Musical Fidelity V-DAC nd V-Link Combo

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited February 2012 in For Sale (FS) Classifieds
I've got a V-DAC / V-Link combo that I'm looking to sell. I'm going with the V-DAC II as I want the USB and DAC in the same box (I have precious little desktop space and one less box will really help).

From what I've read the performance between the two setups should be the same, so for someone who's got more desktop space and is less picky about looks the setup I'm selling here will work great, especially when you consider the price.

Here's the thread I created when originally going through the process of buying first the V-DAC and then the V-Link:

For those wondering about this vs the newer V-DAC II: The advantage of the V-DAC II is that it's in one box and it has support for 192khz files. The advantage to a setup like the one I'm selling here is that it's more flexible. Since the USB to spdif conversion is in a separate box you could add any regular DAC to that mix. So if you decided you wanted an upgraded DAC later on you could still use the V-Link, sell the V-DAC and then put your new DAC in place after the V-Link.

I"m getting the new DAC in tomorrow, so I'll take this setup apart then and take some pictures, but everything is in perfect mint condition, keep in mind these are black whereas the new model is aluminum in color.

I'd like to get $275 SHIPPED in the lower 48. Check or MO is fine or if you want to send as a gift or cover the fees Paypal is fine as well.
Post edited by AsSiMiLaTeD on
