RTiA9's Cherry

cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
edited January 2012 in For Sale (FS) Classifieds
I'm selling these for 425.00. I'm adding pictures tonight and local pick up 54467. For this price it is worth a drive from the surrounding area as you are not going to find anything better at this price.

That is for the pair.

I don't want to ship due to the cost and they will have to go freight. If you want shipping then you need to make the arragements to have it done.

There is a mark on the front but it is small and doesn't affect them. It was there when I got them and you don't notice unless you are closer to the speakers.

Post edited by cstmar01 on


  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited December 2011
    That is one hell of a deal someone needs to jump and jump fast!!!!
  • grimmace19
    grimmace19 Posts: 1,429
    edited December 2011
    WOW! Wish I was heading back to wisconsin sooner than February! These wont last long.
  • Dabutcher
    Dabutcher Posts: 2,597
    edited December 2011
    222 miles one way for me. Other than looks , do these perform any better than my Rti12's? Merry Christmas
    MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”
  • jephdood
    jephdood Posts: 1,671
    edited December 2011
    Dabutcher wrote: »
    222 miles one way for me. Other than looks , do these perform any better than my Rti12's? Merry Christmas

    Same speaker from what I gather. Unless the rounded cabinets in the A-series have any impact on the sound. I would guess not. Same parts.
    "I did not slap you. I high-fived your face."
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011
    If you need more I can email this on my phone is a pain in the butt
  • bklynNupe
    bklynNupe Posts: 728
    edited December 2011
    What a sick deal!
    Excellent for ht and pretty dam good for music as well.
    This is a no brainer for anyone close enough to pick up.

    emotiva xpa-2
    emotiva xpa-3
    Denon 3312ci
    Rtia9 /csia6 / FXi A6
    Samsung LN46A650
    SVS PB-12-NSD sub

    Audio Research SP-9 MKIII (GNSC mods)
    W4S ST250
    Lsi 9 (mods)
    W4S DAC-2
    Mac Mini
    Audio Aero Prima CD player
    Pro-Ject debut
  • bklynNupe
    bklynNupe Posts: 728
    edited December 2011
    DSkip wrote: »
    Stupid silly price. I'd be surprised if these last through the morning. The cherry's seem to never go on sale either, at least not like the black ones do.

    It's funny because I'm continuously looking for ways to improve my 2-channel but my I'm very content with my 9's for ht. When watching movies I'm always surprised by their depth and clarity. Excellent for Blu-ray music concerts as well.


    emotiva xpa-2
    emotiva xpa-3
    Denon 3312ci
    Rtia9 /csia6 / FXi A6
    Samsung LN46A650
    SVS PB-12-NSD sub

    Audio Research SP-9 MKIII (GNSC mods)
    W4S ST250
    Lsi 9 (mods)
    W4S DAC-2
    Mac Mini
    Audio Aero Prima CD player
    Pro-Ject debut
  • Drenis
    Drenis Posts: 2,871
    edited December 2011
    I had my buddy come over last night for a demo. Trying to convince him to cash out and make the drive for these. He's too damn stubborn but he has fallen for the A9's hard.
  • Theheadsn
    Theheadsn Posts: 413
    edited December 2011
    damn ALWAYS on the eastern part of the country... i would buy these in a minute if I wasnt 2k+ miles away. Grrr

    good luck with the sale, SUPER great deal
    Home Theater Setup
    • Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    • Mains - Polk RTi A9's
    • External Amps - Outlaw 2200 Monoblocks for L/R/C
    • Center - Polk CSiA6
    • Side Surrounds - Polk FXiA6's
    • Atmos - 4 Polk 80F/X RT's
    • Sub - SVS PC-4000
    • T.V. - LG OLED65C7P

  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited December 2011
    These still here ?? Damn, step up your game, the price of admission is silly sick for these bad boys gents.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • gtu2004
    gtu2004 Posts: 620
    edited December 2011
    Theheadsn wrote: »
    damn ALWAYS on the eastern part of the country... i would buy these in a minute if I wasnt 2k+ miles away. Grrr

    good luck with the sale, SUPER great deal
    Ridiculous. I am pretty certain that good deals are always on the west coast. It's pretty simple really, as CA's home size is always bigger than say NY and the demand for home theater is bigger there. I never understand why people would say this without thinking first.

