n00b question: Subwoofers.

Chukar Posts: 19
edited November 2010 in Speakers
Hi All,

I'm a n00b with all of this stuff and I'm setting up a new system. I want to get a subwoofer but am a little confused as to what to get. Initially I thought I should get an DSW MicroPRO 2000. I found a good price on the internet and that seemed like the way to go. Then I found a good price on a DSW MicroPRO 4000 and that seemed the way to go. Then I read some good reviews about Epik on this forum. Then I read on another site that it is difficult to have even bass throughout your listening area with only one subwoofer. It is better to have dual subwoofers. But I also read on this forum, that the owner of Epik said that it is better to have one Epik Empire than dual Epik Legends. So to start off with, should I get:

1. One DSW MicroPRO 4000
2. Dual DSW MicroPRO 2000s
3. One Epik Empire
4. Dual Epik Legends

Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.