PS3 Move

PSOVLSK Posts: 5,285
edited March 2011 in Video Games
Anybody played it? How does it compare to Wii? Thinking about picking up the $99 bundle from Best Buy, but I don't want something that's basically the equivalent of Wii.
Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
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  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited September 2010
    Going to pick one up this weekend, don't have a wii so $100 is a great deal for me.
  • Dabutcher
    Dabutcher Posts: 2,597
    edited September 2010
    I bought the 320gb bundle package with the move. 399.99.. Plus 49.99 for another move controller. games seem pretty simplistic. I bought it because I needed another PS3 and this seemed like a good deal over the 249.99 250 gb model? I have loved my 60gb PS3 -but needed one on the other tv for Blu rays and gaming for my two little kids{6-8} who have mostly PS3 games now and the PS2 they were using is not getting used much any more. Have not played it
    [move} much. Seems to be accurate in the games I played. I am waiting for patches to existing games that allow it to be used and for new games that will include it . good luck ,Darryl
    MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”
  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited September 2010
    Currently it is very similar to the Wii. However, once they start patching games like Resident Evil and Heavy Rain, there will be more of a divide.

    Having played the Move and Kinect, while cool, I plan to wait for the titles to mature before jumping in.
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  • bopicasso
    bopicasso Posts: 878
    edited September 2010
    I just bought the move last night. My fiance, nephew, and me played it till 3am! We had a great time. The 6 games that come with the package are all fun. I especially like frisbee golf..
    Living Room setup: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH, Krell KAV 300i, PS Audio DL III DAC, Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u, Dynaudio Audience 120C+, SVS 25/31PCI, B-P-T Clean Power Center, Ps3, Panny 50" S1 Plasma, Tekline speaker cables, Audio Art interconnects, and Pangea power cables.
    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,285
    edited September 2010
    I've very tempted since I have enough Reward Zone Certificates to get it for free.
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited September 2010
    bopicasso wrote: »
    I just bought the move last night. My fiance, nephew, and me played it till 3am! We had a great time. The 6 games that come with the package are all fun. I especially like frisbee golf..

    This is encouraging to hear and makes me want to pull the trigger. I just need to move my PS3 Eye out to the living room to see if the cable length will work with the projector setup.
    // Panasonic AE8000 // Pioneer SC-57 // Polk Audio RTi A9 // Polk Audio CSiA6 //
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  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited September 2010
    Any updates with personal usage?
  • bopicasso
    bopicasso Posts: 878
    edited September 2010
    I played mine yesterday for over a hour with my nephew. My opinion has not changed. Definately a step up from the Wii in realistic movement. If you thought about buying the wii for the interactive games, but have a ps3, definately go with the move!
    Living Room setup: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH, Krell KAV 300i, PS Audio DL III DAC, Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u, Dynaudio Audience 120C+, SVS 25/31PCI, B-P-T Clean Power Center, Ps3, Panny 50" S1 Plasma, Tekline speaker cables, Audio Art interconnects, and Pangea power cables.
  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited September 2010
    I just worry because I have a Wii out in the living room and play it less than once a month.
    // Panasonic AE8000 // Pioneer SC-57 // Polk Audio RTi A9 // Polk Audio CSiA6 //
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  • cheddar
    cheddar Posts: 2,390
    edited September 2010
    mutelight wrote: »
    I just worry because I have a Wii out in the living room and play it less than once a month.

    You should check out the currently available games then. IMO, some of the more interesting games don't come out until 2011. At least from the ones I looked up on Amazon. If you like the current thin selection of games, then upgrade. Otherwise, why not wait until games you like come out if you don't want it to just sit around gathering dust like the Wii.

    You can also wait for black friday to come around and see if there are any deals. I'm waiting until better games come out and the current crop starts discounting.
  • grimmace19
    grimmace19 Posts: 1,429
    edited September 2010
    Played for a few minutes at best buy last night and thought it was fun. Certainly more difficult than the Wii because of it's accuracy but that is also where this thing goes the playstation route where skill is involved. I plan to get one sometime after I get back from my honeymoon. The price is very reasonable IMO and a 2nd controller is the same price as a 6-axis anyways.
  • bopicasso
    bopicasso Posts: 878
    edited September 2010
    I dont know about being more difficult than the wii, i find both on the easy side. Im flying through the challenges. But I will say that it takes some time to beat each mini game.
    Living Room setup: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH, Krell KAV 300i, PS Audio DL III DAC, Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u, Dynaudio Audience 120C+, SVS 25/31PCI, B-P-T Clean Power Center, Ps3, Panny 50" S1 Plasma, Tekline speaker cables, Audio Art interconnects, and Pangea power cables.
  • mole'
    mole' Posts: 3,160
    edited September 2010
    my kids want this now

  • silvertuner
    silvertuner Posts: 496
    edited September 2010
    i just picked this up for my son (when he gets a bit older) and the fiance's son. havent hooked it up yet tho. after using a Wii i have a feeling i will be very picky about the new ps3 equipment

    some cheap free sony speakers
    denon 1610
    3.1 channel because i hate cables ran across the living room like that
  • bopicasso
    bopicasso Posts: 878
    edited September 2010
    Its definately better than the wii in motion detection and graphics. The only thing it is lacking in is available games but that will change very soon as sony updates many games so you can use the move. Before every play, you have to calibrate the controller. So its definately more accurate. After you beat any of the bronze, silver, or gold challenges, you get to take a picture of you with the item you used in the mini game you were playing. Like in ping pong it puts a paddle in your hand. Pretty awesome!
    Living Room setup: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH, Krell KAV 300i, PS Audio DL III DAC, Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u, Dynaudio Audience 120C+, SVS 25/31PCI, B-P-T Clean Power Center, Ps3, Panny 50" S1 Plasma, Tekline speaker cables, Audio Art interconnects, and Pangea power cables.
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited October 2010
    I just got done kicking some butt in the Sports Champions gladiator game. Much better than the Wii.
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited October 2010
    IMO it absolutely demolishes the Wii. Mostly due to how much more sensitive it is, as well as the fact that it actually takes your body movements into account. Couple that with the obviously better graphics and you have a superior product.