    Besides, I would not really consider Wisconsin "eastern"

    But it's a great deal on these. Would've bit if I was closer..
    Onkyo 805, RtiA5s, Csi5, Rti6s
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011
    so I have two people interested in line right now.

    I have no want to ship these guys seriously its a pain in the butt. I work normally around 70-80 hours a week and have done so for the last 4 weeks straight. I have no desire when I'm home to go out and search for a pallet (they would need to be strapped to one) and then get them to the freight company etc. Also the cost of freight would run 250-350 depending on how its done so your cost savings are not there.

    If you really want them shipped then the person buying will have to take care of it all. I guess me putting that I don't want to ship into the first post was good enough.

    I had these posted for sale at audiogon for 500 bucks but the listing expired. I feel that this is the best deal you can get on A9's seeing that RTiA12's are still going for 750.00 on their ebay store.
  • Geoff4rfc
    Geoff4rfc Posts: 2,557
    edited December 2011
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    so I have two people interested in line right now.

    I have no want to ship these guys seriously its a pain in the butt. I work normally around 70-80 hours a week and have done so for the last 4 weeks straight. I have no desire when I'm home to go out and search for a pallet (they would need to be strapped to one) and then get them to the freight company etc. Also the cost of freight would run 250-350 depending on how its done so your cost savings are not there.

    If you really want them shipped then the person buying will have to take care of it all. I guess me putting that I don't want to ship into the first post was good enough.

    Yeah, sorry. I gather from the no-reply to my PM that you're not interested in my proposal. Oh well, good luck, I'm sure someone local or close to local will get the score
    Source: BRP Panasonic UB9000, CDP Emotiva ERC3 - Display: LG OLED EVO 83 C3 - Pre/Pro: Marantz 8802A - Amplification: Emotiva XPA-DR3, XPA-2 x 2, XPA-6, Speakers, Mains/2ch-Focal Kanta No2's, C-LSiM706, S-702F/X, RS-RTiA9's, WS-RTiA9's, FH-RTiA3's, Subs - Epik Empire x 2

    Cables: AudioQuest McKenzie XLR's/CDP/Amp, Carbon 48/BRP, Forest 48/Display, 2 channel speaker cable: Furutech FS Alpha 36 12AWG PCOCC Single Crystal (Douglas Connection)

    EXPERIENCE: next to nothing, but I sure enjoy audio and video MY OPINION OF THIS HOBBY: I may not be a smart man, but I know what quicksand is.
    When I was young, I was Superman but now that old age has gotten the best of me I'm only Batman
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited December 2011
    For the guy who was asking, these are not simply the RTi12 with different looks. They may have similar parts, but they sound different. I've owned both, and these sound significantly better than the RTi12.
  • Theheadsn
    Theheadsn Posts: 413
    edited December 2011
    gtu2004 wrote: »
    Ridiculous. I am pretty certain that good deals are always on the west coast. It's pretty simple really, as CA's home size is always bigger than say NY and the demand for home theater is bigger there. I never understand why people would say this without thinking first.

    Besides, I would not really consider Wisconsin "eastern"

    But it's a great deal on these. Would've bit if I was closer..

    Im sorry, my math was a little off, when I said 2,000 plus I should have said 2,063 to be exact.
    And like before, I know my maths a little fuzzy but that seems a little different then the 1,029 miles to NY

    And surprisingly the HT market out here is hit or miss. You'd THINK because we pay for a house with space, and not the same amount for a studio apartment it would mean personal theaters for everyone; but alas, not the case. I try not to think to much about why ANYONE would pay 800k for a shoe box in a horrible place, but then again there's idiots out here that pay 800k for a mansion in a horrible place too.

