What do I do with an extra Sunfire?

SDA1C Posts: 2,072
edited December 2011 in The Clubhouse
So I got caught in a cross fire.... bid on a Sunfire amp then bought one elsewhere now I have two. UHHHH>>> lol what now?? I spoke to a fellow member that says I can bridge the 5x200 to 2x400 but I plan to try the Audio Space tuber on my 5jr and really don't need the extra amp. WTF? I'm stupid sometimes that's for sure! May be just impatient but feeling stupid anyway lol.

Too much **** to list....
Post edited by SDA1C on


  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited November 2011
    If you sell it here it should go rather quick. Those don't last long around the flea market, I think most of us have/had, used/tried Sunfire somewhere in the rig. If you don't need it, sell it.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:

  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    That was my idea. I just wanted to be sure there wasn't something cool to try first. I'm not doing the Bi-amp mod to my 1c's so I don't see that duty coming in the near future. Just thinking at this point I guess.

    Too much **** to list....
  • nooshinjohn
    nooshinjohn Posts: 25,534
    edited November 2011
    Two of them stacked together make for nice audio ****.:mrgreen:

    Wish I could go back in time when I had two Sig 7/400's and a Stereo Sig 600/2 all under one roof and all connected to one system. It was the BEST ht experience of my life!:cheesygrin:

    Edit*** should add that all the speakers in that rig were 4 ohm speakers.:eek: The math broke out to about 1600 wpc! Not saying they actually ever put out that much, but I could make windows rattle a block away.
    The Gear... Carver "Statement" Mono-blocks, Mcintosh C2300 Arcam AVR20, Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in-wall" surrounds. Marantz MM7025 stereo amp. Simaudio Moon 680d DSD

    “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”— Thomas Jefferson
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    Hay suse! I bet it was lol. I am ..sort of.. looking for a 2x600 for the other 2 channels. I'll definitely get pics before the **** gets awy (thats about all the **** I get after 10 yrs of marriage lol). I just don't think I'll need it. If I hadn't gone the QSC way last week I might have kept it for the wife's prog but really no sense in taking up space if someone else can use it.

    Too much **** to list....
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited December 2011
    BeefJerky wrote: »
    Karma! :wink:

  • nooshinjohn
    nooshinjohn Posts: 25,534
    edited December 2011
    BeefJerky wrote: »
    Karma! :wink:

    This is a great idea, but the buyer would need to pick up actual shipping costs and a "nominal" handling charge of $750.00.:cheesygrin:
    The Gear... Carver "Statement" Mono-blocks, Mcintosh C2300 Arcam AVR20, Oppo UDP-203 4K Blu-ray player, Sony XBR70x850B 4k, Polk Audio Legend L800 with height modules, L400 Center Channel Polk audio AB800 "in-wall" surrounds. Marantz MM7025 stereo amp. Simaudio Moon 680d DSD

    “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”— Thomas Jefferson
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited December 2011
    :cheesygrin:Karma....OH your a funny one ain't cha! lol!

    As good of an idea as that is I think I'd have to agree with the terms of the karma as Nooshinjohn suggested before it would be feasible.

    It shipped this morning from MD so it shouldn't take long to get here. I figure I'll play with it a bit then offer it to a fellow Polkie. It has a burnt light so I'll probably fix that....I do want to compare it to the 425 for giggles and might do some bridging tests I heard about.:wink:


    Too much **** to list....
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited December 2011
    I'll take it. Just send it here. I'm in need of something new. Keep it as a backup, or you could start another system.
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited December 2011
    I can think of worse problems than being temporarily "stuck" with two Cin Grands...
    Edit*** should add that all the speakers in that rig were 4 ohm speakers.:eek: The math broke out to about 1600 wpc! Not saying they actually ever put out that much, but I could make windows rattle a block away.
    When get to that extreme it's time to start quoting figures in hp... :cheesygrin:

    7 *1600 = 11,200 W ===> 15.02 hp
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited December 2011
    :smile:I was definitely not complaining. Might be nice to cover the other 2 channels with the 5/200 and maybe get the 5 jrs in the mix. Awful hard to hide that thing though and I already told the wife I'd only keep one.

