Hollywood Video Going Out of Business Sale

Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
edited June 2010 in Music & Movies
Today I stopped into my local HV store to see what they had to offer.

To the club, overall advisement rates a "beware."

1. Current BR disks that have not been used are on "sale" price above what is on the shelf by "not going out of business" suppliers;

2. Discs that have been rented are priced at around what "in business" retailers are pricing for used CD's/DVDs.

3. They (at least the Hollywood Video store I visited) are offering many obscure DVDs at the $6.99 price range.

I bought two DVD there @ $7 apiece. Stuff to round out my video collection. The cashier actually stated to me during that their "going out of business sale prices" were very poor.

This reminds me of when Circuit City was going out of business. Their "bargain" prices are not very good if you are a savvy shopper.

Post edited by Hillbilly61 on


  • polkatese
    polkatese Posts: 6,767
    edited May 2010
    Yep. HV took $160 from me two weeks ago right after the banner went up. Having been to CompUSA, GG, CC bullcrap going-out-of-business sales, I should've known better. I tallied up my lost after the the spend, About $22 compared to my favorite store, Amazon.

    Dusted off and learned from it. Again.
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • Hillbilly61
    Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
    edited May 2010
    Keiko wrote: »
    Heard a rumor that BlockBuster is going belly up also. Haven't rented anything from those over priced bastages in a long time. The Mom & Pops store we rented from recently shut down. We signed up on Netflix and like the service so far. With Netflix streaming via my PS3, I canceled most all of my premium channels with Time Warner and saving about 50.00 a month now. Check out amazon for used titles, Lee. I've scored some good deals there a lot of times.

    Yea, I've gotten some good deals with Amazon too. My 'personal' "Mom and Pop" video store is still hanging on and they readily have the business sense to buy what is popular from a new release standpoint and then offload the surplus after them at true bargain prices when rentals slow down. I buy them when they start to make room.

    As far as I can see, their only "miss" has been the "Hurt Locker." They only bought a couple copies of it and, since the Oscars, the videos remain off the shelf; renting around.

  • reberly
    reberly Posts: 173
    edited May 2010
    I have never figured out why we need the physical stores to sell cellphones. How much would cellphones and their service cost if there were no physical stores?
    Onkyo TX-SR805
    Polk LSi15 , LSiC, LSiFX
    Parasound Halo A52
    Panasonic 42'' Plasma
    Oppo BDP-83
    Panamax 4300
    Audioquest cables
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited May 2010
    The same.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • reberly
    reberly Posts: 173
    edited May 2010
    ok, how much more profit to the company and passed on to me through stock could I make
    Onkyo TX-SR805
    Polk LSi15 , LSiC, LSiFX
    Parasound Halo A52
    Panasonic 42'' Plasma
    Oppo BDP-83
    Panamax 4300
    Audioquest cables
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited May 2010
    What am I, your stock broker? Take an educated guess based on trends and similar based companies with mutual, publically traded companies under their ownership.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited May 2010
    it would take a moron not to realize netflix is evil. my mom and pop is hanging in we did lose another small chain store in town though, so when you have redbox and netflix this is a good thing.......sure it is, well, if your a moron it is.

    how about some water stocks...got any stuff on liquids....

  • 32deuce
    32deuce Posts: 49
    edited May 2010
    A problem with Netflix, is titles can be on a "very long wait" list. I know of one, which we wanted to see 3 months ago, and its still not available!

    Right now, i have 3 listed in my queue...2 very long waits, and 1 long wait. This isnt acceptable to us.

    I hope Blockbuster isnt going out of business, as they have titles in at a faster rate, but a little slower on delivery.

    Oh, and Netflix charges extra for blu-ray, blockbuster doesnt.
  • Hillbilly61
    Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
    edited May 2010
    My "Mom and Pop" video store seems to be in tune with things and show no sign of going out of business (fingers crossed). New stuff arrive constantly and once things slow down, rental wise, the copies get rotated out ... down to a fewer copies available. For example, they are now advertising the "Book of Eli" and it is releasing next week or so. 2012 DVDs are on the "buy it used" shelf.

    Their selection is not real broad, but at least they seem to know how to "pick and choose 'em" re. what brings in income to them. Things they overbuy on, they put into their $10 for sale shelf fairly quickly. I recently bought "Amelia" and "2012" DVDs as a used combo they had with a twofer $10 sale they had going on in the used, for sale, rack.
  • Hillbilly61
    Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
    edited May 2010
    reberly wrote: »
    I have never figured out why we need the physical stores to sell cellphones. How much would cellphones and their service cost if there were no physical stores?

    Your query is off topic, but I saw why a month or so ago:

    Through his work, my 18 year old son toasted his cell phone. He is on my phone plan. With his phone dead, this was a very minor crises of sorts. It needed to be replaced right away. So he went to the local ATT store and paid out of his pocket for a slightly discounted phone right away ... couldn't wait for the delay of not being connected via a better deal order that would take a week or so.

    I was at the phone store, as I own the phone account. He needed me to authorize things, but he paid the $.

    I grew up in the 70s and 80s and not having a phone by my side 24/7 is something I know how to live with at least for an week or so. Oh well....
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited June 2010
    Wow, I didn't even know Hollywood video still existed, ours around here went out of business like 7 years ago. Blockbuster is heading the same way, only one I know of anymore, everywhere else closed.

    Its too bad, but paying 5 bucks for a new release and 7 for a game was a little ridiculous for my taste.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • Busta
    Busta Posts: 12
    edited June 2010
    Tons in my area are currently closing along with Blockbuster.
  • grimmace19
    grimmace19 Posts: 1,429
    edited June 2010
    after a quick look at my rental history just of shipped blu rays and doing a cost of each i'm only paying about 2 bucks a rental NOT including all of the streaming ive done. Though redbox may be "cheaper" i don't have to worry about 1 day rentals and get everything on bluray instead.
  • Uilleann
    Uilleann Posts: 159
    edited June 2010
    With the extremely bloated rental prices for new releases and blu-rays, along with the added hassle of having to drive half-way across town in a rush to avoid insane late charges...

    Is it any wonder why so many of the b&m stores are loosing customers in droves? We used to have a local Hasting's that rented new releases for 3$, and older titles for $1 a night. You kept them for as long as you wanted then (similar to Redbox and Netflix today) knowing exactly what you would owe. Titles were pretty decent, with the occasional wait for the brand new stuff. But nothing any worse than what you find today. They did CD's as well.

    We rented a couple blu-rays last week, and got socked with $10 in late charges for being three days over their due date. Fastest way to loose a customer in my book, is to charge them for being one. Late fees like that are a complete joke.
    AVR: Denon X3200W
    Mains: Polk TSx440T
    Center: Polk CS10
    Surround: Polk TSi300
    Sub: Polk PSW110
    Video: LG OLED65B6P Panel
    BDP: Sony BDP-S6500 Blu-ray player
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,616
    edited June 2010
    There hasn't been a mom and pop store for video for years around here.
    Places like Hollywood and Blockbuster put them out of business.
    I hate Blockbuster at a level I can't even describe. I paid a late fee every time I rented
    the next video. I even tried walking them in and dropping them off face to face.
    I'd go back a week or two later, another late fee.
    The best day of my life was going to Netflix and leaving those PR**KS
    behind. I hope Blockbuster's CEO blows his brains out after he declares
    closing the company. Did I mention I don't like them much?
    Netflix evil? No, just a better business model. Neither good or bad.
    They aren't as good as when I started with them. There's a shipping
    center for the movies about 10 miles away, so they show up here like clockwork
    normally. Blu-ray stuff seems to be the real wait times.
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson