PSW650 blowing fuses

tothetop Posts: 10
edited October 2010 in Speakers
I purchased this WONDERFUL subwoofer and I've had it for about 6-7 years and I've never had one complaint about it except from the wife when it shakes all the windows:D...well just recently it completely went out, I unscrewed the back where all the circutry and amp is located; replaced the fuse twice and popped both times as soon as it was connected to he power.

Now prior to complete failure I noticed that at times it would turn on and off on start up and remain on. Sometimes a huge delay from the time I turned on my sound to the time the actual light came on, indicating it was producing bass. I figured at that time that since I had it set to "auto" maybe it just wasnt catching the signal (I was being an optimist).

After the first blown fuse I tried isolating the problem by disconnecting both speakers. Connected it back to the power outlet w/out speakers and pooof goes the 2nd fuse.

Has anyone had this problem or does anyone have any recommendations? How much would Polk charge me to just FIND the problem?
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    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited October 2010
    Seems like your output transistors may be shorted. Are you apt to troubleshoout and replace the transistors. See Anonimouse's thread on the subject;

    Ah, just noticed you posted in the thread! Do you own a multimeter? Are you familiar how to measure diodes and transistors? Can you solder - un-solder components?
    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)
  • tothetop
    tothetop Posts: 10
    edited October 2010
    TECHNOKID...thank you very much for the reply!!

    Yes, I do own a multimeter. Coincidently I have a degree in electronics (DeVry guy) :-) but I haven't used this trade in about 6 years since I switched careers :-) Enough about all that, I would need some help as to exactly which transistors and diodes to measure and....embarrassing enough, how to measure these little criters. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the PSW650 circuit boards but I can send you a picture of the guts of this thing and if you can point out which ones they are, I'll attack this thing asap!

    No worries on the soldering & unsoldering, those skills are still on point ;-).....I think :-D