Best Buy selling Vinyl
Posts: 4,424
So my local Best Buy is now selling a few LP's for not a whole lot. 12 bucks get you some Beatles or Guns and Roses. But thats like it.
Anyone else seen this? Do your stores have more besides just a few titles? Odd too that they have been pulling CD's and DVD's from places as well but then carry vinyl...
Anyone else seen this? Do your stores have more besides just a few titles? Odd too that they have been pulling CD's and DVD's from places as well but then carry vinyl...
Post edited by cstmar01 on
My local Best Buy has been selling vinyl for more than a year. They also sell real musical instruments too.
Anything to make a buck.
They have 13,885 different ones listed on their website.Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!! -
I'm surprised they'd allocate that much floor space!:rolleyes: Seriously, I'll buy vinyl from the local folks that never stopped carrying it. I know I'll never count on BB to carry the stuff I want. Can you imagine them as the only source for audio? :eek::eek::eek::eek:Dual 1229/Grado Gold/Rotel RCD1070/RC995/RB980BX/Pioneer 7100/Denon DRM710/Monster HTS3600MKII/PolkAudio SDA2B/TL's
Vinyl rules! Yeah, BB has been selling vinyl for awhile now, Chris. Not a lot and I wish they'd carry more, but it's a niche market these days. Damn kids with their MP3 players screw up everything.
see, for our store it was just within the last month they got the stuff in. It struck me as odd because after hearing about how they were taking stuff out for DVD's and CD's then they go and add this. Kinda odd -
Mine has been selling them for about a year or two now. But should not because of how small it is.HT setup
Panasonic 50" TH-50PZ80U
Denon DBP-1610
Monster HTS 1650
Carver A400X :cool:
MIT Exp 3 Speaker Wire
Kef 104/2
URC MX-780 Remote
Sonos Play 1
Living Room
63 inch Samsung PN63C800YF
Polk Surroundbar 3000
Samsung BD-C7900 -
As an aside, its kind of ironic that places like Best Buy, Walmart and Target who played no small part in driving out independently owned records stores from 2000 onward are now dramatically shrinking their space devoted to CDs.
I don't think the death of the CD is around the corner, but aside from some of the major record stores (i.e. Amoeba) pretty much everything is going to be limited to online purchases soon. The next generation of kids will never know, for the most part, what its like to shop at a record store....kind of weird if you think about it for a second.
Finally, I wanted to make note of something I saw last week for the first time that ties all of this together. A record player for sale at Costco! (I had never seen one there, before). When I first caught sight of it, I thought "hey Costco is suddenly going all audiophile" until I read the very disappointing product title: "USB Turntable: Convert your vinyl to mp3s." I only wish it was a joke.2 Ch.
Parasound Halo A23 Amp
Parasound Halo P3 Preamp
Parasound Halo T3 Tuner
Bada HD22SE tube CD Player
Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth
Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna
polkaudio Lsi9s (upgraded cross-overs)
MIT Shotgun S-3 Bi-wire Interface Speaker Cables
MIT Shotgun S-3 Interconnects (3)
IegO L70530 Power cords (3)
Denon 2808ci AVR
polkaudio RTi A5s (fronts)
polkaudio RTi A1s (rears)
polkaudio Csi A6 (center)
Signal Cable Ultra Speaker Cables
Signal Cable Analog II Interconnects -
This is why I buy 90% of my music at Twist n Shout Records here in town I would rather support this store as they have a FANTASIC selection of CD's, SACD's, and Vinyl..
There selection of new and used would blow your mind.. They even have an Audiophile section for Vinyl ( Original Master Recordings, Mofi. New and used as well..)
And if I can't find it they will order it in, If it's Out Of Print they will track one down.
It's about a half hour 45min drive but well worth it.
Support your local record store, and I'm not talking Best Buy,Target and all that crap. If you have one that is.. -
As with other areas, BB around me has been selling Vinyl for about 2 years now, but also like most other areas, the selection is VERY sparse--less tha a dozen titles the last time I looked.
I typically buy my vinyl (not that I buy much) online from Amazon or Music Direct, or ****, etc. but ocassionally I also like to puruse the old school style record shop in my local book store the Chester County Book and Music Company--It is a pretty big store compared to most independently owned book stores @ 28000 sq. ft. (one of the largest independently owned bookstores in the United States )
The Vinyl section is relatively small compared to the Book ad CD sections, but they have a pretty good selection in ~200 sq' ft' and carry some of the Audiophile specialy stuff like 200g remasters, and the like. They are generally not cheaper than anywhere else, but occasionally I do find some good deals in there on vinyl that can't be matched elsewhere and they have a friendly ready to help staff always on hand. I don't mind the extra cost from time to time as I know in the end that I am supporting this local business and that will help to keep them operating.
Here is a blurb about their Music shop that I think says it best so I thought I would share:When it comes to new music, many of you have probably caught yourselves recently saying "there's no good music out there anymore", but there is actually more good music out there than ever before! The problem you may be experiencing is how to narrow the immense search down to a set of manageable items to choose from. We have noticed that most websites have done a fairly poor job informing music lovers what music is really worth their time, with a lot of fly-by-night stuff getting praise when you wouldn't wish it upon your worst enemy. Gone are the days when the big record companies could basically guide the system by providing a limited group of musicians to choose from. Today the choices seem endless, while some of the more appealing titles get buried further and further. We hope to clear up some of the smoke and mirrors where this is concerned.
The other music case we'd like to make is the case for physical product. Let's face can't hold a download. It is not tactile. It is not warm and cuddly. It has taken all the passion and fun out of the hunt for the sake of convenience and a cheap thrill. If you download (legally or otherwise), you have nothing but a cheap file to show for it. Sure, you can back the files up, but they are still just files. They may work for those with relatively little passion for the music they listen to (i.e. background music), but they are generally meaningless. We continue to believe in the CD (for superior sound) and vinyl (for superior experience). They provide meaning in our listening experiences. They also provide an infrastructure for those who are lovers and purveyors of music. We cannot imagine having grown up without the ability to help others find the music that would end up providing some emotional responses in their lives.
The long and short of this: we love what we love, and we love what we do. We are here to help and provide a convenient service for people who value the things in their lives that represent who they are and what they love. A wise man once said that a life without passion is a life without meaning. A life without the music and movies we love is also an empty life, especially when there's nothing to show for it.:cool:
This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
HT:Onkyo 805, Emotiva XPA-5, Mitsu 52" 1080p DLP / polkaudio RTi12, CSIa6, FXi3, uPro4K
2-chnl : Pio DV-46AV (SACD), Dodd ELP, Emotiva XPA-1s, XPA-2, Odyssey Khartago, LSi9, SDA-SRS 2 :cool:, SB Duet, MSB & Monarchy DACs, Yamaha PX3 TT, SAE Tuner...
Pool: Atrium 60's/45's -
I have a local shop that I go to all the time for stuff. The guy who ownes it lives right behind the store and I've been going there since I was like 15 lol. He's great to work with, and loves LPs and has a huge collection of his own. In the store he has Adcom gear hooked up to a pair of vintage klipsch to listen to while you shop and will put on records or whatever you would like to hear.
I go there just about every other Friday to get new music of some sort be it vinyl or CD's. if he doesn't have it he'll order it. And he also carries some very rare things for records for boxsets ect.
Going there tonight to pick up some new music to try out in the Esoteric!