Trying out some Martin Logan Vantages

Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
edited November 2011 in Speakers
I picked these up from Best Buy new in box at less than half retail price. I have 45 days to return them if they don't work out. I was very impressed the packaging of the speaker. Positioning seems to be extremely critical with these speakers. They are still breaking in but so far I am hearing stuff I never heard with my Tyler Linbrook Monitors. Unfortualtely, I'm not sure I need to hear all that stuff. We'll see :smile:
Post edited by Polkitup2 on


  • cubdog
    cubdog Posts: 835
    edited September 2011
    Great deal. I've liked all the MLs I've heard. Let us know what you think.

    Shuguang Classic S8MK
    Emotiva XDA-2
    Bel Canto M300 mono blocks
    Bel Canto DAC 1.5
    Squeezebox Touch
    Sony SS-M7
    A/D/S L710
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    I did keep the Martin Logans. They took a couple of hundred hours to break in and it took a lot of experimentation to find the best placement. I also installed some room treatments which took then to another level. The detail, clarity and air of these speakers is incredible, a couple times I A/B'd them with my Tyler Linbrook Monitors and while I really like the Tylers, the Martin Logans trump them in most areas. At first vocals sounded a little thin compared to my Tylers, but I now believe that the robustness of the vocals with the Tyles was more coloration than the way the vocals naturally sound. Sorry got the crappy picture, my Sony camera broke.
  • danz1906
    danz1906 Posts: 5,144
    edited November 2011
    Congrats!..............Sweet system!
    Linn AV5140 fronts
    Linn AV5120 Center
    Linn AV5140 Rears
    M&K MX-70 Sub for Music
    Odyssey Mono-Blocs
    SVS Ultra-13 Gloss Black:D
  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    edited November 2011
    If you did not have the rack in between then then they would sound even better . Have you tried placing them near a larger back wall ? If you do that you will hear the intended time delay that adds the magic ambiance
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    That's what I have to work with for now. There must be enough wall behind the speakers as I do get plenty of ambience.
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2011
    Glad to see you didn't give up on them too soon. They can be a challenge to set up. If your interested, there are a few tips I can share with you and others to coax a bit more out of them.

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    I'd appreciate any tips you have. I have read a lot of the threads on the Martin Logan owners forum about the flashlight method, rake, and distance from wall, but whatever you have I'm interested.
  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited November 2011
    Sweet speakers, and I've always wanted to try a pair in my house. I assume you are powering with with the W4S amp?
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    Yes, I am using the Wyred ST-250 and it seems to work just fine. It hasn't had a problem with the low impedence of the Martin Logans.
  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited November 2011
    I would expect it to work with them well as class D amps love low impedances. Do you feel like you need more power? I've heard too much power is never enough when it comes to electrostatics, but 250w at 4 ohms is decent power as well.
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    Plenty of power, in fact I use the Wyred DAC-2 volume offset to reduce the level of the signal so I can run a higher volume setting on my pre-amp.
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2011
    Polkitup2 wrote: »
    I'd appreciate any tips you have. I have read a lot of the threads on the Martin Logan owners forum about the flashlight method, rake, and distance from wall, but whatever you have I'm interested.

    Do you have them spiked? It won't tear up the carpets. Have you tried ensuring the panels are perfectly vertical with no tilt in any direction? Try placing some weights on the cabinets to tighten the bottom. PFB brought up a good point about the rack in the center. I'm in the same position as you but did experiment with the rack moved and the sound was leaps and bounds better with the rack not in the center. When listening to 2 channel, throw a heavy quilt over the TV in an attempt to cut down on reflections.

    I'm sure you've read a few of these suggestions at MLO but thought I'd bring them here for others to digest.

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011
    Thanks for the tips, I still need to experiment with the panel tilt. I also plan to lower the height of the rack so hopefully that will help as well. I must say though, as is, these speakers are peforming better than I ever expected.
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited November 2011
    P2, clear your inbox. Tried sending you a PM and your full.

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited November 2011