polk f/x 500i

Posts: 3
hi, i just purchased a pair of the f/x 500i surround speakers. i was originally going to use these in a theater set up but circumstances prevent it. my question is is there anything at all wrong with using these speakers as regular everyday stereo speakers. they will be hooked up to the linn classik all in one tuner amp and cd unit. i have never really sean anything about using them as regular speakers.
Post edited by brucek61556 on
Hi Bruce-
I have a set of 500's. I use them in a HT setup.
But I think they sound fine as music speakers.
To get the best sound from them you will have to experiment a little with positioning, and with the bipole / dipole setting. I believe the dipole setting offers a more diffuse area of sound.
-luc -
What you won't get using bipole/dipole F/X speakers as mains is any kind of succinct imaging. These kinds of speakers are made to deliver a very wide, diffuse, non-pinpointable signal, ie. rain storm effects during a movie, ambient hall noise in a multi-channel music recording. If you use them as mains, expect the same kind of diffuse soundstage (or lack of soundstage) in place of the more direct, pinpointable image that a pair of direct-firing front main speakers will provide.
That said, Paul informs me that some people don't mind this and that some other brands of front main speakers actually offer bipole/dipole operation. Go figure. And if you don't mind this, I guess they will work fine for what you want.
Personally, I like my image. Let us know what you decide to do and how it sounds.
MC -
Take them back to where you bought them and get a pair of RT55i's. These are a very nice pair of speakers.
JohnNo excuses! -
...second John's motion.
RCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
You could sell them to me very cheaply, because everybody knows that I need new rears!
Aaron -
I beat you both to the punch!
(too bad there isn't a "moon" icon...)
Aaron -
hi guys, this is my first time using this forum so i feel a little lost. anyway, thanks for your advise and opinions. i used to own a pair of the polk sda2's. they were and are my favorite sounding speakers because of their huge out of speaker soundstage effect. every speaker i have had since seems so "closed" sounding. i think i have been trying to recapture that sound ever since !! i actually have a pair of rt 25's and while they sound great they simply don't have that "expansive" sound i am looking for. they have been relegated to the basement family room. any comments welcome!!
I also suggest the RT55i's. Give them a try.(too bad there isn't a "moon" icon...)
( @ )
( | )
Crude, but effective:)
Peace Out~:DIf...
Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
Ron loves a film = don't even rent.