For those of you who get asked for help...

Jstas Posts: 14,804
edited June 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics
...what is the one question or at least kind of question that bugs you the most? What gets under your skin?

Also, what is the answer or at least kind answer that you give that people get pissed off about or don't want to hear the most?

The questions that I hate I see all the time here. Basically it amounts to "I have this, this, this and this so what amplifier/head-unit/reciever/cd player/tuner/whatever should I buy?" It bugs me for two reasons. Number one, each piece of equipment is different, each combination of equipment is different. they all sound different. Each person is different too. What sounds good to me will most likely not sound good to you. You have to find out for yourself. Secondly, it bugs the hell out of me because it amounts to laziness. I took the time to learn about something that interested me. I put the effort and work into it to get the knowledge to make the educated decisions. Asking me to simply tell you what to get is not going to work because I can't do that. If you wanted to just plug it together and get sound then you really are getting too far into the deep end of the market.

I know it may seem selfish to not want to have to answer those questions. They are far from stupid questions but they are quite ineffective questions to ask. They do not produce anything substantial. It's a complicated question being asked by a person with basic knowledge. For an experienced person to answer it, they have to dumb down decades of some pretty advanced science to give the guy a decent answer that they will most likely not understand anyway. So I'm not being selfish. I am aggravated by people who want the quick solution. They want me to tell them and basically get all of my time, money and education put thier use for free and they want it now. They don't want to hear or read my long-winded explination. But I can't answer any other way. They ask a general question and you have to infer from what they are asking, what they really want to know about and then base your answer on that underlying question.


It bugs the hell out of me!

As far as the answer I give that bugs people, they hate it when I say RTFM. Because I know how to work all my stuff and I am pretty good at figuring out controls and markings on equipment without reading the manuals, people think they can just explain away thier problem to me or ask me how something they have works and I'll regurgitate an answer immediatly and send them on thier merry way. People forget though that I once had to RTFM too. The difference between me and them is, I've read enough manuals to have the experience to see commonalities between pieces of equipment. I have enough general knowledge to get something up and running almost immediatly. However, I still RTFM because there is more to a piece of equipment than just the basics. If I wanted the basics, I would get a basic system. So it bugs me when people ask me that question and get mad when I refuse to give them my time to learn thier system and show them how it works when they are perfectly capable of reading an instruction manual, comprehending it and figuring it out for themselves.

Besides, 9 times out of 10, whatever you tell them goes in one ear, bounces around awhile and comes right back out the other. They end up calling on you over and over to answer the same question of "How do I do this again?" That gets aggravating too. It's like they weren't listing from the start. Then they get mad when I say "Are you gonna listen this time? 'Cause I'm not talking just to hear myself talk."

I don't mind answering effective questions. I love helping people out! I refuse however, to do thier work and learning for them.
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
Post edited by Jstas on


  • TrappedUnder Ice
    TrappedUnder Ice Posts: 975
    edited June 2003
    Only couple things really get under my skin. Vinnie has seen me in a chat room...loose it...Once I think..but here we go:

    Folks that come and ask whats the best system to buy for thier vehicle...wich pretty much relates to JSTAS post! But to add to it.. You ask how much of a budget..and they say like...$500.. Now..We all takes more then 500 to do a system...even if its super cheapo- by the time you get wires etc... 500 very hard to do! drives me nuts

    The one thing that folks get upset when I mention caps are useless... folks dont like to be told that... Truth hurts sometimes though...they have a place..and its int he

    I could list couple other things.. but I'll keep it short :)
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited June 2003
    hmmm..... there's a lot.... but here goes...

    1- i hate when they say "i have unlimited money" and i say "are u sure?" and they say "yes the sky is the limit" -- so they say "just pick me out a system all the pieces so i can buy it and do it and it'll be good" -- kinda like John's problem above only this is a derivative of it -- so i do it, takes me 2 hrs, i pick **** specifically for their car -- give them a price tag around 2500 and they say "WTF 2500 whatta u nuts... i gotz me 4 bills and twenny fiiii dolla... dats all u beez gettin"

    2- i hate when they ask stupid questions and say stuff like "i got no ohms"

    3- i hate when they try to tell me that sony is good.

    4- i hate when they try to tell me again that sony is good.

    what they give me a 'tude over...

