New Norah Jones dropping Nov. 16

Jstas Posts: 14,842
edited November 2010 in Music & Movies
EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: Inside Norah Jones' New Album, "...Featuring"
Posted Monday 11/01/2010 5:00 AM in Blender Blog by Blender Blog
Filed Under: music, norah jones, grammy award, video

On November 16, Norah Jones will release ...Featuring, an album filled with her musical collaborations from the past decade. The 18-songs album includes duets ranging from musical legends such as Ray Charles and Dolly Parton, to modern-day icons the Foo Fighters and OutKast.

Here, Jones talks about her collaboration with Grammy Winner Herbie Hancock on the song "Court & Spark."

<embed src="; width="440" height="420" flashVars="videoPath= Jones and Herbie Hancock&videoIsEmbeded=true&theVideoCrossDomainPath=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" salign="tl" scale="default"></embed>

Jones offers a behind-the-scenes peek at many of the collaborations on ...Featuring.

<embed src="; width="440" height="420" flashVars="videoPath= Jones: ... featuring&videoIsEmbeded=true&theVideoCrossDomainPath=; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" salign="tl" scale="default"></embed>

New album is called "Featuring". Seems like a bunch of collaboration stuff. From this first sneak peek alone, looks to be something worth looking in to.
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
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