Surroundbar 3000 vs 6000?

Justsomeguy Posts: 1
edited October 2011 in Speakers
I'm in the market for a soundbar for our 47" LCD and after a bit of research I've pretty much decided on going with a Polk Surroundbar. Now I'm left deciding whether to go with the 3000 or spend the extra money for the 6000.

This will go in our living room, which is a decent size (probably a 20' x 20' room roughly).
We generally sit about 10 feet from the TV, maybe a little less.

Of course if I was really serious about our audio experience I'd probably be looking at setting up a full surround sound system with individual speakers. We basically want to have some decent audio - we don't expect a full cinematic experience from a soundbar. We're just tired of thin unintelligible audio coming from our TV speaker.

I've searched the net for any reviews comparing the difference in quality from the 3000 and 6000 but haven't found anything at all. I'm curious if any members here have used them both and what their thoughts are.

I don't mind spending nearly $200 more on the 6000 if the quality difference is really noticeable.
I just want to make sure it's worth it.

Any thoughts?
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

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