New Monitor series?

Posts: 256
so i have been keeping my eye on a CS1 at newegg because the price was like 70 bucks or something like that and i noticed it has been replaced by a new 2010 model called CS1B series II, aside from polk making the drivers shinier and doing away with the ugly silver faceplate (boy was it ugly) are there any real improvements sonically? i also noticed its sold only on newegg.
Post edited by yepimonfire on
Samsung pn64f8500
Sonus faber venere 2.5
Sf venere center
Oppo 105d
Squeezebox touch
Parasound hca1500a
Apc power filter
Audioquest cables asst
Polk rtia3 SB
Polk fxia6 sl,sr
Dual hsu vtf3 mk3