Dr. Spec....

Posts: 2,576
Just a quick question. WHO and AT what phone number (if you can provide that information over the forum) would I contact to see what kind of time frame I'm looking at before this SVS sub arrives. The gentleman I ordered it through really could not give me a time frame (think he was really busy) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
Post edited by Grimster74 on
Getting itchy, eh?
You were probably talking to Erik Kroner. I'm sure he's inundated with calls/emails about shipping times on the wildly popular PB2-Plus.
I think his email address is erikk@svsubwoofers.com. But double check to be sure. He is probably still the best source of info on shipping dates.
If you ordered on 7-31-03, I would say you are looking at another 2 weeks before delivery. I think the dB-12 drivers are back up to full production speed, but the enclosure maker is still behind a bit and also the polymer textured finish is taking longer to cure in the humid Ohio summer than they originally anticipated. Mine still smelled a bit and was just south of tacky when it arrived, so rushing things is not always a good idea.
Here's to hoping it will get to your place before LOTR-TT is released. :cool:
Assuming good room acoustics and sub placement, a solid floor, and proper calibration, saying that this sub will impress you is the understatement of the year. I've heard the HGS-18, the Revel B-15, and the M&K MX-5000, and the PB2-Plus beats them all in sound quality and output. It cannot be touched at its price point in the commercial market."What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (emullen@svsound.com)
Director - Technology and Customer Service
Hey Doc., Erik e-mailed me right after I posted on the Polk forum and told me I SHOULD receive it the week of August 18-22. He said there may be a chance I might not get it until the beginning of the following week. As long as it gets here before the end of the month I will be happy.
As far as room acoustics goes, this it what I have to work with, the floor is a concrete slab w/ wall to wall carpet, the SVS will be placed roughly 8 to 10 feet away from the television in the corner. Once I get the Dual PSW450's out of the room I'm going to move the RTi70's away from the entertainment center roughly a foot. So, how's that sound.
On another note, watched a kick **** movie this past weekend that just worked the hell out of the 450's. If you haven't seen "THE TRANSPORTER" yet, I would love to hear what your reviews of that movie would be. It has Jason Statham in it, not a bad **** stomping movie but just the soundtrack alone is worth a listen. If you haven't seen it, RENT IT.Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!! -
Well there you go - SVS' superior CS rises to the challenge - again.
I guess 2 weeks more was a good guess.
Oh goody - concrete flooring. You will be astonished how good the PB2-Plus sounds with concrete.
Direct corner loading "might" add a bit of boom. "If" you experience this, try 1/3 along the wall and it will lighten up considerably. You will have output to spare so go for SQ first.
Transporter? Seen it. Fight scenes were spectacular. Honestly, deep bass was ho-hum. Some 40 Hz stuff that your 450s probably accentuated, but no real genuine powerful bass. Daredevil crushes it hands down in the bass department. When Daredevil gets hit in the face twice with the pool cue in the bar fight, there are two HUGE 25-30 Hz bass hits that will simply drop your jaw with the impact, clarity, and power. Get ready for bass nirvana my friend. Every good bass DVD and CD you own will take on a new meaning."What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (emullen@svsound.com)
Director - Technology and Customer Service
Well the 1/3 of the way day the wall routine will work also. I was just going by all the forums I've read about the BEST place for sub placement being in the corner. Guess the only thing I can do is wait for the sub to get here and try both places. Just don't want to throw the back out trying to move this MONSTER around.Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
Originally posted by Grimster74
Well the 1/3 of the way day the wall routine will work also. I was just going by all the forums I've read about the BEST place for sub placement being in the corner. Guess the only thing I can do is wait for the sub to get here and try both places. Just don't want to throw the back out trying to move this MONSTER around.
Corner placement will excite the most room modes, and will give you the highest SPL, but that is not always the best location for the most neutral bass response at key listening positions.
Experiment - the PB2-Plus isn't "that" hard to move if you have a healthy back (I don't). It weighs 105 pounds and can be tugged around, but the carpet might make it harder due to more friction. Be careful not to grab a woofer surround/cone by accident when moving it; they are located off-center.
No, the PB2-Plus cannot be hidden "under grandma's lace doily", but the design cues are modern and being only 18" wide, it will fit pretty well into most rooms once in place. It makes a nice platform for naked chicks to dance on barefoot during wild parties, too."What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (emullen@svsound.com)
Director - Technology and Customer Service
doc, you know this from expirence? unlike yourself i dont have a nice subwoofer for naked girls to dance on, sadly they must use the floor, the i150s are alittle too high