pick between these 2

Posts: 2,917
Hi guys,After trolling A-Gon for a little today I found 2 sets of speakers which I think for the price are good deals ,but what do I know so can you give an opinoin which of the 2 would be your preference and why
The first are ESS HEIL AMT IDs for $450+ shipping ,these I have heard many many years ago paired w/ a Mac 2105 amp and c-28 pre w/ a Dual 1229 tt.I used to love those but the second pair which I have not heard but I think is pretty well respected here is a pair of Ohm 4s for $750+shipping I think both got a 7/10 rating for age and wear but nothing serious.So if you were in the market for a pair for under a $1000 which set would you choose.Omni directional sounds nice but so do those Heil radiator tweeters matched w/ that big woofer and passive spkr.Oh I went back and could not find them again so no link here.
The first are ESS HEIL AMT IDs for $450+ shipping ,these I have heard many many years ago paired w/ a Mac 2105 amp and c-28 pre w/ a Dual 1229 tt.I used to love those but the second pair which I have not heard but I think is pretty well respected here is a pair of Ohm 4s for $750+shipping I think both got a 7/10 rating for age and wear but nothing serious.So if you were in the market for a pair for under a $1000 which set would you choose.Omni directional sounds nice but so do those Heil radiator tweeters matched w/ that big woofer and passive spkr.Oh I went back and could not find them again so no link here.
2chl- Adcom GFA- 555-Onkyo P-3150v pre/amp- JVC-QL-A200 tt- Denon 1940 ci cdp- Adcom GFS-6 -Modded '87 SDA 2Bs - Dynamat Ext.- BH-5- X-Overs VR-3, RDO-194 tweeters, Larry's Rings, Speakon/Neutrik I/C- Cherry stain tops Advent Maestros,Ohm model E
H/T- Toshiba au40" flat- Yamaha RX- V665 avr- YSD-11 Dock- I-Pod- Klipsch #400HD Speaker set-
Bdrm- Nikko 6065 receiver- JBL -G-200s--Pioneer 305 headphones--Sony CE375-5 disc
H/T- Toshiba au40" flat- Yamaha RX- V665 avr- YSD-11 Dock- I-Pod- Klipsch #400HD Speaker set-
Bdrm- Nikko 6065 receiver- JBL -G-200s--Pioneer 305 headphones--Sony CE375-5 disc
Post edited by leftwinger57 on
Can I pick neither ? Seriously...if your going to spend 750 clams, you can do alot better.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
I agree with tonyb, neither. I have many vintage speakers and gear and I know most of the fidelity I think I hear is from memory. The newer stuff is so much more accurate, and you can get most of Polk's LSI stuff for half off.FWIwMain Family Room: Sony 46 LCD, Sony Blue Ray, Sony DVD/VCR combo,Onkyo TXNR 708, Parasound 5250,
Polk SDS-SRS with mods, CSI 5 center + Klipsch SC2, Polk RT2000P rears, Klipsch KG 1.5's sides, Polk Micro Pro 1000, Polk Micro Pro 2000, Polk SW505, Belkin PF60, Signal Cable Classics,Monster IC's, 2 15 amp circuits & 1 20 amp circuit.
Living Room: Belkin PF60, Parasound HCA2200, MIT ProlineEXP balanced IC's,Emotiva XDA-1 DAC/Pre,Emotiva ERC2 transport,MIT AVT2, Polk LSI 9's. -
For example....
Linky isn't working for some reason. Monitor 8i for 600 bones.
Just a quick search on the 'gon under a g note brings up plenty from very good speaker makers. Saw some Spendors,B&W'S, Monitor audio, RBH, Revel, Martin Logan, the list is endlessHT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
I've owned both except the smaller version of the Ohm's. I LOVE what both put out and I've owned tons of speakers except the price range has been somewhat limited.
750.00 now-a-days since the economy tanked will definitely get some NICE/GREAT sounding examples from Polk and other Manufacturers but,
The Heil and Ohm's are off to the side of the normal radiator style speakers in a way. My wife loves the ESS AMT 1B's over anything she has ever heard. And the Ohm' 2's I had projected a soundfield that was Holographic/Beautiful and bass could be there if you wanted it also.
I just bought DCM Timewindows 1st edition in great shape at Good Will a month or so ago that are similar to the Ohm 2's. Very nice sounding speakers for 200.00 or so now-a-days. They were 800.00+ when new 30 years ago so they have to produce something worthy.
Like Polk SDA's, you got what you paid for back then. The ESS's were 1200.00 and the Ohm 2's were 800.00. I know Ohm still sells new models like Klipsch does the Heresy's. But you have to pay for them in todays $.
