Any thoughts on the Parasound Halo P3?

audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
edited June 2013 in 2 Channel Audio
I'm seriously considering one of these if the funds allow in the next few weeks. It has balanced inputs and outputs (not truly balance) and a phone section which is a big draw for me. I'm really interested in how this unit sounds.

I also have my sights set on a Dared SL2000a but am more drawn to having a preamp with more inputs and a phono section.

Has anyone heard the P3? If so what are your thoughts on it and experience with other gear?
Post edited by audiocr381ve on


  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited February 2012
    I've owned the P3 and thought it was a very nice unit for the price. What other gear will you be running with this pre?
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited February 2012
    The unit sounds very detailed, to my ears. Love the blue lights and elegant front panel. Unfortunately, the top end was a little grainy on both units that I heard. One of them was on Thiel's and the other was on PSB speakers. Great sound, just won't work for me though...
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
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    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • doctor r
    doctor r Posts: 837
    edited February 2012
    I owned a P3 for a short time and had the same impression as Serendipity. The presentation was very detailed, but a little dry with the top end having a slight grain to it. I thought it would improve with time, but there was no audible change after a few months so I felt the need to move on. I replaced it with a passive pre and then a Dared SL2000a (the beginning of my tube addiction). The Dared was very nice and responsive to tube rolling. It necessitated the purchase of a phono pre which I ended up with a tube based AES PH-1 (Cary). Having the two inputs was all I needed in my two channel since I only doing vinyl and CD. This of course could all be system dependent. At the time I was using my Monitor 7bs with the peerless tweeters that are actually not easy to make sound grainy.
    integrated w/DAC module Gryphon Diablo 300
    server Wolf Alpha 3SX
    phono pre Dynamic Sounds Associates Phono II
    turntable/tonearms Origin Live Sovereign Mk3 dual arm, Origin Live Enterprise Mk4, Origin Live Illustrious Mk3c
    cartridges Miyajima Madake, Ortofon Windfeld Ti, Ortofon
    speakers Rockport Mira II
    cables Synergistic Research Cables, Gryphon VPI XLR, Sablon 2020 USB
    rack Adona Eris 6dw
    ultrasonic cleaner Degritter
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    doctor r wrote: »
    I owned a P3 for a short time and had the same impression as Serendipity. The presentation was very detailed, but a little dry with the top end having a slight grain to it. I thought it would improve with time, but there was no audible change after a few months so I felt the need to move on. I replaced it with a passive pre and then a Dared SL2000a (the beginning of my tube addiction). The Dared was very nice and responsive to tube rolling. It necessitated the purchase of a phono pre which I ended up with a tube based AES PH-1 (Cary). Having the two inputs was all I needed in my two channel since I only doing vinyl and CD. This of course could all be system dependent. At the time I was using my Monitor 7bs with the peerless tweeters that are actually not easy to make sound grainy.

    Man the Dared preamp keeps coming up. How does it sound compared the parasound?

    Leroy, I'll be running the amp into a B&K Ref 200.2 S2 amp. Sources include an old Technics turntable and NAD Cd player. I'm working on a DAC and Squeezbox touch. My wallet absolutely hates me right now.
  • heiney9
    heiney9 Posts: 25,247
    edited February 2012
    It will "kill" the Parasound in tone, bass, soundstage, air, etc. It's dead quiet. But you don't get a great remote nor do you get the flexibility. You can run a sub since it has dual outputs, but no bass mangement.

    You can't really compare the two on paper since they are designed to be used differently in a system.

    There is no comparison sound wise, the Dared with the right rectifier and signal tubes will sound a whole lot better. It sounds better than my Adcom GFP-750, by a nose and the 750 is a better sounding pre than the P3. In fact I am amazed at how similar the Dared and 750 sound. The nod going to the extra clarity and depth of soundstage with the tubes. Just a more 3D presentation and vocals are so vivid (like they are in the room) with the Dared. But they are damn close on some material.

    The 750 is more neutral and just a tad drier than the Dared. I will say it again, I never expected the Dared to stay so long, it never missteps in my rig and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have no reason to chase another tubed pre at this time.

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • chandler9a
    chandler9a Posts: 878
    edited February 2012
    AudioC, Just get the Dared and let me know how it works for you ... I keep thinking about it too and have a feeling it will be a purchase this year for me.
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    heiney9 wrote: »
    It will "kill" the Parasound in tone, bass, soundstage, air, etc. It's dead quiet. But you don't get a great remote nor do you get the flexibility. You can run a sub since it has dual outputs, but no bass mangement.