    And anyone that lives in the western part of these united states would consider anything, lets say over 2,000 miles, just a tad east of here. Everything's spread out here, built out, not up.
    Home Theater Setup
    • Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    • Mains - Polk RTi A9's
    • External Amps - Outlaw 2200 Monoblocks for L/R/C
    • Center - Polk CSiA6
    • Side Surrounds - Polk FXiA6's
    • Atmos - 4 Polk 80F/X RT's
    • Sub - SVS PC-4000
    • T.V. - LG OLED65C7P

  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited December 2011
    Wow Chris. You're giving them away.
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011
    well I guess not seeing some guy wanted to know if he could negotiate the price. :rolleyes: about as good as the guy on audigon who made the offer of 350 shipped...

    Oh and for anyone else, this price is better than anything else. so if you want to low ball me, you can nicely assume I will ignore you.
  • cnh
    cnh Posts: 13,284
    edited December 2011
    When I first saw those pics, I thought "world's longest center channel", lol.

    Fantastic price! East? You guys in California have to realize that those of us who are "actually" on the East coast consider anything on the other side of the Pittsburgh "west"! And remember we are the "oldest" part of this nation! Youngsters! Pretty uppity aren't they?


    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • Geoff4rfc
    Geoff4rfc Posts: 2,557
    edited December 2011
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    well I guess not seeing some guy wanted to know if he could negotiate the price. :rolleyes: about as good as the guy on audigon who made the offer of 350 shipped...

    Oh and for anyone else, this price is better than anything else. so if you want to low ball me, you can nicely assume I will ignore you.

    Gosh, I hope you're not referring to me, all I asked was if I could pay for the speakers so you'd hold them for me until I could get some shipping put together.

    Since I get how you feel about shipping, maybe that's why you ignored me?
    Source: BRP Panasonic UB9000, CDP Emotiva ERC3 - Display: LG OLED EVO 83 C3 - Pre/Pro: Marantz 8802A - Amplification: Emotiva XPA-DR3, XPA-2 x 2, XPA-6, Speakers, Mains/2ch-Focal Kanta No2's, C-LSiM706, S-702F/X, RS-RTiA9's, WS-RTiA9's, FH-RTiA3's, Subs - Epik Empire x 2

    Cables: AudioQuest McKenzie XLR's/CDP/Amp, Carbon 48/BRP, Forest 48/Display, 2 channel speaker cable: Furutech FS Alpha 36 12AWG PCOCC Single Crystal (Douglas Connection)

    EXPERIENCE: next to nothing, but I sure enjoy audio and video MY OPINION OF THIS HOBBY: I may not be a smart man, but I know what quicksand is.
    When I was young, I was Superman but now that old age has gotten the best of me I'm only Batman
  • teamjhertz
    teamjhertz Posts: 361
    edited December 2011
    No he is talking about me. I just asked if the price was negotiable and I guess that was not the right thing to ask. Good luck with the sale it is a great price.
  • Theheadsn
    Theheadsn Posts: 413
    edited December 2011
    cnh wrote: »
    When I first saw those pics, I thought "world's longest center channel", lol.

    Fantastic price! East? You guys in California have to realize that those of us who are "actually" on the East coast consider anything on the other side of the Pittsburgh "west"! And remember we are the "oldest" part of this nation! Youngsters! Pretty uppity aren't they?



    haha old men :P I have a buddy who just moved out here a few months ago from Ohio, we give him crap from being from the east even though its not.
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    well I guess not seeing some guy wanted to know if he could negotiate the price. :rolleyes: about as good as the guy on audigon who made the offer of 350 shipped...

    Oh and for anyone else, this price is better than anything else. so if you want to low ball me, you can nicely assume I will ignore you.

    is there a way to poke someone in the eye that tries to lowball an insanely cheap price? lol
    Home Theater Setup
    • Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    • Mains - Polk RTi A9's
    • External Amps - Outlaw 2200 Monoblocks for L/R/C
    • Center - Polk CSiA6
    • Side Surrounds - Polk FXiA6's
    • Atmos - 4 Polk 80F/X RT's
    • Sub - SVS PC-4000
    • T.V. - LG OLED65C7P

  • jephdood
    jephdood Posts: 1,671
    edited December 2011
    Theheadsn wrote: »
    is there a way to poke someone in the eye that tries to lowball an insanely cheap price? lol

    This is about as close as you can get I think:

    "I did not slap you. I high-fived your face."
  • Tungx2
    Tungx2 Posts: 58
    edited December 2011
    LOL I already have two pairs of new RTi A9 at home that are black.

