Speaker choice for Honda Oddysey

nicomtl Posts: 1
edited September 2010 in Car Audio & Electronics

We bought a 2007 Honda Odyssey and I want to update its speakers (I want to keep my troubles and expenses down so I am keeping the OEM head unit - plus I like the look :) ). The OEM are basically paper cones with quarter-sized magnets, so it should be easy to improve... :) The speakers are placed like this:


(I don't have the subwoofer shown in this image)

What I am looking for is to have good sound all around, including the back.

My first instinct is to just replace like-for-like and put sd6501 in the front to replace the stock 6.5 and tweeters and sd651 in the back to replace the stock 6.5 in. (the db651 will be tight in the back but someone on a Odyssey board says they will fit, and they seem much more interesting than the db651s)

Since figuring this out I have read a bit more and some people are saying that since the rear speakers are quite far back, it may be better to either remove them or put filler speakers (not quite sure what that means...).

So, any thoughts or experiences on doing this?

Thanks in advance