    You can't really compare the two on paper since they are designed to be used differently in a system.

    There is no comparison sound wise, the Dared with the right rectifier and signal tubes will sound a whole lot better. It sounds better than my Adcom GFP-750, by a nose and the 750 is a better sounding pre than the P3. In fact I am amazed at how similar the Dared and 750 sound. The nod going to the extra clarity and depth of soundstage with the tubes. Just a more 3D presentation and vocals are so vivid (like they are in the room) with the Dared. But they are damn close on some material.

    The 750 is more neutral and just a tad drier than the Dared. I will say it again, I never expected the Dared to stay so long, it never missteps in my rig and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have no reason to chase another tubed pre at this time.


    Wow! I was thinking that if I got the Dared and paired it with a DAC that had multiple inputs then it wouldn't matter that the Dared only had two. There was a Dared on the Klipsch forum for $300 shipped with upgraded NOS tubes that slipped through my hands.

    I'm putting this search to rest... I'm going with the Dared.
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    chandler9a wrote: »
    AudioC, Just get the Dared and let me know how it works for you ... I keep thinking about it too and have a feeling it will be a purchase this year for me.

    Your wish is my command! I'll let you know how it turns out. There is one on Ebay for $375 shipped but doesn't include the remote which is a deal breaker. I'm going to keep my eye out.
  • chandler9a
    chandler9a Posts: 878
    edited February 2012
    Yea I saw that too, I think there is another one as well. I feel like I should buy this type of thing from an authorized dealer, mainly because I know so little about tubes.

    Good luck with your search.
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited February 2012
    chandler9a wrote: »
    Yea I saw that too, I think there is another one as well. I feel like I should buy this type of thing from an authorized dealer, mainly because I know so little about tubes.

    Good luck with your search.

    Another one on the Klipsch forum?

    If you bump into another one used, let me know.
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited February 2012
    FYI, I was originally going to go with a Parasound HALO A51/A21 with a C1 or C2 as a pre, but found that the sonic signature of the HALO lineup was too detailed and slightly too grainy for my tastes. As doctor r noted in his post, "At the time I was using my Monitor 7bs with the peerless tweeters that are actually not easy to make sound grainy." YMMV.
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited February 2012
    I have the Dared Sl2000a and I LOVE it.

    I saw this on Agon:
  • Devlon
    Devlon Posts: 355
    edited June 2013
    heiney9 wrote: »
    It will "kill" the Parasound in tone, bass, soundstage, air, etc. It's dead quiet. But you don't get a great remote nor do you get the flexibility. You can run a sub since it has dual outputs, but no bass mangement.

    You can't really compare the two on paper since they are designed to be used differently in a system.

    There is no comparison sound wise, the Dared with the right rectifier and signal tubes will sound a whole lot better. It sounds better than my Adcom GFP-750, by a nose and the 750 is a better sounding pre than the P3. In fact I am amazed at how similar the Dared and 750 sound. The nod going to the extra clarity and depth of soundstage with the tubes. Just a more 3D presentation and vocals are so vivid (like they are in the room) with the Dared. But they are damn close on some material.

    The 750 is more neutral and just a tad drier than the Dared. I will say it again, I never expected the Dared to stay so long, it never missteps in my rig and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have no reason to chase another tubed pre at this time.


    H9, I've just become aware of the Dared Sl2000A because of your post here. In search on Audiogon I see where there are also MP-7C models. Do you know what the main difference is and do you have any experience with these?
    Living Room: HK AVR 354 as pre/pro, 2 x Polk Audio Micropro 4000, Adcom GFA-7500, 2 x Mirage OMD-15
    2 x Mirage OMD-5, 1 x Mirage OMD-C1, APC H15, Sony S790, Philips 52" LCD, Beogram 3000, FAT (Firestone Audio Tobby DAC), Harmony One

    Den: Sherwood R-972,as pre/pro, 2 x Velodyne SPL-1000R, 3 x Crown Drivecore XLS1500, 2 x Polk Audio Lsi9
    1 x Polk Audio Lsic, 2 x Polk Audio Lsifx, Sony S790, APC H15, Dspeaker Dual Core 2.0, W4S DAC 2, Keces DA-151