Cody - I found wires :o)

PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
edited July 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics

and they're a little cheaper than normal too...

the 3.5's are available in 3, 6, 12, and 16 foot sections (28 bucks for the 3 foot / 35 for the 12 foot / 50 for the 16 ft)

the 5.0's are available in 3 foot and 6 foot sections.

3 foot for 40 and 30 ... then they have two 6 ft's for 50 and 35... dunno why the fprice difference.... maybe the chepaer ones are single jacket or maybe they're open box.

if u need 9 or 12 feet u can do two lines of the 5.0 and just join them with a female rca connector (2 bucks at radioshack and its about an inch or inch and a half long)

or u can do the 3.5's which are no slouch either. -- those are also dual jacket and can be pulled apart... just make sure if/when u call the mitek outlet that you tell them specifically that it has to be the dual jacket version that u can separate.

i'm surprised they ahve them up -- few months ago they didn't.

site navigation on there kidna sucks -- i tried to link it form here but the link wotn work -- just go to the -- then look to the right of the window and u'll see "browse by brand" -- click on streetwires -- scroll to the bottom of the list of 20 items that shows up and click "SHOW ALL 150 items" and the patch cables are abotu 3/4 of the way down the list of 150 items.

yellows are 3.5's // purples are old 2.0's // whites are 5.0's

phone = 1-800-372-3029

open 7 am to 6 pm monday thru friday CST.
The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
Post edited by PoweredByDodge on


  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    yeah i found them last night when i was looking up phone numbers to call today
    im going to start making calls right now, see what i can find out, i just tested out to see if 12 ft would work and its like the perfect size, ive been messing around in the truck for about an hour now, im in the process of moving my 500.2 over to the side, need to scrape a place for the ground and screw it in, its off and all the wires are in place, going to change my oil tonight when its cooler
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    crutchfield is the only place that has them in more than 6 ft length
    they have 1, yes 1, in stock, and at 4:30 im ordering it...its 16ft long, $99.99 + $6(shipping) longer carry them
    1877street1(street wires) no longer carry them
    18003723029 (mitek fact. out.) only has 6 ft for $55...the $35 is the single jacket
    out of 12,16 and 20 ft lengths
    1-800-806-6111(eau's website) the phone did work, but they do not sell them to individual consumers...figures
    and i take back all the bad things i said about crutchfield in previous posts
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    lololol... take back all the bad things about crutchfield... lmfao.

    they're not bad dude --- i rag on em cuz of slightly high prices, but i'll tell ya, 99% of the time they're there when ya need em.

    there's a dude in their tech support named Rico, absolute coolest guy i've talked to in my life.

    glad to hear you got your cable dude :)

    regarding scraping a ground --- have u thought about just grounding everything to the caps? and then running a 0 gauge ground from the caps to the back wall or floor or whatever? -- might make your life easier. might not -- depends on how u wire stuff.. if u have long runs then it'll be easier to do the ground to body thing like u planned.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    i will be grounding everything to that cap, but thats later
    after 1. get all the wiring from knukonceptz in about 2 weeks 2. get another cap
    i got the amps today and i am dissappointed
    one does not have a birth sheet
    the other is only rated at 486 @ 2 ohms
    would it be higher at 4 ohms bridged? or no?
    one amp is totally hooked up but with one draw back
    i have a question
    can i run the wire from the fuse relay to the amp?
    only 1 amp 40 amp fuse recommended...i think theres a 30 amp fuse on the fuse relay
    ok now youre saying ummm...yeah...that was a stupid question
    well...on the wire is an 80 amp fuse
    i dont have a 40...will be getting one soon
    but it would be 30 amp fuse on the fuse relay...then 80 amp fuse on the wire, then cap, then amp
    would that be ok?
    i still need to mess with the gain and stuff on the i need to know if i can go ahead and hook it up to the fuse relay or not
    if i didnt play it loud...could i just leave it with the 80 amp?
    i dont think so...want to make sure
    its 12:30..i cant think straight...want to make sure everything is right b4 i mess something ive been in the truck for 3 hours straight...and an hour earlier today...not a happy camper right now
    other amp is very lonely in the box...its going to have to wait till i get some more wiring though
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    486 @ 2 ohms ?? u mean 243 x 2 at 2 ohms stereo... 486 bridged at 4 ohms.


    u cant run that amp bridged at 2 ohms... so that must be a "total power" at 2 ohms -- 243 times 2 channels = 486 x 1 at 4 ohms bridged.

    that's not bad... that's at 13.8 -- you'll get a little more at 14.4

    if u do the math it's like 507 @ 14.4

    that should be fine... probably the same power you would have gotten outa the Punch 500S.

    its gonna be cleaner, more accurate, hopefully that'll make up for the loss of about 100w

    ok as far as the fuse relay... what are u talking about ????? what fuse relay? one under the dash? those 30 amp fuse relays in the fuse box have like 16 gauge wire going to them... 16 gauge is a no no for runnin an amp off of.

