Monitor 10b crossover upgrade



  • Conradicles
    Conradicles Posts: 6,169
    edited March 2012
    I have only use Dayton and Jantzen...Can't really compare the 2 because they were different speakers and different gear. Both are good to me. I can't justify high priced caps...

    However I have a Clarity Cap ESA going into my center speaker soon.
  • Oldfatdogs
    Oldfatdogs Posts: 1,874
    edited March 2012
    Thanks,I was thinking the same but with the sale going on curiosity killing the cat.We will see soon.
  • transmaster
    transmaster Posts: 428
    edited March 2012
    What is amusing to those of us who work on vintage vacuum tube communications gear is what we consider one of the biggest examples of voodoo electronic black magic is the Sprague/Cornell Dubilier 'black beauty' capacitor. We have been stripping out and dumping these junk capacitors for decades. Black beauty's leak, loose spec's, generally just don't last. They have not been manufactured since the early 1960's. I was looking at ebay and there are a lot of black beauties for sale the price they are getting for them makes me wish I had saved some of the black beauties have thrown away over the years. This is truly black magic there are much better choices for the same or less money. I have no problem with the some of the really exotic and expensive capacitors I have learned about here it is just because of years of playing live music my ears are not in a position to hear the difference between a $400 dollar hand built capacitor, and one for less then 20 dollars each. See below for an example of the Black Beauty:
    Radio Station W7ITC
  • transmaster
    transmaster Posts: 428
    edited March 2012
    I have sure been learning a lot about the world of crossovers, you have a whole bunch of different considerations then I have with the ancient electronics that I resurrect. I was going to go with Dayton cap's, for the 10B's but a couple of the values I need are out of stock, it seem just about everywhere I checked, the places that did have them were way over priced by comparison. I have read very good reports about Sonicap Gen 1. the Sonicap website has, with one exception, the exact values I need and for an extra charge they will select from 33 uf cap's examples that are are actually 34 uf as required. Sonicap also has the Miller resistors. I have clued fellow boatanchor pilots on these resistors we didn't know resistors like this excised anymore.
    Radio Station W7ITC