its hard to steer new a/v shoppers away from the marketing gimmics!

Posts: 80
So my old college roommate just moved into a new apartment with his fiance and asked me my advise buying a new stereo and tv. He asked me for some info a while back about some different speaker brands he should take a look at and then didn't take any action for buying anything. Then the other day he tells me he bought a bose cinimate 2 for $400 and what a great deal he got on it.
When I told him I didn't agree with his view of how it was the best way he could of spent his $400, he was not happy. When questioning me on how he could of done better, I showed him where to get some good used stuff (audiogon), some discounted old models on clearence, and even offered to hand down some of my old stuff for practically nothing, and he was not buying into it.
I suggested if he was looking at a 2.1 system like the bose cinimate 2 system is, he would be better off buying my old sony 5.1 receiver for like 40 bucks, a decent pair of used bookselfs from a site like audiogon (I showed him a pair of paradigms for like 250), and an entery level sub like a polk psw10 that's on clearence for 90 new at a local a/v shop). That way he could have something better than the bose system to start with and the ability to upgrade components and build a full system over time.
Does anyone agree with going the route I suggested or a better suggestion for spending about 400 bucks or how I can convince him to change his mind? (He could still return the bose thing if I can change his mind)
When I told him I didn't agree with his view of how it was the best way he could of spent his $400, he was not happy. When questioning me on how he could of done better, I showed him where to get some good used stuff (audiogon), some discounted old models on clearence, and even offered to hand down some of my old stuff for practically nothing, and he was not buying into it.
I suggested if he was looking at a 2.1 system like the bose cinimate 2 system is, he would be better off buying my old sony 5.1 receiver for like 40 bucks, a decent pair of used bookselfs from a site like audiogon (I showed him a pair of paradigms for like 250), and an entery level sub like a polk psw10 that's on clearence for 90 new at a local a/v shop). That way he could have something better than the bose system to start with and the ability to upgrade components and build a full system over time.
Does anyone agree with going the route I suggested or a better suggestion for spending about 400 bucks or how I can convince him to change his mind? (He could still return the bose thing if I can change his mind)
HT basement room:
TV- 42in Panasonic S1 Plasma
A/V Receiver- Onkyo NR807
Blu-Ray- 80GB Sony PS3
Power Supply- Monster HTS-1600
5 Disc Sony CD/DVD Changer
Time Warner HD Cable Box
Front- Polk RTi A3
Center- Polk CSi3
Side Surround- Polk RTi4
Back Surround- Polk RM6750
Sub- Outlaw Audio LFM-1 EX
32in Visio LCD, Sony STR-DE685 AVR, MTX Monitor 12, Sony 5 disc DVD changer
TV- 42in Panasonic S1 Plasma
A/V Receiver- Onkyo NR807
Blu-Ray- 80GB Sony PS3
Power Supply- Monster HTS-1600
5 Disc Sony CD/DVD Changer
Time Warner HD Cable Box
Front- Polk RTi A3
Center- Polk CSi3
Side Surround- Polk RTi4
Back Surround- Polk RM6750
Sub- Outlaw Audio LFM-1 EX
32in Visio LCD, Sony STR-DE685 AVR, MTX Monitor 12, Sony 5 disc DVD changer
Post edited by keeneyrm01 on
Well,it is his money.Sounds like your feelings are hurt more than anything else!!If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
The only way you'll likely change his mind is to put together said system and do a comparison...which of course won't happen until he/you drop the coin to make it happen. Unless you know someone with a system of that type to demo.2 channel rig: MMF 2.2 turntable, Adcom GFP-715, Adcom GFA-555, Adcom ACE-515, Carver M-1.0t, Denon 5900 CD/SACD, SDA-SRS 2.3s (Zardoss modded), AQ Diamondback & King Cobra IC's and AQ Type 4 speaker cables
HT rig: Panny 50" G20 plasma, Directv DVR, Insignia BRD/DVD/SACD/DVD-A, Denon AVR-890, Fronts: Polk Monitor 70's, Rears: Deftech Mythos Gems, Center: Polk CS1, Sub: Polk PSW-505 -
Unless you think he'll return it, once someone has made a purchase, just congratulate them and move on. No sense telling someone who already made up their mind that they made a mistake, it's not gonna win you any friends.If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
Some people prefer the simplicity of a design and setup. I am just venturing into components and the cost to do so was much more than my first HT setup, and much more so than my first theatre in a box. However, that being said, the improvement has never been in a direct relation with the cost of the upgrade, but most of us here are on our own path.
Some people prefer the simplicity of a design and setup. I am just venturing into components and the cost to do so was much more than my first HT setup, and much more so than my first theatre in a box. However, that being said, the improvement has never been in a direct relation with the cost of the upgrade, but most of us here are on our own path.
Yeap can be a headache sometimes2Ch Tube Audio Convert -
I keep my opinion to my self when some one I know buys a Bose. I ask them if they like the sound and if they say "yes", I say, "All that matters is weather you like what you hear". Then I move the conversation to something else and hope he/she does not want to come to my house to hear my system.Sunfire TGP, Sunfire Cinema Grand, Sunfire 300~2 (2), Sunfire True Sub (2),Carver ALS Platinum, Carver AL III, TFM-55, C-19, C-9, TX-8, SDA-490t, SDA-390t
thuffman03 I'd probably have tears streaming down my face if I heard your system.
-- In a good way hahaHT and Music Rig
Receiver- NAD T765 HD
Mains- Polk Audio Monitor 70
Center- Polk Audio CS2
Surrounds side- Polk Audio Monitor 60
Sub- Polk Audio PSW505
Windows 7 Media Center
T.V.- 40" Sony Bravia LCD 1080P
Blu-Ray- 80 GB PS3 -
The bose setup is obviously superior.Vinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want...