    Hopefully, they'll start quickly building upon the meager library currently available.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • bopicasso
    bopicasso Posts: 878
    edited October 2010
    Yea, the potential is crazy, to bad they are dropping the ball....
    Living Room setup: Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH, Krell KAV 300i, PS Audio DL III DAC, Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7u, Dynaudio Audience 120C+, SVS 25/31PCI, B-P-T Clean Power Center, Ps3, Panny 50" S1 Plasma, Tekline speaker cables, Audio Art interconnects, and Pangea power cables.
  • cheddar
    cheddar Posts: 2,390
    edited October 2010
    Well, just a few games that might be interesting from browsing Amazon...

    Time Crisis and The Shoot ... October 19th
    The Fight: Lights Out ... November 9th
    Killzone 3 ... February 22nd (Wonder how well it works with the Battle Rifle attachment ... November 10th ... and in 3D too.)

    And I'm really curious about games made especially for the move's abilities like ...

    Sorcery ... April 30th
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2010
    cheddar wrote: »
    Time Crisis and The Shoot ... October 19th

    Time Crisis! Think I just found the excuse I needed to buy this thing.
  • LunaticPuma
    LunaticPuma Posts: 10
    edited October 2010
    Do all Best Buy's have a demo of this or does it just vary store to store?
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited October 2010
    Does it work on tiger woods golf?
  • cheddar
    cheddar Posts: 2,390
    edited October 2010
    Does it work on tiger woods golf?

    Yes, IIRC, 11 is patched. Althought the review I read was more excited about the possibilities for the next version when they can build in move capabilities from the start.
  • grimmace19
    grimmace19 Posts: 1,429
    edited October 2010
    Bought one tonight with leftover wedding gift cards... played for an hour and HAD A BLAST!

    I'm sweating my **** off after some gladiator battle... I have high high high hopes for this thing to continue to adapt and make the ps3 somehow even better than it was.
  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited October 2010
    cheddar wrote: »
    Yes, IIRC, 11 is patched. Althought the review I read was more excited about the possibilities for the next version when they can build in move capabilities from the start.

    Tiger 11 adapted the Move controls fairly early on. (I know this because I demonstrated it for my company.)
    // Panasonic AE8000 // Pioneer SC-57 // Polk Audio RTi A9 // Polk Audio CSiA6 //
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  • cheddar
    cheddar Posts: 2,390
    edited October 2010
    Well, after being out of stock for a month, Amazon just got more move controllers in. I got one. But checking the site, looks like they're out of stock again.

    Since I already had the playstation eye, I just got the controller. So I don't even have any games yet. But I've been playing the demos from the playstation store the last few days. This thing is amazing.

    Not only does it track the colored ball in 3D space, it accurately measures the orientation, tilt, and rotation of the wand. This makes the 'light gun' shooting games a blast, more pefectly mimics things like sports equipment, and gives mouse-like control to on screen cursors.

    If they can implement this well in FPS and RTS games, I'd say the standard controller is obsolete now for these types of games on a console. Think mouse level sniper accuracy using a rifle attachment with a mount for the navigation controller. I suppose individual games could still find a way to mess it up. But the underlying hardware is pretty solid. Hope the wait isn't too long for 'serious' games that really showcase this thing.
  • cheddar
    cheddar Posts: 2,390
    edited October 2010
    And that they ramp up production to meet demand by the holidays...
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited October 2010
    I grabbed one of these with an extra controller today at Best Buy. I've only played for an hour or so, but out of the box its immediately and significantly better than our Wii. You still have to give Nintendo credit for coming up with the idea and proving that the concept will catch on, and I almost feel bad that they are being bested by someone else at their own game, but the Move is significantly better in virtually every way.

    The one complaint I have with the Move is that you have to calibrate it every time you start a new game, which is kinda annoying, but at the same time is why its so accurate
  • sabotg
    sabotg Posts: 126
    edited October 2010
    I picked up the move about a month ago. The kids like it but there are some things that IMHO Sony could have done better. I have a projector with a 100" screen. I placed the camera on my center channel. The problem is on some of the games it requires the kids to get too close which causes them to get in the projectors light path. Also if you ask me the cable for the camera is too short. I have plans to relocate my HT gear to a wall rack and I have no idea how I'm going to extend the camera cord long enough to sit on the center channel. Perhaps a USB extender cable? One other issue, the camera isn't very good in low light situations which again in a darkened room with the projector causes issues. :rolleyes:
  • grimmace19
    grimmace19 Posts: 1,429
    edited October 2010
    ^ I agree that the camera cable is too short out of the box but the sony extender is 11 bucks.... and I'm sure a 3rd party is much cheaper. Once I decide not to be lazy I will pick up the extender so I can run the wire behind my gear rather than in front of it.

    In other news, after 2 weeks I love the move. Made an ace in disc golf earlier today finally and can't wait for some games to come out.