    At this price, I wish I can get them to match my floors. lol too bad the shipping price will kill the deal >.<" Or else I would've picked them up at point Roberts, WA.
    TV.......................Samsung 46" LCD LN46A550
    A/V Receiver.........Yamaha RX-V3900
    Amplifier.............. Emotiva XPA-1 Gen 2 for fronts, XPA-3 Gen 2 for center and Surrounds.
    BluRay Player.........Sony PS3
    Fronts...................RTia9 (modded)
    Center.............. ...CSiA6 (modded)
    Surrounds.............Empty for now. But waiting for a Fxi A6 deal on polk ebay.
    Rear Surrounds.... Deciding if front presence is the way to go instead.
    Sub..................... SVS PB12-plus/2
  • larry777
    larry777 Posts: 480
    edited December 2011
    I'm surprised these speakers are still for sale at this " Rock Bottem Price " They should go soon.:surprised:
    Home Theatre.............

    Pioneer SC-35
    Polk RTi10's Fronts
    Polk CSiA6 Center
    RTi4 Surrounds
    SVS PB-12 Sub

    2 Channel.............................

    Yaqin MC-100B
    Energy RC-70 Speakers
    Arcam CD-192 Disc Player
    Van Den Hul Interconnects
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited December 2011
    Geoff4rfc wrote: »
    Gosh, I hope you're not referring to me, all I asked was if I could pay for the speakers so you'd hold them for me until I could get some shipping put together.

    Since I get how you feel about shipping, maybe that's why you ignored me?

    when it says in my first post I don't want to ship, and then I am asked about it. I'm not doing it. If you PM me and say I have the company ready to go and they will pick up the speakers just let me know what time they need to be there and I'm sending the money that is a different story.

    Also to expand on that. Shipping on these things has to go via freight. I've already looked into it before for someone in PA and the cost was 250 and that was if I can drop off at the freight company and the other person could pick up.

    Otherwise drop off at freight would be and drop off at home would be 350. The things need to be strapped to a pallet, I seriously do not have the time right now to go out to a business to look for one. On top of that the one box sucks and I would have to remake the box.

    The best deal is local pick up. I know one of the parties in line is driving from another location, same with another person looking into them. It may seem mean but many times when I do ship I end up loosing money on the deal and seeing these are already lower than normal I don't feel like its worth the time for me to deal with it.

    I bought these 2 years ago for 1200 bucks from polks ebay store. SO as you can see I'm loosing money on the deal, which I'm fine with. I want to see them go to a good home so if someone can't pick them up I will just hang onto them.
  • mu1166
    mu1166 Posts: 172
    edited December 2011
    If you weren't 320 miles away, I'm so in the market for a pair of Cherry A9's. Awesome deal!!!
    AVR: Pioneer Elite SC-67
    Mains: Polk LSiM707
    Center: Polk LSiM706c
    Rear: Polk LSiM702F/X
    Sub: SVS PC12 Ultra
    TV: Panasonic VIERA TC-P60GT50
    DVD: Xbox 360
    NMT: Popcorn Hour C-200
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited December 2011
    About 6 hours in driving? Worth it IMO!!!

    Just tring to motivate you... LOL!!!
  • mu1166
    mu1166 Posts: 172
    edited December 2011
    6 hours 1 way is a heck of a drive... Especially when Monday would be the only day in the next weeks that would work for me. Not that it isn't in the back of my mind.
    AVR: Pioneer Elite SC-67
    Mains: Polk LSiM707
    Center: Polk LSiM706c
    Rear: Polk LSiM702F/X
    Sub: SVS PC12 Ultra
    TV: Panasonic VIERA TC-P60GT50
    DVD: Xbox 360
    NMT: Popcorn Hour C-200