2 center channels

eaadams Posts: 213
edited November 2001 in Technical/Setup
I cant figure out how to mount a CS 400i on my WEGA but I do have the ability to mount 2 CS 245i's below the wega in a special center channel cabinet. Now I'm not racking on the 245 but I think they sound like junk. So I was wondering if there is some way to use two and split the signal so to get better sound?
Post edited by eaadams on


  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited November 2001
    I don't know if you could split the signal but if you think 1 245i sucks, wouldn't it just suck twice as bad??

    Is there anyway to mount a shelf above the TV?

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • eaadams
    eaadams Posts: 213
    edited November 2001
    no I don't think it would suck 2x. Rather I think by lessening the load on the speaker mabie it could perform better.

    I'm in a college appartment so making shelves and the like is not doable.
  • ntculenuff
    ntculenuff Posts: 1,146
    edited November 2001
    i to have a sony wega and have the polk cs350-ls.

    be careful putting centers on the tv as the wega is sensitive i tried mine there as a temp spot and it kept vibrating the pic tube.

    i was a able to put a shelf behind the tv and low enuff so that the speaker looks as if it is floating when you sit in prime movie watching spot
    Definitive BP7001sc mains
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  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited November 2001

    Have you already tried setting the center channel to small on your receiever?

    Standard practice, at least when I was in school,
    was the 'ol cinder block shelfing system, you could tweak it as necessary to fit your system into it, without putting holes in the walls.
    Unless of course your drunken roomate stumbles into it and sends the works through the wall.

  • eaadams
    eaadams Posts: 213
    edited November 2001
    hmmmm this is gona require a digital picture
  • lbrenner
    lbrenner Posts: 33
    edited November 2001
    I have the similar cs245, without room for a cs400 above the TV. I also have a pair of rt35s for surrounds, so I "borrowed" them to experiment with as an alternative center speaker.

    I found that one rt35 vertically atop the TV (an ugly and perhaps unstable arrangement!) sounded better than one horizontal rt35 on the TV. The worst result IMHO was the pair of rt35's flanking the TV!

    I'm back to the cs245 on top, procrastinating superbly with respect to inventing some kind of shelf for a cs400...

    One thing that I've noticed is that Dolby prologic tends to overuse the center. I found that I'm happiest with DPL running a phantom center, but with Dolby Digital using the cs245 (set, as suggested above, to small).