    HMMM LIGHT BULB! (in my best despicable me voice).

    Too much **** to list....
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited December 2011
    Tour2ma wrote: »
    ...7 *1600 = 11,200 W ===> 15.02 hp

    forgive my ignorance, but I though 750w=1hp either way it's still in the ball park, i came up with 14.9333333 hp
    SDA1C wrote: »
    .....HMMM LIGHT BULB! (in my best despicable me voice). 1C

  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited December 2011
    Its definitely something to consider when you calculate power in a stereo as HP> Good god almighty!

    I think I might have an addiction.

    Too much **** to list....
    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited December 2011
    SDA1C wrote: »
    Karma was my idea. Just thinking at this point I guess. 1C
    BeefJerky wrote: »
    Karma! :wink:
    Willow wrote: »
    IN please! 1000000000000000
    SDA1C wrote: »
    :cheesygrin:Karma.... good of an idea as that is I think I'd have to agree... ...it would be feasible. I... ...will... ship... ...from MD so it shouldn't take long to get... ...to the winner. I figure I'll play with it a bit then offer it to a fellow Polkie. It has a burnt light so I'll probably fix that....I do want to compare it to the 425 for giggles and might do some bridging tests I heard about.:wink: Karma..... ...LOLOLOL! 1C
    IN Pleaaaase, 1100020000400300! Best Karma of 2011 so far! This is gone a be a great Xmas for the winner! :cool: Thanks 1C! :razz:
    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited December 2011
    Nice try bud. A+ for effort lol.
    Too much **** to list....
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited December 2011
    TECHNOKID wrote: »
    IN Pleaaaase, 1100020000400300! Best Karma of 2011 so far! This is gone a be a great Xmas for dudeinaroom. Who ever wins has to send it to him. :cool: Thanks 1C! :razz:

    Wow thanks TECHNOKID
  • quadzilla
    quadzilla Posts: 1,543
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, cause you could just sell/trade it to me.
    Turntable: Empire 208
    Arm: Rega 300
    Cart: Shelter 501 III
    Phono Pre: dsachs consulting
    Digital: Marantz SACD 30n
    Pre: Conrad Johnson ET3 SE
    Amp: Conrad Johnson Premier 350
    Cables: Cardas Neutral Reference
    Speakers: SDA 2.3TL, heavily modified
  • JimMueller
    JimMueller Posts: 100
    edited December 2011
    This is a great idea, but the buyer would need to pick up actual shipping costs and a "nominal" handling charge of $750.00.:cheesygrin:
    SDA1C wrote: »
    As good of an idea as that is I think I'd have to agree with the terms of the karma as Nooshinjohn suggested before it would be feasible.

    Sold!! :smile:
    Yamaha RX-2600 receiver, Nakamichi Dragon, Mitsubishi HS-U80 VCR, Pioneer DVL-90 LD Player, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray player, Sony CDP-X555ES CD player, Carver TFM-42, Carver AV-634, Panasonic TC-P54V10 plasma, BenQ W1070 PJ, Fisher MT-90 turntable, AKG-K340 headphones, Polk SDA-1C mains, CS-400i center, FX A4 surrounds, Rti A1 surround backs
  • Drenis
    Drenis Posts: 2,871
    edited December 2011
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited December 2011
    I do appreciate the offers (PM'd) but I was looking for info such as chaining the channels or other neat tricks that might be tried. When/if I decide to sell this or the Sig I will post it in the flea market with standard rules applying. I don't think it's fair to sell to a PM when not all members are allowed due to post count. I have thought of the possibility of a "pick a number between 1-500,000" type of karma but haven't decided yet.

    Thanks for laughs :)

    Too much **** to list....