Same sound almost, but 2 times the $ now.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Tanks Tony m, It seems tht the peeps here are particial to polk and quite franklyIcould easily down them .w/ asying that I think the price for these speekerkers are well worth the investment and before I would get a pair of mediocre Polks I think I would delve into the vintage Ohm/walsh 4s which buy last years account to a man were a fantastic speaker.Also the ESSL/hEIL Under a$1000 is a lot of cash to decide between 2 vintage and popular vintage quality brands which were very well recieved last year to a man.So what's up w/ the change of heart. As youknow no golden ear hear so if it sounds good to me tha't's all that matters and I woulds side w/ the Ohm omnis just for variety and that trade in facter at Ohm Brklny.As for the AMT S these were a very stong long lasting speaker w/ the Heill air motion tweeter the was revolutionary at the time. So for under a grand I think I would jump on either pair and your polkie suggestions just turn me off and the loyallty is is very clan like.Sorry guys I haven'tseen speaker going forprices like this w/ Vandersteens either at #50 or $1800.2chl- Adcom GFA- 555-Onkyo P-3150v pre/amp- JVC-QL-A200 tt- Denon 1940 ci cdp- Adcom GFS-6 -Modded '87 SDA 2Bs - Dynamat Ext.- BH-5- X-Overs VR-3, RDO-194 tweeters, Larry's Rings, Speakon/Neutrik I/C- Cherry stain tops Advent Maestros,Ohm model E
H/T- Toshiba au40" flat- Yamaha RX- V665 avr- YSD-11 Dock- I-Pod- Klipsch #400HD Speaker set-
Bdrm- Nikko 6065 receiver- JBL -G-200s--Pioneer 305 headphones--Sony CE375-5 disc -
I think you were very harsh on our Polkie members! There was only 1 suggestion of a Polk speaker mentioned in this thread,based on your question! Yet you state that they turned you off,and they are very clanned like!And another fellow Polkie referenced you to multiple other speaker brands? I see them trying too give sound advice! And your grammar was so poor,but maybee your intelligence is such? Good Day,and Good Luck!"Everything I ever did in my life worthwhile I caught hell for"
Polk clan on a Polk Forum?Surely not!Main
Parasound P5
Parasound A21
CA music streamer
marantz 6005
Clear Day dbl.shotgun
Morrow Xlr
1.7 Maggies
adcom Gfp750
Adcom 555
Rotel 1072
CA tuner
Clear day dbl shotgun -
Wow nice reaction dude. This is a Polk forum what exactly where you looking for.
If you don't want advice.....I'd suggest not asking for it..........simplifies things a buttload.
If you don't want advice.....I'd suggest not asking for it..........simplifies things a buttload.
Amen to that.
Really LW, Your critisizing Polk recommendations on a Polk forum ? Which was only one to begin with. I gave you a half dozen other speakers to look at myself.The vintage Heill air motion tweeter was the kind that sent you out of a room, not like their newer version of that tweeter which people seem to like. You can over pay if you want for vintage junk. Vintage speakers that are worth a darn are farther and fewer between than most speakers today in the SQ arena.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
LW, you continue to ask advice and when you get it, don't like it, you **** and moan about it. Stop asking then you don't have to worry about not getting the answer you want. Pretty simple really.
H9"Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul! -
I might also suggest you get an account at audio karma and ask there. This kind of vintage gear is right in their wheel house. Over there you will get the opposite, rabid fandom for vintage gear while not thinking much of modern gear like Polks. Consider the arena you are inquiring in.
H9"Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul! -
audioholics...even better, given the criteria at hand.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
Polk speaker's mediocre?..Not really.
Leftwinger, you crack me up.
The Ess Heils are worth the price in my opinion, the Ohm's are nice but lack in bottom end. I don't care what anyone says they image great but no oomph.
The Polk Suggestion is also good. and to say we are clan like is goofy. We are on the POLK FORUM. Have you lost your mind?
