need some turntable maintenance help

Posts: 5,877
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get this Marantz turntable up and running just to hear what it actually sounds like. Last I knew, it just didn't seem to turn on... well, I had some more time to look at it tonight, so I took the mat off the platter, and found that the belt had come off. I'm not interested in buying a new belt right now, and this one is still in one piece, so I want to try to put it back on. I can't get the platter off, so how do I do it?
I'm trying to get this Marantz turntable up and running just to hear what it actually sounds like. Last I knew, it just didn't seem to turn on... well, I had some more time to look at it tonight, so I took the mat off the platter, and found that the belt had come off. I'm not interested in buying a new belt right now, and this one is still in one piece, so I want to try to put it back on. I can't get the platter off, so how do I do it?
Ludicrous gibs!
Post edited by nadams on
The only thing I can tell you is my platter comes right off without any screws or anything. If yours doesn't, you may need to take it apart to get in there.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
You are correct. Not being used to turntables, I didn't want to just go yanking on stuff, but my dad came up and gave it a pull and it popped off. Got the belt on, gave it a test listen, and it sounds much better than could be expected if you were to go by George Grand's glowing review.
Next on the list is if I can remove the needle from the cartridge and just replace that, or if I should just replace the whole cartridge. In it right now is an Audio-Technica LS480/LT. Again, I know close to zip about turntables at the moment, other than how to operate them. That's what this turntable is for.... a learning experience.
So far, I've learned-
Yank on the platter.... it'll most likely come off
Ground wires are there for a BIG reason...
nadamsLudicrous gibs! -
If you don't know the age of the TT or the cart, I'd say bring the TT into a local shop that sells carts and have them install it. That's what I did and the guy change the cart right in front of my eyes and set everything up. It was good to see someone else do it before I got my fumbly hands in there.
Nice to see someone else getting into this vinyl thing. It's great.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Cartridge was easy enough to remove, as was the needle from the cartridge. Unfortunately, there aren't any real stereo shops around me these days... I think I'll probably have to go to Elex Atelier ( ) on this one...
nadamsLudicrous gibs! -
Good luck, let us know how you make out.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Wow... I emailed Elex Atelier last night, and got a reply already. Here's what it had to say:
"We are a factory direct Audio-Technica distributor and
take advantage of volume discounts so you won't have
to pay full price.
The LS480/LT is quite a good cartridge. If it is
functional then the smart thing to do is to replace
the stylus.
We have the Audio-Technica ATN122EP stylus (needle)
the LS480/LT cartridge @ $44.95 + $6.90 S&H. This
special elliptical stylus will bring your cartridge
back to its original performance."
"An inexpensive and good replacement cartridge is the
Audio Technica AT300P now on sale @ $34.95 + $6.90 S&H
(US Addressee). It uses an aluminum cantilever with a
conical diamond to deliver a crystal clean and rich
$42.95 + $6.90 S&H. It too has an elliptical stylus
and sounds musically refined. The Audio-Technica
AT331LP/8008A on sale now at $64.95 + $6.90 S&H
(retail $149.00) offers extended dynamic range and
wonderful detail via its superlative Line Contact
stylus. Of the three choices, the Audio-Technica
AT331LP/8008A offers the best musical value. Your
Do you guys suggest just replacing the needle and keeping the cartridge that Elex says is a good one, or should I update it to something more modern?
I need to figure out how to get the anti-skating tweaked out, as well. I had a good listen to it last night, and was happy with it (keeping in mind it cost me $6), but now I have to decide if it's worth the money...
nadamsLudicrous gibs! -
I'm just getting into this vinyl thing myself.
I would probably go with the AT331LP/8008A. Half price ain't bad. Then, you know you have a brand new cartridge and stylus. One thing you may want to ask them is if that cart fit most turntables. If you're planning on starting a vinyl collection, and that Marantz isn't doing it for you, you could always get a new table and put your new cart on it.
Just a thought.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Good thought.... I also have a Garrard Syncro-Lab turntable in the basement that needs a good deal of work. The motor is still good on it, but it needs to be greased up and worked over. Also, the cartridge is totally shot. It's an A-body and the wires are all broken...
nadamsLudicrous gibs!