Oh Yeah!!! Finally set-up new system

macaddicted Posts: 6
edited January 2011 in Speakers
Hey, when did they put bass in TV broadcasts? I ask because now that I've got my system set up I've discovered there are levels I'd never heard before. Heck, it's the first time I can recall feeling sound like that from a home audio system.

I have some UE headsets I absolutely adore, but no matter how high I turn the volume I can't feel the sound in my chest. I can't get over how much crisper and cleaner everything sounds. Not surprising I suppose in retrospect. I haven't done anything yet to dial the system in as I haven't had the time.

And the PSW111 may be the "Little Engine that could" but, since I didn't have any sub before, it works great. Thanks to Polk for their deal.

And thanks to all here for their help. If you'll excuse me I need to go over to AC4L to look at receivers...

Chevy said it best:

I Like It (video link)