You guys will feel my pain...
I shall vote tube pre and Mac power.
Is that Mac PC and McIntosh amps?:D I always get the Mac thing confused since I don't own a Mac, although I did buy one for my son, I think:o
Gordon2 Channel -
Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8) -
Is that Mac PC and McIntosh amps?:D I always get the Mac thing confused since I don't own a Mac, although I did buy one for my son, I think:o
McIntosh tube preamp (ie: C220)
McIntosh poweramp (ie: last-gen MC202)I'd never buy an Apple computer. I would definitely buy McIntosh audio gear.
polkaudio Monitor 5 Series II
polkaudio SDA-1 (with the SL1000)
TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver
beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium (600 Ω) headphones
SENNHEISER HD-555 headphones
Little Dot MK IV tube headphone amp
Little Dot DAC_I balanced D/A converter -
McIntosh tube preamp (ie: C220)
McIntosh poweramp (ie: last-gen MC202)I'd never buy an Apple computer. I would definitely buy McIntosh audio gear.
**Mac poweramp (ie: MC252, which is common ground or can have strapped neg terminals)polkaudio Monitor 5 Series II
polkaudio SDA-1 (with the SL1000)
TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver
beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium (600 Ω) headphones
SENNHEISER HD-555 headphones
Little Dot MK IV tube headphone amp
Little Dot DAC_I balanced D/A converter -
Holly. have an electrician thoroughly check the house wiring FIRST. A hit like that can toast insulation and connections. I'd hate to see you gather up and fix your system only to have it burn up in an electrical fire...
Hi Everyone. Theres no question, we definitely have bad wiring now. That will have to be the first thing fixed. Especially considering, the house is wood frame. DONT EVER BUY A WOOD FRAME HOUSE IN SOUTH FLORIDA! Im waiting on the Lightening Kit from the insurance company. That should tell me what hoops I need to jump through. Fun stuff!
I truly appreciate all the great advice many of you have given me. Youve helped me figure out how to get what I want and I thank you all.
Whos Ben? Im pretty sure, I want to know Ben. -
if your speakers are fired.. no better time than to upgrade to some Polk Audio ones..PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: -
Holly. have an electrician thoroughly check the house wiring FIRST. A hit like that can toast insulation and connections. I'd hate to see you gather up and fix your system only to have it burn up in an electrical fire...
Second that thought.
What part of florida are you in Holly ?HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
Second that thought.
What part of florida are you in Holly ?
South, just outside Ft. Lauderdale.
We are having a certified electrician check out the house. -
Who’s Ben? I’m pretty sure, I want to know Ben.
Ben (ben62670) is a forum member who has rebuilt several members' crossovers for their SDA and LSi speakers; he also makes custom SDA interconnects.
Here's a post of some SDA speakers he built that could act as his rJay
SDA 2BTL * Musical Fidelity A5cr amp * Oppo BDP-93 * Modded Adcom GDA-600 DAC * Rythmik F8 (x2)
Micro Seiki DQ-50 * Hagerman Cornet 2 Phono * A hodgepodge of cabling * Belkin PF60
Preamp rotation: Krell KSL (SCompRacer recapped) * Manley Shrimp * PS Audio 5.0 - all I can say about Ben. Thanks Jay.
DO NOT RELY ON SURGE PROTECTERS OR ANYTHING ELSE TO PROTECT YOUR EQUIPMENT FROM LIGHTNING,ALWAYS UNPLUG YOUR STUFF!!!!!!.Am I shouting?Damn right I am.A direct hit from lightning can do catastrophic damage to anything that gets in its path,including surge protectors.I'm speaking from experience,mine and others.If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
DONT EVER BUY A WOOD FRAME HOUSE IN SOUTH FLORIDAIf you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
May I ask why you said this?Just curious.
My view: Bugs. It's literally impossible to cull termites or roaches as your back yard is just as a good a place for them as your house is. Combine wood with a bit of water and the problems multiply. I lived for about 3 months in an apartment building (concrete outside) along an artificial lake in the middle of Miami. We had issues with roaches meandering in, thanks in no small part to being on the first floor and having a smoker roommate who constantly went out on the patio to destroy his lungs. In major cities and tropical areas, getting disgusting vermin inside isn't a matter of cleanliness.polkaudio Monitor 5 Series II
polkaudio SDA-1 (with the SL1000)
TEAC AG-H300 MK III stereo receiver
beyerdynamic DT-880 Premium (600 Ω) headphones
SENNHEISER HD-555 headphones
Little Dot MK IV tube headphone amp
Little Dot DAC_I balanced D/A converter -
I agree with unplugging everything electrical from the wall, especially computers and stereos systems. These are items if you enjoy are more costly to replace and recover. I live in Fort Walton Beach, FL.. Surge protectors may reduce the effect but they will not stop it completely.
Decal and Wade are correct. I did have surge protectors. Its all about the amount of voltage you take.
Decal, There are three reasons why I said that:
1. I was lucky the lightning hit the dish. If it had hit the house, it could have easily burned down.
2. Hurricanes. I stayed in this house for Hurricane Wilma a category 2 storm, not very strong. I watched the house breathe. Not fun, watching your walls move back and forth. When it was over, the front end of the house had moved by three inches. I wont ever stay there again during a hurricane.
3. Bobsama was right on when he said bugs AND it has nothing to do with cleanliness.
We have termites. They are subterranean, until they find a better food source i.e. your wood frame house. Talk about eating away at your investment. If you have them, everyone within 100 yards of you has them. Tenting will reduce them for a while but, theyre still in your neighbors house and eventually, they will come back to you. They swarm twice a year, mid May and again at the end of August.
The roaches we have down here are different from the ones you see up north. These are big, 2 inches and can fly. Roaches need water every day to live; they can go without eating for a month. They live in mulch/wood. My house backs up to a canal. Practically everyones house down here backs up to a canal. Ft. Lauderdale is known as the Venice of America. Im not making that up, its on their website.