    u can run it off an 80A power line.. i dont see why not -- the amp should have like two 20A fuses on its casing... if it has fuses on its casing, then u can go ahead and run it off the 80A power line for nwo.

    dont get too down on the amps until you actually wire them up and listen to them. two channel AB amps put class D's to shame.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    im talking about the fuse relay under the hood...but never mind...went to radio shack...gota 30a fuse...didnt have 40s...
    and you know what?
    i think one of them isnt working
    and yes im pissed
    im only hooking up one for now
    fixing to buy all the wiring and stuff and then ill hook up both
    yes 4ohms brigded
    but anyways...i hooked it up...theres power going to the capacitor...remote lead is the led light should at least be coming on right?
    cuz its not
    i had all the other wires hooked up
    i did it...didnt i looked at the diagram in the book and it was exactly the same...
    im going to switch out the amps tomorrow if i have time...if the other one works im sending the other one back
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    is the one that's not working the one that didn't have the birth sheet????

    if an RF amp comes without a birth sheet that is grounds for receiving a new amp (return for a new one) because they're SUPPOSED to ahve a sheet.

    i'm surprised by all of this considering its an authorized dealer -- ebay u'd expect this --- dealer no.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    no the one with the birthsheet isnt working
    the one without came with a 40 amp fuse and holder...(not the cylinder ones...the ones normally found in cars)
    maybe it didnt meet 450 so they say f it and well give him that and he can be on his marry way
    hooked up a 30 amp fuse...bought at radio shack...not 40 amps
    and it blew in about 5 seconds with the volume down
    BOTH of the amps...the dial to tune the frequencies is off
    it goes from like 50-250
    it starts at 100
    im calling the zeb and rf whenever i get some time to see whats up...
    im kinda pissed about all this right now
    good news...i have $120 to spend on new wiring!
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    you know what?
    i think im going to return both of these amps for a refund and buy the 550S's
    thezeb has a 30 day return policy i think...and one of them doesnt work anyway...the other doesnt even have a damn birth sheet
    wont have time to do anything till monday...
    that means the 125 or so i had saved up for wiring is going bye bye....bye bye money...ive been saying that a lot lately...
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    dude that is very bogous about finding a fuse holder in one box and what not...

    the zeb must be on acid or cocaine lately.

    RF says they're an authorized dealer -- i dunno how an auth. dealer can send you junk **** in a box. ya know -- that's retarded.

    how much are the 550S?

    far as the one not meeting 450 -- RF will not ship an amp from the factory without a birthsheet and they will not ship an amp that does not meet spec... they've got the same policy as mitek on that.. if it doesn't meet spec... then it meets the scrap heap.

    i think you've just got bad luck and god hates you... er soemthing like that... lol just kidding.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    Originally posted by PoweredByDodge

    i think you've just got bad luck and god hates you... er soemthing like that... lol just kidding.
    at this not counting out anything
    i think ill have time to make a call tomorrow though
    havent looked up how much the 550S's are...i dont think ive kept anything over $50 for than a week for the past 3 months
    this no bass stuff is driving me nuts
    but i do have one thing to say
    i had the bbe on the hu and the mm6s up front...some guy said damn those subs sound good...what you running 300 each to a couple of 10s?
    i was like no, im running 175 each to a couple of 6 1/2s
    he didnt believe me...then he saw the subs in the back and really didnt believe me...until i asked do they really look like theyre hooked up to anything and turned the volume up
    he was like damn
    so that made me happy
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    you really have no idea...
    got my mm120s...cracked the spider on both of them
    got mm12s...both of them are touching the grille at loud levels...the one behind the drivers seat is the worst
    so im going to go ahead and since those back too
    then the bd
    now the one that doesnt even work
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    your subs ar ehitting the grilles????? something's wrong w/ them then -- did u talk to the polkies about it yet ?
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    not yet...planning on doing it monday...i have $140 for audio...the 550S's are $80 more each...160 im going to make a run to the bank...pull out $75...send amps/subs back
    get paid...put the 75 back in the bank...whats left over is going torwards wiring
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited July 2003
    if those subs are smackin the grilles id be callin the polkie guys up ...
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited July 2003
    yeah im going to talk to them...thats what i meant when i said im going to do it monday(manana)
    send subs and amps back
    HOPEFULLY ill be able to change the oil in my truck cuz the oil/filter has been sitting here in my room for about a month now
    BUT its sposed to rain tomorrow
    oo well
    expecting rca's sometime soon from crutchfield
    but no money for new wiring after i order the 550S's
    expecting a $40 check sometime soon
    that money will go straight to the bank to pay back what i took out
    i get paid friday....but its going to be a **** check
    anyone want to lend me around $400?
    ill pay you back by november!
    im thinking thats what itll cost for the 4x6 momos, the 4x6 momos, wiring, and xm radio
    next thing in line to buy is wiring...then xm
    cant wait to see how much this check is going to be...hopefully more than i expect...truthfully...probably about 100 to spend on audio
    anyone have a money tree for sale?
    oo wait...i forgot i dont have any money to buy one...
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited July 2003
    u can buy these magic beans for 5 bucks and a pack of Kools.