RM660 hooked up to Sony SAW40 woofer
Posts: 30
I have read the setup for the RM6600 to the Polk 350 subwoofer. Very interesting. Does the setup also applies to a different subwoofer, a Sony SAW40 which is pretty close to the Polk 350 sub. If so, which connection is best? A single line from the sub to the Yamaha 5460 or use the speaker wires from the sub to the RM6600 front sat speakers and to the Yamaha 5460 as well. Just curious since the sub is not a Polk and wondered about which is the best connection to use. I would like to be correct the first time and not accidently blow out something. Any advice would be appreciated. Im fairly new at tis' and am hearing impaired with 2 aids. As such, is difficult to find the right sound balance.
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joe -
either hookup is acceptable. you won't blow anything out, as long as you hook it up correctly. which method to use is a balance of sound tweaking vs. ease of hookup. the single line out to the sub from your reciever allows ease of hookup, but may result in a 'gap' of sound between the low end of your fronts, and the high end filtered signal your sub will recieve using the line out. the other method uses a few more connections, and a bit more speaker cable, but it also allows you to 'customize' your crossover between your fronts and sub, giving you a more blended sound. this second method is the preferred method of many, as we love to tweak our systems to get the best possible sound. try both, see what you think works best. enjoy, and let us know hoe it works out!
Thanks, appreciate the info. Reckon I'll go to Best Buy and buy some Monster speaker wires to do the work recommended by yall. That will give me something to do this weekend, smile. Hope Ill be rewarded by doing so and get better grooving sounds to rock my baby doll.