    1- wire gauge sizes, i say "u need 2 gauge for a large class D amp" .... they say "no, i gotz me 8 gauge and itz be fine fo muh ride"

    2- when i tell them that JL is a poorly constructed line of subwoofers, including the overpriced w7, they get on my **** like flies...

    3- when i tell them that their friend's car really isn't what they shoudl judge greatness by because Pyramid speakers and a Legacy amp aren't worth much of anything.

    things they tel lme that makes me mad...

    1- "no u dontz gotz no two 81000d's or no two idmaxes, u just a poor south buffalo ni**a, f*** you"

    2- "i will kick your a** if you come to my town b****"

    3- "JL is the sh**"
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • C-Man
    C-Man Posts: 307
    edited June 2003
    Vinnie, you don't have two IDMax's running off two 81000's... and if you insist you do, come to my town and I'll kick your **** yo. God I love JL Audio. :-)
    Actually speaking of JL, my best friend just blew his 12w3's for the third time yesterday. Aparently 500 watts is too much for 'em.

    I hate... "I'm gonna go down to Walmart and buy a 300 watt Jensen amp today. Will you sell me your IDQ-10's please?"
    My answer was..... Yeah....but you're gonna funk 'em up.

    Actually what I hate about that is when people ask me if it's ok to buy a crappy amp and good subs now, since they can't afford a good amp until next month, but they really want some bass till then.
    I'm like yeah, but you better hope and pray your 1200 watt Legacy amp will put out more than just half the rated power or you're gonna fry your beautiful new Brahma 15... lol.
    "The Big C"
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited June 2003
    adire brahma on a legacy amp
    that should be on america's funniest home videos... or at least letterman.

    jensen should be regulated more strictly than cocaine.

    i agree -- ignorance regarding mixing of items really sucks -- i sit here tryin to find good stuff at a deal then some guy gets an even better deal from one of his friends but is too dumb to make the equipment last... its like... wasteful.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited June 2003
    i have the same problem with ppl saying sony is great
    thats what i hate the most
    when i have equipment in my truck that will out perform anything some people have ever heard in their life and they try to tell me sony is good
    that and bandpass....
    "i put my 12s in a bandpass and theyll hit harder than ur subs in that pos sealed box"
    number 1...EVERYONE who has ever said that to me has NOT had a louder system than mine
    which is pitiful cuz im running a sealed...theyre running a band pass
    number 2...i hate
    number 3...people that know enough about car audio that could say their subs are louder when they really are dont b/c they respect that some people like their sound accurate..some ppl like it loud
    but the "know it all guys" that work at your local best buy/circuit city are what gets me
    but i dont get mad
    its to prove how little they know
    like when the guy told me he had a 1400 watt rf and rf doesnt make a 1400 watt amp
  • boominnjoe
    boominnjoe Posts: 9
    edited June 2003
    so do you all get upset when us, minor knowledge polk addicts ask you all questions, cause what may seem dumb to you we might not know. i am 100% totally into car audio, but i will be honest i dont know dick. i am not trying to be an ****, but i dont want to piss you guys off. i was excited when i heard about this forum cause i could finally get some help. please let me know if you all get frustrated by the questions cause i dont want to piss anyone off. plus i had one to ask but i will refrain for now. just keep in mind that for us audio freaks like me who dont know dick we rely on you advise and opinions for help. please dont take this as me getting rude, i just want to know what is up :(:):confused:
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,804
    edited June 2003
    Ummm....nobody is saying that you can't ask questions. That is not what this thread was about. This thread is about things that get asked that are really not answerable. Nobody is pissed off about anything. All anyone is really complaining about is how people ask questions that don't have simple answers or don't think about questions before they ask them.

    If you feel intimidated then I'm sorry. Get over it and ask your question. No one said you couldn't ask. But if you are shy about a question that you think may be ineffective, don't blame me or anyone else. Just be prepared to accept and answer you may not like. That's all anyone is saying.

    So ask your questions and give as much info about the question as possible and you will get the best answer anyone can give. None of us is opposed to helping out someone who is interested. We are opposed to lazy people who ask questions that they are perfectly capable of asking themselves and people who give you an attitude because they didn't like the answer they got.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited June 2003
    actually i like naswering questions --- i just hate sony and JL :)

    basically -- if i dont answer a post -- then i probably am slightly irritated by it -- however my irritation is no guage of whether or not u deserve an answer (since i, by nature, am a hot head).
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge