Bi Wiring question

egk Posts: 13
edited November 2001 in Technical/Setup

I've read the posts regarding Bi wiring and don't understanding something. One of the posts on this forum said to remove the gold plated connectors and run a piece of speaker wire between the terminals. If that's Bi wiring, why doesn't leaving these connectors in place accomplish the same thing?
How does Bi wiring improve the sound? for example, on the RT800i, are the top and bottom terminals connected to different speakers inside the RT800i? If so, I would think removing the connectors without Bi wiring would result in no sound going to one or more of the speakers.

Please forgive the dumb questions as I'm new at this.


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  • schumach
    schumach Posts: 199
    edited November 2001
    I hope this will help. If you remove the plate and do not use a wire to connect the two post together or do not run separate wires from the amp to each post, you will not get sound out of the high or lows, depending on which post you have the single wire from the amp connected to. As far as using the wire instead of the terminal connectors, one can argue that if you use a good enough wire you will have less resistance which will give you better sound. Here is a link that has been floating around.