Best Speakers Without a Sub

HTNUT Posts: 2
edited May 2011 in Speakers
Hello All,

I'm finally looking at updating my old Polk RT-12 fronts and CS400i Center. I have about $450.00 in store credits with Amazon so I'm looking at buying from them. I was looking at either of these systems but wanted to see which will work best without a sub.

RTi A7 and the CSi A6 or the TSi 500 with the CS20. I'll replace the rears at a later date. These will be driven by my Denon 3808ci AVR. They will be used 95% of the time for Home Theater. I won't be buying a sub right now. Maybe at some point but not where I'm living right now.

I'm leaning towards the RTi A7 and CSi A6 but would like some opinions for HT use without sub.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you

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  • TouchOfEvil
    TouchOfEvil Posts: 967
    edited May 2011
    If your going to go with the larger rti series i'd say go with the 9's or the 5's. The 7's lose a mid driver and of course it suffers in the mid range because of this. The 5's do a great job even without a sub but if you can swing for the 9's that would be a great choice.
    Living Room Rig:D
    Rotel RSP-1069/Rotel RMB-1095/Rotel-1072/Polk lsI15's W/modded xoverW/DBsubs/Polk LsiC/lsI7's/Klipsch sub-12"the weak link"/DLP Mitsubishi 65"
    M.Br. setup:)
    Emotiva MMC-1/Rotel RMB-1075/Polk BlackStone TL350's/Velodyne SPL1000/Samsung 51" Plasma
    Computer Rig:
    Rotel RB1050/Tannoy DC4's/Klipsch RW-10d/ImodIpod/HK AVR230 for now....
    Headphones-Ultrasone-HFI780's w/LittleDot MK Vamp Portables Panasonic HJE-900's
  • renowilliams
    renowilliams Posts: 920
    edited May 2011
    +1 on what Touch is saying about thr RTIA5's. I would get them and with the money you save get a sub. They are great H/T speakers.

    "They're always talking about my drinking, but never mention my thirst" Oscar Wilde

    Pre-Amp: Anthem AVM 20
    Amp: Carver TFM-35
    Amp: Rotel RB-870BX
    Fronts : SDA 1B w/ RDO-194s
    T.V.:Plasma TC-P54G25
    Bluray: Oppo BDP-93
    Speaker Cables: MIT Terminater
    Interconnect Cables:DH Labs Silver Sonic BL-1isonic
  • zx_toth
    zx_toth Posts: 417
    edited May 2011
    If your going to go with the larger rti series i'd say go with the 9's or the 5's. The 7's lose a mid driver and of course it suffers in the mid range because of this. The 5's do a great job even without a sub but if you can swing for the 9's that would be a great choice.
    +1 on what Touch is saying about thr RTIA5's. I would get them and with the money you save get a sub. They are great H/T speakers.


    LOL ... neither of your recommendations are from the two options he proposed. I personally would go with the Rtia7 choice as I have recently been acquainted with the Rtia line and am pleasantly surprised .... you wont go wrong there and they look awfully sexy too with the nice curved rear end.


    HTNUT Posts: 2
    edited May 2011
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I think the RTi A9 will be too large in my area. I'll have to measure. I think it might be too much speaker for my room.

    No matter what I save with cheaper speakers (RTi A5) a sub cannot me used right now. Like I said earlier maybe down the road but not now. It is not a case of money.

    Like I said I'll have to check a few things out. RTi A7 would be a perfect size so we'll see.

    Thanks again.

  • Wendelman
    Wendelman Posts: 38
    edited May 2011
    The A7s and A9s are both going to give you a wonderfully full sound field range, but will beg for a constant flow of high wattage current. You would be able to get low end freq from both (down to 20 & 18Hz, respectively), better than many avg powered subs, but they will not fill their full range without globs of power (up to 300 & 500 watts rec amp power). To have these truly replace the low freq of a dedicated sub would call for a relatively beefy and expensive amp. A friend of mine recently went with the A9s after we were able to test drive both with his ATI AT3002 amp (300wRMSx2). Both sounded outstanding, but like you, he was going without a sub and wanted the added low end (personally, I had trouble noticing a justifiable amount of added bass [-2Hz] for the added cost, but it was not my call!).

