I'm READY.....

Posts: 2,576
Final ready to purchase the SVS subwoofer but I have a question for you. Which setup would you recommend. With by current budget here are my options. Erik at SVS recommended the following two options. 1) SVS PB2-Plus or 2) Dual SVS PCPlus 20-39's. I like to idea of having a single subwoofer which would just seem easier to setup with the SPL meter but, I play my music loud when no one is home so in that aspect sounds like dual subs would be the way to go. But, overall, my usage is 70% H/T, 30% Music. Take a look at my Showcase and let me know what you think. So do I go dual subs or a single sub. I know Dr. Spec will have some input on this one but I would like all recommendations.
Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
Post edited by Grimster74 on
Co-located dual 20-39PC-Plus in the stock tune will go louder and lower than a single PB2-Plus in the stock tune.
If you split the cylinders into separate locations you'll lose the coupling effect (about 3 dB) and the output advantage would swing back to the PB2-Plus, barely. But the cylinders would still dig deeper (about a 1/4 octave).
Dual cylinders are almost $500 more than a single PB2+. When viewed in that respect, the PB2-Plus is an unparalleled performance value.
That's a good sized room and the cylinders would look cool where the 450's are currently located. Again, if you split the cylinders, the output contest will be about a wash, but they will still play a bit deeper that the PB2-Plus.
If money is no object, go for the twins. You're already set-up for dual subs anyway. Dual 20-39PC+ will blow you away for HT and music - it is an INCREDIBLE sub. After living with them for about 1 hour, you will look at your 450s and laugh.
Tell SVS Ed Mullen sent you.
Doc"What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Ed Mullen (emullen@svsound.com)
Director - Technology and Customer Service
Originally posted by Dr. Spec
If money is no object, go for the twins. You're already set-up for dual subs anyway. Dual 20-39PC+ will blow you away for HT and music - it is an INCREDIBLE sub. After living with them for about 1 hour, you will look at your 450s and laugh.
I like my dual settup and had to split their location and still I am amazed everytime I turn it on! You won't be sorry going with an SVS! Well worth it.