Bears Suck....

Posts: 8,785
Just wanted to say the OVER-rated panda bears suck.
Post edited by leroyjr1 on
I agree... they suck hard.
I say they change their name to Hoover.
Packers vs. Eagles Sunday at 430 eastern.
How are they overrated, everybody thinks they suck and are overrated. If anything they are underrated as a number 2 seed.:eek:
Don't get me wrong they often times are pieces of crap but are just as likely to play well. This season has been a bonus for me as I expected a lost 4-12 year. Do I expect them to win the superbowl, probably not but they can surely win any game they play...................................except the PatriotsThe Flea rig
Hitachi 50VG825 LCD
Rotel RSP 1066 (pre)-flea market
B&K St-202 (mains)-flea market
Carver M 200t (x2) (center and surrounds)-flea market
Blu-Ray..PS3 (dvd player)
Polk RTA-11t-flea market
LsiC, Fxi30's
Dual SVS PC-Utra's (1 port blocked) thanks MikeC78
Behringer Feedback Destroyer-flea market
AudioAlchemy DDE v1.0 DAC-flea market
Cambridge Audio Azur 640 CDP-flea market
Signal Cable and Kimber Kable -
Bears... Browns... Bengals... Must be a "B" thing...
Seriously disappointed in my Brownies. I thought mid-way through the year they were building something, then Fugita was injured and the defense sagged...
It seems Mangini is likely gone. I dunno. I'm sure a few better coaches are or will become available. I know there are a lot of worse coaches out there...
Wait'll next year...More later,
Vox Copuli
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