Best way to post pics....
Posts: 5,079
on this website. Last night I attempted to post 5 pics as attachements but I kept getting an error that I need a security token. Maybe upload the pics to Facebook and then use that URL to "INSERT IMAGE" (?)
on this website. Last night I attempted to post 5 pics as attachements but I kept getting an error that I need a security token. Maybe upload the pics to Facebook and then use that URL to "INSERT IMAGE" (?)
This happened to me a while back, and my issue was that the pictures actually were too "big". I resized them to "small" and then it worked like a charm. They still looked big, but just had less data. -
on this website. Last night I attempted to post 5 pics as attachements but I kept getting an error that I need a security token. Maybe upload the pics to Facebook and then use that URL to "INSERT IMAGE" (?)
I'm not sure if you can hotlink from Facebook; I personally use to host my images, and there are lots of other similar free services.If you will it, dude, it is no dream.