Hey! Keiko! You made the news!

Jstas Posts: 14,849
edited February 2011 in The Clubhouse
Naked Honolulu bloke rescued from garbage chute

'Had been drinking heavily'

By Lester Haines

Posted in Bootnotes, 28th January 2011 12:05 GMT

Honolulu firefighters yesterday extracted a naked man from a rubbish chute after he unsuccessfully attempted to evade cops by taking the fast route out of a Waikiki apartment building.

Police responded to a 4am 911 call from a resident on the seventh floor who told them his roommate "had been drinking heavily, physically assaulted him and threatened him with a knife".

When officers rolled up, the perp legged it and flung himself down the chute. However, he lost his shorts during the descent and accumulated rubbish on the third floor thwarted his escape.

Once removed from the chute, the man refused medical treatment and was cuffed on "first-degree terroristic threatening charges". ®

I knew you were trying to cover something up with all this talk about "near-field listening"! You scrubbed all the U.S. news outlets of your follies but some of us read International news!

'Cause we're cultured like that! :tongue:
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
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