Rta11t upgrades

Sticks140 Posts: 2
edited June 2010 in Vintage Speakers
I'm taking my 11t's out of storage and hooking them up to a new Outlaw RR2150. I haven't done any upgrades to them and I need help deciding what to do first. I'm seeing upgrade kits on ebay. Are these ok to buy? Are they difficult for novice to install? If the drivers seem ok, would it make sense to switch any out just because of their age? ( they are original). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,:rolleyes:
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  • Dominion
    Dominion Posts: 69
    edited June 2010
    start with the tweeters, you can get them from Polk CS. you can do better than the kits on e-bay. and your drivers should be fine.
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited June 2010
    I would avoid the ebay kits, you could do much better on your own or by having someone here do them.

    As for the drivers, I would upgrade the tweeters. As long as the rest of the drivers are ok, I would leave them be.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • mhmacw
    mhmacw Posts: 832
    edited June 2010
    i have no problem with the ebay kit! ray is a great guy! my 11t with the ebay upgrade leave my 1c's in the dirt! 35 bucks for the ebay kit....beats the hell out of being talked into 200 for some name brand stuff.
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited June 2010
    The components in those ebay kits are about as cheap as it comes. Using those caps is hardly even an upgrade...it's more of a "refreshing". If you're looking for an actual upgrade, and not just bringing your speakers back to original spec, you'd be best off to stay away from those ebay kits.

    You can do MUCH better with other components, and for not a whole lot more money.
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  • Sticks140
    Sticks140 Posts: 2
    edited June 2010
    Being a rookie, the ebay kit makes it alot easier. I would have no idea how to put together any of this. Any suggestions? Will putting in a new sl2000 tweeter do any good? All I read on this forum is how much better the 3000 is.
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,557
    edited June 2010
    The RDO194 is the drop in upgraded tweeter.
  • WastelandWand'r
    WastelandWand'r Posts: 466
    edited June 2010
    The RDO-194 is a direct replacement for your sl's. Contact Polk CS and tell them you are a member, free shipping and 20% off. Get them, put them in and listen for a few hundred hours to see if you are satisfied with the sound.
    If the upgrade bug is still there, check the schematics posted on the stickys under 'Vintage Speakers' to see what values you need for the capacitors and resistors. Some replacement values are very reasonably priced, others make you pucker up thinking about ordering them. :eek:

    Anyways, start with tweeters, and take your time. You may find that their sound to you is just fine as they are.

    Happy Trails,
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  • jax3822
    jax3822 Posts: 88
    edited June 2010
    Let the original tweeters re-break in again before you rush to start "upgrading". My 11t's were one of my all-time favorite speakers. I did the rdo upgrade and hated it. Went back to stock tweeters and found that vintage Polk sound again.