I would like to ask one question. Have you ever heard POLK SDA 1C's, or 2B's? They blow those two out of the water. And can be had for less than a grand. -
"If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you..." LOL, classic.Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
Yes looking back at my grammar it is atrocious but because I'm disabled and under the influence of some strong stuff I do apologise.Now maybe I did see Polk coming out of the woodwork hear but I know for a fact that last year I asked a generic ? of Ohm speakers and to a guy they got rave reveiws and here I was talking about 2nd flagship #4s for $750.As most here also said my poor pitiful Infinitys that I got for a whopping $40 as 2 pristine examples were "party speakers'so hurtful waaaa. .I to cruised A-GON and truthfully did not see anything that was remotely in this price range given the condition they were in.As for me being on the Polk site is not to condem this brand at all but the insight of most of you give very easy to digest answers w/ some being very technical but otherwise helpful.I mean you helped me rid of the gnd problem and the overall decision to go w/ seperates was the best thing I could of done. Conversely the Klipsch site which because I own smalls affords me to be on their forum is very technical and their gear is so **** expensive that there are only 3 ways I would own a piece of Horns,Belles,Cornwalls would be inheritence, accident windfall or marrying a filthy rich wife.So of course you guys are loyal to your Polks and I understand that but I'm so financially strained that I need best for the $ at hand.Also as you saw I'm not that loyal to Klipsch at all and would be open to anything that I could afford and that would be a good pairing w/ my Adcom 555.2chl- Adcom GFA- 555-Onkyo P-3150v pre/amp- JVC-QL-A200 tt- Denon 1940 ci cdp- Adcom GFS-6 -Modded '87 SDA 2Bs - Dynamat Ext.- BH-5- X-Overs VR-3, RDO-194 tweeters, Larry's Rings, Speakon/Neutrik I/C- Cherry stain tops Advent Maestros,Ohm model E
H/T- Toshiba au40" flat- Yamaha RX- V665 avr- YSD-11 Dock- I-Pod- Klipsch #400HD Speaker set-
Bdrm- Nikko 6065 receiver- JBL -G-200s--Pioneer 305 headphones--Sony CE375-5 disc -
Why haven't you looked at these yet?
http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?128341-Polk-LSI-9-s(Naked-sides)Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!! -
Why haven't you looked at these yet?
^^ This! If I had the cash I would have scooped these up.
Lots of exciting and great deals to be had lately. With saying that, one could pick up the 9's and mod them with money left over with respect to budget. Many users here report modded 9's are a lot of performance for the money in a sense.
Sorry I can;t offer a opinion for your request but the best advice I can offer that used lots here is to experiment and try new things. If you've never heard the LSi's or 9's for that matter. Maybe something new to try?
Otherwise I'll just keep quiet.BTW, what kind of drugs are you on? Your typing makes me think you shouldn't drive either!
Just so I'm clear I wouldn't play those Infinities if they were free. See that seems to be where the disconnect is. You think because you got something that is cosmetically clean for ultra cheap you then associate it's sound with the cost you paid. "These sound great for $40 speakers". Actually they don't sound great, IMO, no matter what you paid or if they were free. You're right you won't find anything at $40 that is better than the Infinities, (well actually I have a pair of Polk RT25i's that sound a lot better and didn't cost that much more) but then the Infinities still sound like party speakers even if for free..........so what does it matter?
What matters is you like them. Stop asking questions if you are going to complain about the responses. Constructive discussion is fine, but just slamming people because they don't give the answer you want is getting tiresome."Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul! -
Baloney LW, you yourself stated you were looking at 450-750 speakers. In our own FM, and on Audiogon which you say you cruise, there are tons of options. I would grab a pair of old Polk monitor 7's for under 100 bucks and call it day if budget is that tight, but given your original post, it obviously isn't. You seem upset most don't hold your infinity's in such high regard as you do. Why would it even matter, if you like it, so what....but if your going to ask an opinion.....well then, don't ask if you don't want to hear the answer.
Look, we all get your on a budget, as many here are too, any suggestions given to you are based on criteria you give, which usually isn't much. If you currently looking at 700 buck speakers, nobody suggested 5 grand ones did they ? We all gave you ball park suggestions and plenty of brands to search out. What your beef is, I'm still fuzzy on, but if it has to do with that whole infinity thing, get over it. If it sounds good to you, thats all that matters regardless of what I or anyone here thinks.
Now, if we can put all this B.S. behind us, and if you can give us a better description of what you may be looking for, we can move on. The adcom amp is pretty neutral so a match isn't that much of a concern, assuming you like the adcom of coarse. Tell us about the sound qualities your looking for and we can point you to certain brands to look at. More forward, more layed back, mid bass bunch, low end punch, extended an airy highs, what music do you like to play, jazz, rock, etc.
BTW- just for the record, and not because this is Polks forum, we recommend at times Polk products to some because they are very budget friendly, and a great bang for your buck. The older Monitor line imho for under 100 bucks you'd be hard pressed to find better sound at that price. Again, just my opinion, doesn't mean other brands vintage or not don't have offerings as good or better.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
At least we're not the only ones who have to deal with such nonsensicalness... Yes, I made that up. :eek::biggrin: