What's america's number one driving frustration? Slow drivers
Forgot to add.
6. Pennsylvania Drivers, Act like they own the road, always switching lanes to get ahead only to end up behind me and tailgating.
7. New York Drivers, they have no idea how to merge and ride the fast lane going slower than traffic. And the manufacturer put a turn signal on the car for a reason.
8. People that move over a solid line into a merging lane to try and speed up past everyone. I place my car right in front of them. -
Drivers who are not courteous, period.
Whether that's "parking" in the passing lane, texting/talking on cell,
failing to merge properly, tailgating, & many more I can't think of right now. -
7. New York Drivers, they have no idea how to merge and ride the fast lane going slower than traffic. And the manufacturer put a turn signal on the car for a reason.
I know it's just confirmation bias at this point, but every time I see a New Yorker approaching a toll booth near me, I know something awful is going to happen. I've never seen more people cut across 9 lanes or BACK UP ON THE HIGHWAY at a toll booth than New Yorkers.If you will it, dude, it is no dream. -
bobman1235 wrote: »I know it's just confirmation bias at this point, but every time I see a New Yorker approaching a toll booth near me, I know something awful is going to happen. I've never seen more people cut across 9 lanes or BACK UP ON THE HIGHWAY at a toll booth than New Yorkers.
Does not surprise me to hear that at all. I know I have seen this a time or 50. -
Does not surprise me to hear that at all. I know I have seen this a time or 50.
Heh. Try being behind one on the Parkway when they pull in to an EZ Pass only lane without EZ Pass.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
NY drivers? What about Boston, Mass. boys. Now there are some 'real' winners (in the Charlie Sheen sense). I've driven in NY many times and it doesn't touch the Mass boys.
Bobman, I've got you by a couple of decades I think. I'm at that age when most men who have not lived the 'examined' life decide to get a divorce, spend their spare cash on a 500 HP sports car and start looking for the woman of their lost youth--preferably one 'half' their age? lol But, that's not me. Mid-life crisis? I think I experienced that when I was 15 (Camus' The Stranger)?
My favorite drivers are 'some' of our senior citizens because I have NO idea what they're going to do next..and neither do many of them (of course they're not 'all' bad).]
cnhCurrently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!
Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
[sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash] -
NY drivers? What about Boston, Mass. boys. Now there are some 'real' winners (in the Charlie Sheen sense). I've driven in NY many times and it doesn't touch the Mass boys.
Green means go, yellow means go faster, red means proceed at own caution.Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!! -
Pet Peeve - people who take 6 blocks on a main street to get up to the 45mph speed limit. 10-12-15-22-22-25-29-31-35-35-37-40-41-42-43-44-45 mph and 6 blocks later they finally hit the speed limit just in time to stop at another light and repeat the same frustrating 6 block creep to speed! :mad:
Happened to me this morning on the way to work and I just about blew a gasket!
With these gas prices I do that..:frown: its worth it to me even if it only saves a little gas..TV: Philips 42" LCD 1080p
Front Speakers: Polk Audio RT800i
Center Speaker: Polk Audio CS1
Surround Speakers: Polk Audio R50's powered of Denon AVR
Subwoofer: Polk Audio DSW pro500
AVR: Denon 3801
DVD Player: Denon DVM 745 upscale 1080p
Sat: Directtv HD 10
Front Speakers Amp: Rotel RB 890
Center Speaker amp: Rotel 970 BX -
With these gas prices I do that..:frown: its worth it me even if it only saves a little gas..
I certainly don't jack rabbit from every stop, but my time is more valuable than taking 6 blocks to reach 45mph. The gas savings is miniscule, IMO.
H9"Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul! -
bobman1235 wrote: »By the way, personally I think my biggest pet peeve is when you're merging for some reason, and everyone's just being friendly and doing that alternating merge thing where it basically works like a zipper - one from lane 1, one from lane 2, one from lane 1, one from lane 2 - and then you get that flaming dickhead who insists that NO WAY are you getting in front of him, as if the 2.3 seconds he saves by being one car length further up in stop and go traffic is going to make any difference.
Ugh, I HATE that.
That's a variant on what I said earlier. Anybody who has that "me first" dickhead attitude when merging, exiting, etc. ends up causes extra delays compared to when everyone is courteous and leaves a couple car lengths for easy merging. -
NY drivers? What about Boston, Mass. boys. Now there are some 'real' winners (in the Charlie Sheen sense). I've driven in NY many times and it doesn't touch the Mass boys.
Can't agree more. Moved from upstate NY to central MA. I have been in 5 serious near misses in the past 3 years. No where that many close calls when I was in NY. Here's a couple.
1) Once almost rear ended on a 55 mph road because someone was on their cell. They swerved the last minute into the adjacent lane. Thankfully no one was in it.
2) Another time someone coming out of a Dunkin-Donuts decides to cut across 2 lanes of stopped traffic (at a light) instead of exiting the other side street (DD on a corner of a 4 way intersection). Thing is the light had just turned green and they obviously didn't see us because of the line of cars blocking their view. Almost smashed right into the side of their car.
The other times have been similar people cutting me off. I don't understand why they can't be more cautious. It only take a few extra seconds to be more careful.
Being courteous is great. But in MA there's people who will come to a complete stop from going 45 mph to let people stopped on a side street in front of them without thinking about the people behind them. So many times the people behind them have to slam on their brakes to avoid colliding.
This past month has been intersection U-turn month. Saw an 18 wheeler and a school bus do a U-turn in a 3 way intersection stopping 45mph traffic to perform the maneuver. -
maximillian wrote: »Being courteous is great. But in MA there's people who will come to a complete stop from going 45 mph to let people stopped on a side street in front of them without thinking about the people behind them. So many times the people behind them have to slam on their brakes to avoid colliding."He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
I can certainly agree with slow drivers being the most annoying, regardless of who or what demographic the poll was taken from. Just today, in my 20,000lb work truck, this lady in a black SUV was doing the 34, 46, 32, 44, and on and on for 12 miles [55mph road]. Company policy is that I can not pass on a two lane road, even if it is legal to do so. FINALLY after 12 miles, she goes straight and I decide to turn onto another road and take a shortcut just to avoid her.
A quarter mile down that road, I get behind a '64 beater Ford with a live but decaying old man who must have been 110 years old 30 years ago who never broke 34 miles an hour on a 45mph road. I wanted so badly to slap that damned cowboy hat right off his head! 5 miles down the road, after averaging 31mph, he finally turned off into his driveway. Once again, I was still in my company truck so I couldn't do a damned thing.
So, I get into my personal truck to go home. Along my 33 mile commute, this real nice fella decided to quickly get out of the slow lane [no blinker and traveling 10-15mph slower] about 40 feet in front of me [I'm goin' about 68 in a 65...] and I have to slow down rather suddenly to avoid rearranging the back of his SUV. I slowed down so quickly that my nose was seemingly pointed at the road. I come within about 10' of his back bumper, which is WAY to close for my comfort but I couldn't slow down any faster. What does he do? The buttmunch sees a squirrel or some scheit and proceeds to slow down even more. We are both down to around 45, give or take and the slow lane is now passing us.
That set me off, as I had reached my limit of idiots drivers for the day. My foot somehow made me put the pedal to the metal and I passed him about 2" away from him in his own lane and the grass. [I know, not a smart thing to do] He actually started speeding up when he saw that I was gonna pass, so once I got about 20 feet in front of him, I resumed position in his lane and all of a sudden I saw a squirrel. Could have sworn there were ten of them rascal's runnin' loose in the highway. :rolleyes:
**** for a tat. I gave him my "sign of love" and went on my merry way. As I was driving off, I noticed his wife was hitting him repeatedly from the passenger seat. Good woman.
So, yes. I can agree with the poll. Slow drivers are an annoyance, they cause the start of traffic jams, are the cause of many an accident 'round these parts and they have no regard whatsoever of what is happening around them. Slower traffic, KEEP RIGHT, it's the law! I swear, one of these days I'm gonna have a neon sign written in reverse installed on my grill.
BTW, I do not do this on a daily basis. This was an isolated incident and I have a spotless driving record. Not even so much as a hiccup. Before anybody goes and gives me a lecture about what I did or tries to convince me that what I did was wrong, I already know that it was the wrong thing to do. So, kindly keep your thoughts to yourself.~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~ -
All tied for first....
Minivan drivers: No, this is not a NASCAR stock car, it's a minivan. Ain't the world's fault you bought that piece of sh**!
Texters/Cell Phone talkers: Hope that call or text cures cancer, cause you're not worried about the other lives you're risking!
People that drive on your bumper: Damn, where's the rear missile launcher when ya need it!
People BEHIND you when the light turns green who insist on hitting the gas before you do, thinking you somehow need a push to get going. NOOOO, it's called The guy in front of me moves first, then I go and finally you go. Yes, in that order!
Impatient knuckleheads at stop signs who act like the people above: I've been driving for 25 years and have never been in an accident. I come to San Antonio and TWICE get hit in the bumper by impatient women behind me at stop signs. One woman tried to play it off like there's nothing wrong and all is good. So I look and there's some slight damage to my bumper. I had to inconvenience HER by taking down her info. How terrible of me for being such an a$$hole!
People who don't respect motorcyclists!No excuses! -
Slow drivers, get the F out of the way! I'm shocked to see a few of you seem to think it's OK to hold up someone going faster than you for some stupid principle.
People playing cop and inattentive A-holes are the main problem.SystemLuxman L-590AXII Integrated Amplifier|KEF Reference 1 Loudspeakers|PS Audio Directream Jr|Sansui TU-9900 Tuner|TEAC A-6100 RtR|Nakamichi RX-202 Cassette -
Fools that haven't figured out the left lane is the passing lane not the #$%! *&%#! cruising lane.