Post a Comedian

Jstas Posts: 14,872
edited March 2011 in Music & Movies
Hey, they're people too! Well, most of them are at least.

Anyway, like the Post a Video thread and the Post a Music Video thread, I think this would be a good way to share a comedian. Especially since so many of them have specials and DVD releases. I know we'll get all the predictable Sam Kinison and Mitch Hedberg posts which is fine in a mundane sort of way, I guess. Not that I'm not a fan 'cause I am I just think that people already know about them. It's not new and if the guy/girl is dead, they won't be making anything new either. Doesn't make them less relevant though so, I guess they are ok.

But seriously, if you know of a comedian that you've seen or heard of that others might not have, post it. I mean, if you found it side-splittingly funny, someone else might too. Some of the best comics I've seen were opening acts for other comics and I wouldn't have known about them if someone hadn't said something to me or I stumbled on them looking to see another act.

Just one caveat, keep it clean and within the forum rules. Guys like Andrew Dice Clay have very little you could actually post here so it's probably a good idea to steer clear of his material. So use your brain and if you don't have one, borrow a brain from someone else who has a clue.

My first shot. A couple weeks ago, I went to see Kevin Brennan at Helium in Philly. Besides the fact that Kevin is pee in your pants funny, he's a nice guy too and worth seeing. However, on the night I saw Kevin's show, he had a guy opening up for him.

His name is Phil Hanley and he was just as good if not better than Kevin. He's a fairly new comic and his jokes aren't that fresh and new. But his comedic timing and delivery are what makes it. Well, shortly after his show at Helium, he was booked on Craig Fergueson's show. So here's the set from that show.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
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