2 Power Conditioners

Ern Dog
Ern Dog Posts: 2,237
edited June 2011 in For Sale (FS) Classifieds
I was cleaning out the closet today and want to sell these two power conditioners.

#1- PS Audio Quintet
I'm the original owner and had this for a year before upgrading. Condition is 8/10. Comes with stock power cord, manual and box. This unit was "The Absolute Sound" Product of the year 2009. New retails for $400. Yours for $250 shipped in USA, paypal- gift.

#2 Belkin PureAv PF40L
This is an entry level power conditioner. I'm the original owner and bought it a couple years ago and it is no longer in production. It does operate flawlessly and it has some mild scratches on the top. I would rate it 7/10. It has 12 outlets. Here's a link for more info: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812120244
Yours for $25 shipped in USA, paypal gift.
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