My Audiogon experience



  • Posts: 12,434
    edited December 2010
    fishbones wrote: »
    No hoops, no red-tape, no special phone number. The number is 800-463-3339 (800-GoFedEx) - it's at the bottom of the shipping receipt when you mail from FedEx Office locations. You just call with the tracking number (also on the receipt) tell them what you want to do, and they do it.

    So you were able to cancel the shipment? Is this because he wasn't there to receive it or because you were quick enough to cancel before it was delivered? Just wondering, I had no idea you could cancel a shipment.
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Posts: 947
    edited December 2010
    madmax wrote: »
    So you were able to cancel the shipment? Is this because he wasn't there to receive it or because you were quick enough to cancel before it was delivered? Just wondering, I had no idea you could cancel a shipment.

    With FedEx (and maybe others) you are able to change a shipment while still en-route. You can put it on hold at whatever hub it's at, you can add a signature required, you can even cancell it and send it back. I tracked it online and saw it was scheduled to deliver to him the next day. Five days was enough time to give him and after I found out his membership had just cancelled - I was done. That's when I cancelled it, and had it sent back.

    I had no idea you could do it either, until I told my wonderful wife the problem I was having and she said "you should just cancell it and send it back" I said "what? You can do that?" She's been dealing with shipping companies for 10 years through the title industry with very important documents. She said she wouldn't use anyone other than FedEx. She has used them for almost that whole time. Other companies she said (UPS, USPS) have lost documents on her and don't have all the services that she needed, FYI.
    ..... ><////(*>
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited December 2010
    Lucked out on that one, good on ya.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010
    does it cost extra to ship it back? or does it included in the original price you paid to ship it?

    glad everything worked out in the end..

    2-Channel - So far...
    Pre: Dodd ELP
    DAC: W4S-Dac2
    Source(s): Computer and Denon 2910
    Amp: Parasound HCA-1200II
    Speakers: LSi9s - Vr3 Fortress Mod
  • Posts: 947
    edited December 2010
    punk-roc wrote: »
    does it cost extra to ship it back? or does it included in the original price you paid to ship it?

    glad everything worked out in the end..


    They charge you the same to send it back as it was to send there. So, all in all, cost me $73 there, $73 back. A-lot on a $400 unit, but waaaay better than him getting it.
    ..... ><////(*>
  • Posts: 6,012
    edited December 2010
    Send him an amp-sized box of poo and put a nasty note in there for emphasis!:cool:
  • Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010
    I wish I could get away with only paying $146 for each of my life's mistakes =)
    2-Channel - So far...
    Pre: Dodd ELP
    DAC: W4S-Dac2
    Source(s): Computer and Denon 2910
    Amp: Parasound HCA-1200II
    Speakers: LSi9s - Vr3 Fortress Mod
  • Posts: 6,082
    edited December 2010
    punk-roc wrote: »
    I wish I could get away with only paying $146 for each of my life's mistakes =)

    Now that would make a great post in a sig
    Speakers: SDA-1C (most all the goodies)
    Preamp: Joule Electra LA-150 MKII SE
    Amp: Wright WPA 50-50 EAT KT88s
    Analog: Marantz TT-15S1 MBS Glider SL| Wright WPP100C Amperex BB 6er5 and 7316 & WPM-100 SUT
    Digital: Mac mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 8g RAM 1.5 TB HDD Music Server Amarra (memory play) - USB - W4S DAC 2
    Cables: Mits S3 IC and Spk cables| PS Audio PCs


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