    Unfortunately, you prob will not be getting sub-like performance from any passive 8ohm towers w/o pre/amp components. And if you went and spent the money on those, the resulting bass would be equally as disturbing (neighbors?) So I would recommend, based on cost efficiency, noise constraints and assuming your current AVR as sole power source, either the A5s ($283 on amazon, same price as tsi400s right now!) or tsi500s ($375) with the csiA4/A6 ($225/$375), as they are both much better than the CS20. This will give you a nice, balanced and fairly full sound for now, and a great base for when you are able to add a sub.

    After all, powered subs came along to be the best, cost-effective solution for HT setups, while full range, power hungry towers w ext amps are best left to serious stereo music audiophiles with plenty of free cash and space for their setup. So If 95% of your usage is HT, save yourself the money and space. And if you still feel like you need a fuller sound, go with a lower power, cheaper sub (PSW10, $89) and keep it at a low setting for the time being.

    Good Luck!

    ManCave Setup
    50in Pan S2 Plasma, Yamaha A-2010, XBOX 360 Elite, LG BD590, Motorola DCX 3400 M
    Mains: RT2000P, Center: CS400i Surr: LS f/x, R Surr RT7, Sub(s): PSW300, Energy ESW-C8 (switched and hidden inside sectional), 2 Aura Bass Shakers <-- Adcom 150w Subwoofer amp
  • TouchOfEvil
    TouchOfEvil Posts: 967
    edited May 2011
    I would still suggest going with the A5's if the 9's are too large. Most people find the 7's to lack in the mid range department and it's a very important role for music and HT alike.
    Also if your going to push them without an external amp the 7's will not perform to their full potential.
    The 5's will be able to function properly even at lower power and give a nice full range sound. Later down the road when you can get a sub it will certainly be a nice addition but the 5's hold their own very well. I should know since i have them for one of my rigs.
    Living Room Rig:D
    Rotel RSP-1069/Rotel RMB-1095/Rotel-1072/Polk lsI15's W/modded xoverW/DBsubs/Polk LsiC/lsI7's/Klipsch sub-12"the weak link"/DLP Mitsubishi 65"
    M.Br. setup:)
    Emotiva MMC-1/Rotel RMB-1075/Polk BlackStone TL350's/Velodyne SPL1000/Samsung 51" Plasma
    Computer Rig:
    Rotel RB1050/Tannoy DC4's/Klipsch RW-10d/ImodIpod/HK AVR230 for now....
    Headphones-Ultrasone-HFI780's w/LittleDot MK Vamp Portables Panasonic HJE-900's
  • gp4jesus
    gp4jesus Posts: 1,994
    edited May 2011
    +1 touch.

    the 'A7s don't do well w/out a 'warm' soundind amp and good twist of the 'V' knob.

    I love mine but...

    Samsung 60" UN60ES6100 LED, Outlaw Audio 976 Pre/Pro, Samsung BDP, Amazon Firestick, Phillips CD Changer

    Canare 14 ga - LCR tweeters inside*; Ctr Ch outside
    BJC 10 ga - LCR mids “Foamed & Plugged**”, inside* & out
    8 ga Powerline: LR woofers, inside* & out
    *soldered **Rob the Man (Xschop)

    LR: Tri-amped RTi A7 w/Rotels*. Woofers - 980BX; Tweets & Mids - RB981*
    Ctr Ch: Rotel RB981* -> Bi-amped CSi A6
    Surrounds: Rotel 981* -> AR 12 ga -> RTi A3
    *all connected w/Premiere ICs
    5 Subs: Sunfire True SW Signature -> LFE & Ctr Ch; 4 Audio Pro Evidence @ the “Corners”

    Power Conditioning & Distribution:
    4 dedicated 20A feeds; APC H15; 5 Furman Miniport 20s
  • JimAckley
    JimAckley Posts: 1,138
    edited May 2011
    Well between the two you posted, if you're just using an AVR I'd go for the TSi, plus in cherry they're f**king sexy. The RTi line is too bright for my taste, but either system is pretty good. You've gotta try to get out to stores and sit down and listen. Your ears need to be the judge.

    Now, if money were no object... :biggrin:

    - Computer Rig -
    YAΘIN MS-20L, polkaudio RT5

    - Main Rig -
    Pioneer SC-37, Overnight Sensations, Samsung 52" LCD

    - Currently In Progress -
    Curt Campbell's Uluwatu LCR, LMS Ultra Gjallarhorn, JBL W15GTi stereo subs, 2.1 entertainment system for the gf
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    edited May 2011
    I don't find the A7's to be bright or lacking with the SC-37.....strictly HT mind you.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk