull through eventually.

    One thing I've learned since coming here is that if you need to get out of this hobby for a while, you can always return and the people here keep that a reality. The gear will always be around.

    Best of luck
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited February 2012
    Also sorry to hear this Frank. You do know if we can help in anyway, PM some of us. Sometimes you just never know brother, where a hand up comes from.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited February 2012
    Frank I just sent you a PM..
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    PM sent as well. I have a price for the Dared :P
  • sda2mike
    sda2mike Posts: 3,131
    edited February 2012
    PM sent as well. I have a price for the Dared :P

    i thought you pulled the trig on one a few weeks ago
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    Thanks everyone.
    Regarding the PM's;

    I'd like to try selling locally first, it's just easier right now.
    Gimme a week or so and I'll post them in the flea market.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited February 2012
    Figure I can always come down, but I can't raise the price.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    sda2mike wrote: »
    i thought you pulled the trig on one a few weeks ago

    If you're talking about the Parasound P3, I backed out. I also missed a great deal on a Dared a few days ago :(
  • nooshinjohn
    nooshinjohn Posts: 25,534
    edited February 2012
    I would love to get the 3.1TL's from you if you can ship...

    I know things will get better for you man. I have a couple pieces in my stack of stuff that are not being used that I would be willing to send you if it would help put a system together that might see you through. Music in hard times can be the best medicine. Let me know if I can help.
    The Gear... Carver "Statement" Mono-blocks, Mcintosh C2300 Arcam AVR20, Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in-wall" surrounds. Marantz MM7025 stereo amp. Simaudio Moon 680d DSD

    “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”— Thomas Jefferson
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited February 2012
    Music in hard times can be the best medicine.

    Truer words never spoken. I have made it a point once a week to have 1 hour to listen to whatever CD I want all the way through alone (or with the wife) with my eyes closed just enjoying the music.

    I hope to stretch it to 2 hours in June :smile:
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited February 2012
    It's been a long time, but weren't / aren't you in the AC business Frank?
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    edited February 2012
    Great to see you Frank! You got my prayers for better times brother.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2